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Cassidy (but u can call me Cass)
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| Lonely Memories
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Monday, May 28, 2007
dedicated to Cherry Blossom Princess (u know who u are)
Memories that hurt u deep inside
they pierce your heart
they pierce your soul
u want to hide from them, but how
there deep inside u
always there before u
once u know where to look
and soon their meaning becomes clear to u
there here to stay.
there memories that cannot be shut away
meemories that are here to bind u
in regret
in betrayal
so that every move u make
masks a will of iron
before its to late
so that every time u speak
your words are guarded
your emotions are hidden
cause u learned your lesson well
that u cant trust the world around u
PS. Ch5 is down there\
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(Title: A Legacy to Remember) Chapter 5- History
the Next Day Celie woke late, due to all the gossiping, as Yen called it, all through last night. the elders had been bustling around lately, more than usual. when Celie had asked why all she had got was a few sharp snaps from a rather sharp, elder.
Celie sat on a rough cedar branch and dangled her feet above the ground. she was waiting for archery-session to begin. a few sharp chirps echoed through the forest. her angled ears caught the sound even b4 her eyes saw the sea-blue colored bird dart into the air b4 her. she turned her head up to face the bird. she smiled as she watched it nestle into the leafy branch beside her, turning its head toward her as if to say well, arent u going? with a sigh, she slipped off the branch and raced into the forest, and out into a brightly lit meadow. the rest of her group was already there, some turning their heads to stare at her as she emerged from the tall trees. "ummm..." she started, uncertaintly. "Celie," eris-Aramil asked sternly "where is your bow?" seeing Celie stare, he muttered,"never mind, never mind, take the new one Kane made yesterday." Celie walked stiffly over and picked up an ebony black bow, tipped with murky silver at the tips. as everybody took their places, eris-Aramil stood by the side, to supervise. "Ready..." Celie nocked an arrow and strung it, as did the others. ". . .Fire!" eris-Aramil nearly bellowed, pausing to scowl at those fumbling with their bowstrings. Celie lifted her bow, so that it was on the same level with her eye, pulled back with all her strength ...and let it fly. her arrow flew swift and straight, her heart leaped for joy, but quickly sank when she saw a stray arrow knock hers off course. "What?!!" Celie stared, and blinked. she strung another arrow, gave it her all and watched it fly. only to have another arrow shoot it down, as it neared her target. she turned her head, only a bit, but it was enough to see an elvon girl, cock her head and smirk. "Elix! what was that for?" Celie cried, outraged. "oh? it was yours? i'm so sorry" Elix called back, mockingly, "i was just shooting down all the arrows that might reach the tree-targets," Celie grunted, and turned back to her own bow, too bad, the field's too full of flying arrows for eris-Aramil to see that Elix she thought his sight is not what it used to be Celie slid her eyes over the field to watch one of her friends, Kay, shoot an arrow. Celie watched the arrow near its target, and then, another arrow seemed to be flying toward a collision course with Kay's arrow. she stared, Elix! she jumped up to tell Kay, but stopped herself. with a sly smirk, she slid an arrow onto her bowstring and aimed it toward the colliding arrow, and released. her arrow skimmed through the air, narrowly missing someone else's arrow. she watched it smack into Elix's. both of their arrows tumbled back to earth. Celie heard Elix swear and saw her release another arrow toward Kay's second one. once again Celie shot and once again Elix cursed. Celie grinned at Elix when she scowled at her, having finally found out that Celie was the one shooting down her arrows. now, this is a lot more fun than simply aimming at targets
. . . . . .
