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| Lone Vampiress
Sunday, June 26, 2005

I dono if those pics will work or not..but anywho. Today My sister, dad, brother, sister-in-law, and me went to the water valley flea market. I bough this cute little oriental jewerly box, which fits perfectly with my room. My room is in oriental. heh..-___-. I cant wait till we get direct tv, I have been so sad with out my cartoon network [adult swim] anima. heh..Also we went swimming today. Tomorrow my sister will be going back to my grandmas =(. Anywho!! Back to the story..ahem..oh and if yawl have any questions about the story, or feel lost pm me ^__^ i will explain!..yes..anywho..
First Day of School
She walked over to her bags and changed clothes. Of course wearing all black, with her spiked necklaces and gothicish makeup on.
Kimi looked at her and sighed.
"Sorry to be the one to tell you this Kura, but you have to wear a uniform."
"What!? But I dont own any uniforms." Kura protested.
"My daughter has some in her closet dear." Kimi smiled.
"Oh god..Please tell me the uniforms isnt pink!?" Kura said before thinking.
"No..of course not." Kimi said a little hurt.
Kura felt bad for saying that. Not knowing where her daughter was. For all she knew Kimis daughter might be dead. She knew how it felt to lose a loved one.
"I'am sorry Kimi, I'm just used to dark colors. In the Mental Hospital the only thing we could wear was white or black. So I'am just not used to pink, thats all. Its really a .. lovely.. color." Kura smiled.
Kimi perked up a little after that. "Oh its okay dear no worries, but you better hurry or youll be late for school!"
"Yes of course." Kura ran upstairs and went to her room.
She rushed over to the closet and opened the door. The uniform was actually a decent color. It was black and blue. The shirt was half sleeves, solid black with blue lines down the sides, but the skirt...oh was short. She was disgusted by it. She took her clothes off, and jerked the uniform on. She ran down stairs and rushed out side hollering behind her. "Bye Kimi see you later!"
She rushed over to her motorcycle and hoped on putting her helment on. She cranked the motorcycle up and sped down towards school she flew into the parking lot and parked the motorcycle and jumped off. She began to run towards school, but forgot she had her helment on still so she ran back to the motorcycle took it off and ran back towards the school.
She ran up the huge steps, and ran down the hallway towards the conselours office.
"Miss!! Miss!! Stop running in the halls!!" Some lady screamed behind her.
She came to a sudden stop and looked behind her.
"Sorry, I'm knew." Kura said.
"Oh you must be Kura, I am Ms.Truss, the councilor."
"Oh, please to meet you Ms. Truss."Kura said politely.
"Let me take you to your first class and introduce you." Ms.Truss said.
Kura looked at the womens features. She was a plump motherly type of woman. Her hair was up in a tight bun, and she was wearing a skirt down to her ankles. Kura wished her skirt was that long.
"Ms.Truss, must our skirts be this short, its rather..uncomfortable."Kura said with a sigh.
Ms.Truss laughed. "Dont worry, I am sure no one will notice. All of the girls skirts is that short. I mean it could be shorter it could be 7inches past the knee, but its only 4 inches. I am sorry if the uniforms are uncomfortable."
"Its okay, I will manage I suppose." Kura smiled.
"Well here is your first class. Its with Mr.Rodgers, there is only 10 other students that take this class. They are all 18 like you, and they didnt pass this class in 10th grade. But all your other classes you will have around 40-70 students."
"40 to 70 students!!"Kura exclaimed.
"Dont worry, you'll do fine." Ms. Truss said with a smile.
Ms.Truss and Kura entered the class room. Kura gulped a little bashful.
"Class this is our transfer student,Kura Ching, from Hong Kong. She speaks perfect english befor any of you ask. Any questions?" Ms.Truss said.
No one raised there hands. Kura finally relaxed and breathed.
"You can sit right there in the back, Ms. Ching." Mr. Rodgers said.
She walked to the very back of the class and sat down. Looking at Mr.Rodgers. He was a very old man, by the looks of him. He had a grey mustache, and big huge glasses. And he was bald.
"Incase no one told you, I teach art. I expect A's in my class and nothing lower than a B+. You will need paper, pencil, colored pencils, markers, glue, siccors, oil paints, paint brushes, blank canvas's, a camera, and art pencils for my class. You must have these untensils in 3 days. If you fail to show up with out them then you will get 2 0's. Is that understood Ms. Ching."
