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myOtaku.com: Lone Vampiress

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


It all started off when I was walking towards my moms car, I got right near it and she leaves me, Cause she "didnt see me" HELLO REAR VIEW MIRROR!, Then I get home (after being at school for a friggin hour) and my button on my pants is about to come off, then I slam my head inside the fridge door, as in it was open my head was against the other side and the door slamed it between the two sides! Then I find black stuff on my pants, then my mom says that she feels like she is going to have a heart attack, then my best friend told me last night that she didnt wanna be with her boyfriend anymore and I offered to tell him that, and she said okay, we can after you get home from school, well I dont lie to my friends, its fucking hard, I see him at trade school and he gets it out of me, WELL I come home today, and she fucking says that she doesnt wanna break up with him, FUCK IF YOUR HAVING DOUBTS WHY BE WITH THE PERSON!!! GOD!!!! Then just walla go I burned my fucking arm with cabbage juice..YES CABBAGE JUICE OF ALL FRIGGIN THIGNS..So now I have a big red friggin burn mark.. GOD!!!

*breaths then yells incoherent thigns*

So yeah today has been really fucking fucked up. OH YEAH I FORGOT, one of my friends is trying to pick a fight with one of my other friends, so yaeh its been so fucking bad okay BAD BAD BAAAAAAAAAAD!!!

I have fucking anger managment problems, I can not take shit like this, I will fucking blow up at someone for no god dang reason, That and I have emotional problems, I am about to have an emotional breakdown just like the saturday before mothers day I had an emotional break down followed by a Panic Attack, right now its taking all I have to night faint, Im breathing in 5secs, breathing out 5 secs. I am about to have a panic attack, this is too much stress for me.
Well I gotta go and call Andy and tell him that Alicia isnt going to break up with him, and prolly have a worse fucking day!

Pics of Me-
Normal me

"Yeah I know im ugly.."
Punk me(lol)

"like my eye make-up ^-^ haha..this was in my bathroom"

Yes im fat and ugly but I dont give a freaking fuck!

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