Celie sat down under an astounding oak, its branches reaching far out, entwining themselves with the branches of an oak nearby so that it seemed that its branches never ended. she watched as the others took their places on the soft grass, as eris-Sandor crouched down at his spot in front of his group of students. but just as he opened his mouth to begin teaching a tall elder elvon stepped out from behind the trees. "Sandor, may i have a word with u?" "why of course."he replied. the pupils watched their teacher stand to talk with the council member. they were whispering and Celie could only catch the word 'warriors', 'fight' and 'hurry'. when they were done the elder elvon seemingly slipped back into the trees again, as eris-Sandor took his place in front of his class. "I am afraid we will have to skip our lesson on dwarfs and their clans." several of the elvons in Celie's group whooped, but were quickly silenced by eris-Sandor's stern glare. "we are going to learn about werewolves and the GrassRetches instead." his forehead furrowed with worry, "i am afraid... u will need to know this for the upcoming months." the elvons murmured among themselves, Kay whispered to Celie "u dont think there really will be a fight do u?" her brows raised in question. "i'm not ...exactly sure," Celie's eyes held a far away look as she thought about the scar on her leg that had only healed to a simple closure, its markings remained. eris-Sandor cleared his throat as he began, "Long ago when our clan was new to this land, the wolves roamed. their sizes varrying from as large as an adult elvon to as small as an infant. but dangerous they all were. some could speak our language and some could shapeshift, and diguise themselves as one of us. but those were rare. they fought among each other, pack versus pack but once in a thousand years they massed together and raged a war to us, the elvons. their reasons were unclear when we asked them why, their only response was to bite and slash, forcing us to fight back. these wars raged for numerous years. but along these years several of us seemed to 'disappear' into the night. these nights were when usually some of us were attacked in our sleep. this attack killed hundreds, accumulating over the years. which is why we warriors," he coughed and avoided Elix's laughing eyes, "sleep in the trees and the common folk sleep in huts, surrounded by our sleeping trees, deep in the forest. so that IF indeed, a wolf wanders into our mist, hoping to slaughter a villager or two, us warriors may crawl silently from our perches in the trees to kill the creeping wolf. but..." Kay interrupted," why do u speak of wolves in such great hatred, if u yourself dont know their reason to kill?" eris-Sandor's eyes widened, "Because they have killed many of us! and now plaese let me continue," ignoring Kay's attempt to speak,"but it seemed that whenever a single one of us were not resting high in a tree, and instead were resting alone on the forest floor, we would be attacked in our sleep. it was a strange case indeed," he continued" if we were out, alone on the floor, asleep, or taking a stroll, we would be attacked by a wolf. these attacks were on the nights of the Full Moon. but even stranger was that the wolves seemed to know all our exits, entrances and the quietest way to slip in and out unnoticed." Celie shuddered. my attack was also on the night of the full moon. Yen raised her hand, "wasnt Yura's attack on the night of the full moon?" "u mean ERIS-Yura dont u? yes, why it was. she seemed to have disappeared of her own accord afterwards."he replied. "how do u know they didnt Drag her off?"Yen questioned. "Footprints! Footprints!" he grunted "there were no pawprints." "there Were no FOOTprints either," Yen challenged,"and u said some of those wolves seemed to have become very clever in sneaking in and out of the forest." everyone in the group looked at eris-Sandor. he sighed"we all have to assume she did; there is no need to create false troubles. besides, who are u to think u could challenge me?" Yen flicked her head in the air and slanted an eyebrow,"i was on the patrol that discovered that." an uncomfortable silence filled the air as eris-Sandor didnt reply. Kay mumbled softly "ummm... why dont u contine the lesson now, eris-Sandor?" her voice echoed through the clearing and left it silent. then eris-Sandor coughed "why of course Kay. u see the council eventually came to the conclusion that their was a spy among us, a rare shapeshifter- wolf. then came the time when for 2 years everyone was watched closely by the warriors. but even that didnot satisfy the council members, for they thought 'what if a warrior themself was a spy, but what if one of the villagers were a spy?' but deep inside all their thoughts was also 'what if one of Us, council members are a spy as well?' and so u see for the next several years, the clan fell into dispute, each elvon for himself. Trust had vansihed from the clan and so had order. elvons turned on each other. this lasted for 4 years, a sad and dangerous time. but one night a wolf pack attacked an unprotected group of villagers and all at once worry for each other and hatred for the wolves returned. and that inspired order back into our minds, as well as peace and trust. once again was our forest was well protected and once again we withstand the wolves." Sara had fallen asleep and was snoring quietly next to Celie. Celie nudged her and Sara snapped back awake. staring at eris-Sandor's moving mouth, as her eyelids slowly descended and she dropped back to sleep, murmuring "...its still not over ...yet....?" as she slowly started snoring again, Celie sighed and scrolled her eyes in response to Kay's questioning glance. ". . .and so u see the legend of the werewolf started in our clan because of some idiot who tried to howl like a wolf." Yen raised her hand, eris-Sandor ignored it so Yen started talking anyway, "so u dont believe in werewolves? how do u know if that 'idiot' was actually a werewolf morphing back into the form of an elvon?" "they arent real, nor are they true," he stated blandly. Yen didnt reply, instead she stared into the distance. a crunching of gravel and loud talking was heard, coming closer and closer at each breath. eris-Sandor grunted "sounds like my next class." he strectched and yawned. Celie's tree-group got up and stretched. the next class approached. oh look, its the Pine-group Celie grunted. the other group approached, eyeing them in something near to digust. Celie sneered back. "well, well, well. if it isnt the Elm-group." an elvon Celie identified as Baree spoke. "oh, that must have been the oldest line u have ever said," Elix replied mockingly, "dont bother acting like you're better than us, if u want a fight, we'll bring it." she crossed her arms. even though Elix was mean to her, Celie loved her in a fight. "oh yeah," an elvon named Lyda snarled. "hush, hush. Elm, i believe it is your afternoon break and i believe u should go now and not waste it."eris-Sandor said calmly "Pine please take your seats." as the Elm-group walked away, Lyda said in a stage whisper "good thing that group left, they were awfully rude." Elix called back "look who's talking. and who would Want to stay with Your group!" Kay laughed out loud.