"Yeah."Kura said hating the man already.
"Ms.Ching, you probably wasnt taught manners by your parents, but its a yes sir or no sir in my class room."
"I guess your right..Mr. Rodgers. I wasnt taught manners by my parents..seeing how they died." Kura said furiously.
"Well, now..thats not my problem."Mr.Rodgers said coldly.
Kura just rolled her eyes and keeped her mouth shut.
"Anyways back to the lesson." Mr.Rodgers said in a happy tone.
Kura paid him no attention. She looked around the class room. It wasnt well lit, and very small, barely fitting the 10 desks. There was only one window and the shades were down. There was 7 guys and only 2 other girls. Kura inspected the guys out one by one. 'ugly...eww hideous!...gross..eats his own boogars EWW...foogly little boogar....and...yet again nasty.' Kura sighed. She looked over at the girls, sitting beside each other. Obviously friends by the way the whispered and giggled. They were about Kuras size, one with short blonde hair the other with medium red hair. The red hairedo ne wore glasses. Their skirts WAS as short as hers. 'I wonder if they feel as uncomfortable as I do' Kura thought and sighed and turned away.
The bell rang to change classes. She jumped up from her desk and rushed out of the door to bet the crowd.
"Kura!! Hey Kura!!" Someone yelled behind her.
Kura frowned and turned around to see those two girls.
"Hey, My name is lindsey, and this is Ray." The blonde haired one said with a smile.
"We have the same classes as you do, and we figured you might need a little guidence to your next class." The red haired one named Ray said.
"Uhm..sure I suppose." Kura said and followed Ray and Lindsey.
"You can just call me Lin!" Lindsey said.
"Okay" Kura said.
Kura finished 5 other periods, and it was finally lunch time.
"You can sit with us at the lunch table Kura." Ray said with a smile.
"Okay, that would be great." Kura said returning the smile.
They got their lunches and all sat down at the table eating.
"So, do you drive yourself to school Kura."Ray asked.
"Yeah, I drive a motorcycle." Kura said.
"Oh you mean that black one!" Lin said.
"Yeah thats the one." Kura said with a smile. "Why..?"
"No one here drives motorcycles, they all have cars basically. So I saw the odd thing out there. It is totally awesome!!" Lin said.
"Uhm..Thanks" Kura said.
"Well the good thing about having lunch at the end of the day is that you can leave right after you eat!" Ray said.
"Oh thank goodness..I am literally tired. It has been a strange day." Kura said.
"Yeah most first days are." Ray said.
"Well I guess I am going to go you guys. Nice meeting you, and see you monday." Kura said getting up to leave.
"Hey wait heres my phone number!"Lin said.
"And mine!" Ray said.
"Call use sometime over the weekend and we can get together over a smoothie and go shopping or something." Lin said.
"That sounds fun!" Ray said.
"I will you guys. Bye see you later." Kura said with a smile and left.
Kura hoped on her motorcycle and left the hideous school behind filled with its freaks and weirdos. She arrived at Kimis and got off her bike.
She walked through the door and yelled. "KIMI IM BACK!!"
"Hey dear, welcome home!"Kimi said with a smile.
Kura thought 'home..' and sighed.
"I am going to go take a nap it has been a long day." Kura said with a yawn.
"Okay dear." Kimi said and walked off.
Kura walked upstairs and entered her bed room. She sat on her bed and sighed. There in the confines of her room, where no one could see she cried. "I miss you mom..and dad.." She said between sobs.
Something started to glow in her room. She wiped her eyes, and looked around to figure out what was glowing. She find where it was comming from. It was in the moutain of stuff animals. She flung animals everywhere, and there amongst the stuff animals was a pink jewel glowing.
Kura heard a faint whisper 'O..choosen one....the other world is in is in need of your the other world...its in grave danger...'
Kura frowned a little frightened and lost by what the voice had said. She picked the jewel up and looked into it.
Kura fainted on the floor, by an overwhelming power entering her.
2 be continued..
Yeap I have wrote a lot today.. Sorry if it seems boring! But when she goes into the other world it will get MUCH MUCH better hehehehee ^___^. Well anyways please comment! I am going to go now and watch a movie ^-^ heehee. Take care yawl! |
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