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| Lone Vampiress
Friday, July 1, 2005
Hidely Ho! [hate that lol]
Well I went swimming today for 2 hours and those white ducks come up to the dock, but my dog barked at them and they went away. She even barked at the sea-dews and boats lol shes a sweet protector!! anyways...
yeah I went crazy with quizes again. I found this new site to take I went a little wild with it..but anywho i am sure there's a quiz for everyone here..hahaha!
 A complex personality, you appeal only to two kinds of people - those who accept everything at face value and, most importantly, those who deeply understand the greater things you believe in. Skeptics are hard to win over, but those who like you will respect you forever. What Kind Of Anime/Manga Are You?
 A woman trapped in a girl's body (or a girl trapped in a woman's mind?), you are bursting with inspiration, dreams and abilities! You hold the simple belief that nothing can stand in your way, giving you the courage to move forward and pursue your desires. However, because your view of the world is so simple, you often overlook life's necessary little details. Don't get too swept away by your dreams that you forget to look at what's right in front of you. Which Love Hina Girl Are You?
 Which Evangelion Child Are You?
Have You Ever Been Mellow? Dreamy, artistic and imaginitive! You find youself constantly wanting to create. You're good with your hands and have a way with the written word. Your ideal partner would know how to appreciate both you and your art. What's your DDR theme?
yes i am done with the quizes..for now..heh..oh oh wait heres another 'en from sky's site..heh ^-^

What Personality Do You Have?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
there now i am done with the quizes foooor sure!
heh..I just signed up on this site, where you can read manga for free, and they send you a free magazine all about manga no charges at ALL, and uhm, yeah its awesome! its at>
now to the story
Haunting Memories Returned**
Kura ran and ran until she couldnt anymore. Everytime she had the urge to cry, she had to get away from everyone. She couldnt let anyone see her cry, she didnt like people feeling sorry for her, or comforting her. She just wanted to cry, all alone. She proped her back up against a tree and sled down to the earthy ground tears rolling down her cheeks. There Kura began to sob, and weep. The images of her parents blood everywhere, their heads rolling away from their bodies. The mans face, his twisted smile flashed through her head. Kura cried hysterically, frightened and sad at the same time.
Kiro heard Kuras cries and ran faster to where he heard her. Finally finding her he hid in the bushes watching her intently.
"Why!! WHY DID YOU TAKE MY PARENTS AWAY FROM ME!!" She cried loudly.
Kiro watched as the strange mortal Kura cried her eyes out over her parents. He felt sympathy for her, he never has felt sympathy for anyone before.
"Kura?"Kiro said.
Kura looked up quickly and wiped her tears away as if nothing was wrong she said. "Yeah what is it" and sniffled.
"Why are you hiding and crying?"
"I'm not crying!" Kura denied furiously.
"But..You were"
Kura looked down. "Just leave me alone."
"I cant do that Kura. Not when your in pain." Kiro took a step closer to her.
"Do..not...touch me!!" Kura screamed and a pink light shot out towards Kiro. Kiro jumped and dodged it, and the pink light sliced through 3 trees making big holes.
"Holy shit you almost blew me into pieces!" Kiro said.
Kura blinked amazed. "Wow.."
Kiro frowned. "Do you not care that you almost killed me!!"
Kura looked up at him with a serious face and said. "Uhm..No not really." And started walking back towards camp.
Kiro sighed and caught up with her.
"So your parents are.."Kiro being noisy asked.
"They are dead, no i do not want to talk about nor will i ever with someone like you now shut up and leave me alone, thank you, good bye!"Kura said and ran off towards camp.
Kiro stared at her as she ran. 'Slow mortal' he thought and jumped into the air, immediatly landing at camp.
"Yoko!!" Kiro yelled.
"Yeah what ya want?"Yoko said.
"You shall show me respect your ugly pink guy creature! What are you gay or something." Kiro laughed.
Yoko trembled with anger. "HOW...DARE...YOU..INSULT..ME!!!" Yoko grew into an enmorous pink monster and roared.
Kiro seemed to shrink and said. "Yoko dont threaten me or I will kill you."
Yoko went back to normal. "What ever just stop taunting me"
Kura finally arrived at camp out of breath. She saw Kiro and froze still then fell over. She quickly got back up and yelled. "How did you get here so fast!! You were behind me!!"
Kiro looked at her and simply answered. "I jumped."
Kuro threw her hands up in the air "I give up"
Yoko looked at her and smiled. "He is rather annoying isnt he!"
"Yes Yoko he is!" Kura replied.
Kiros ears stood up and he sniffed the air.
"What does the doggy need to go pee-pee!?"Kura taunted him.
He simply frowned and looked around at the woods.
"We are not safe here. There is something very evil out there." Kiro said with much seriousness. Kiros samuri sword with japanesse letters that said [the one who loved no one] began to glow. Kiro pulled at his sword and got ready to fight what was comming.
"Run or Hide, just get away and hurry!" Kiro said.
Kura and Yoko went into the bushes to watch the battle scene take palce.
2 b continued
hope yawl are enjoying the story, and hope yawl have fun with the quizes. Take Care!!
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