XP -.-
look down for Chapter 4
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
Chapter 4-Morning
the Sun rose slowly, above the scared old Tree-tops of the Dark Forest . . .
on a particular branch of an enormus elm, Celie sat, eyes closed, her still position awaiting the dawn sun.
suddenly she felt her little branch snap and heave. she turned her head to see Ray swing onto her branch and seat himself. Celie felt her branch drop lower with the added weight. ''get off !!'' she hissed at Ray, "or this whole branch is going to snap off!!! why didnt u just sit on one of the bigger ones?!" "i wanted to..."he started. a voice rang from below,"shut up! how come u ppl have to argue at the crack of dawn?!" Celie groaned, now Yen was awake as well. Celie leaped off her branch and felt her feet hit the branch below her. but just as she was about to snag her claws into the branch's rough bark for a better grip, she felt a hand catch her wrist. she snarled as she remembered that her capture in the forest had happened the same way... with that hand.... irritated to be bothered so early in the morning and then to be stopped mid-leap once again, she had the furious urge to wrench her wrist back in the way that would make the owner of the hand lose balance and tumble off the branch. but Ray was one level ahead of her in class, and wouldnt lose his balance, That Easily. instead she mumbled "let go." "are u still mad at me?" he asked. "for what!?" "for... making u ...come back...?" Celie looked up. why is he asking me that? she searched his face but found no answer there. she snapped her head back down and muttered " let Go." he let go but Celie knew he didnt believe her answer. as quick as she could Celie scaled down the rest of the tree, only pausing to shout "Dawn Patrol!!! Damnit! I Still Dont Get Why eris-Elona Ever Chose U for Patrol Captain!!!!" into Xana's ear. Xana's head snapped up ''wha..a....?'' Celie glared, "P-A-T-R-O-L." "oh..." Xana's sleepy eyes cleared.
patrol hadnt been so eventful except for the blotch of blood they had found under an oak tree out in the GrassRetches. Celie had winced when she had realized that it was her own blood from her encounter with the wolf. thank goodness it had been too old for Xana to tell that it was hers. but it had not been old enough to escape Sara's keen nose. "so this is where the wolf had attacked you,'' she had whispered to Celie. Celie had simply looked down to avoid her glance. blade-session hadnt been so eventful either, but to her it seemed that Ray had been trying to catch her eye.
it was now Noon. Celie walked to the CedarCircle for lunch, thinking as she went. she sat under a willow tree and ate some nuts and raspberries, not feeling so hungry after just having seen the sight of her own blood up close. she eyed the clearing, there seemed to have been more gossip going around then usual, about half of them involving her and her attack-event. she had history-session afterwards and wasnt so eager for the time to pass. "hey." Celie turned her head and saw Sara striding toward her. "oh, hi, Sara..." she mumbled. "did u hear anything lately?" Sara asked. "like what?" "there are rumors that the wolf-demons are going to attack again." "the what?!" Celie sat up. "w o l f - d e m o n s are going to..." "i know but, why?" "well... its a rumor, sprouted from your attack. and also something else happened while you were gone..." Sara started. "like what?"Celie interrupted. "Let Me Finnish. u know eris-Yura." "Yeah, she taught me how to scale trees." "well...u see...shes gone missing. and on the same day u were attacked." "and...let me guess u suspect the wolf-demons right?" Celie said, thoughtfully. "yup eris-Yura teaches survival-session so it isnt like her to get herself in danger. but u see the day after that, on patrol, i smelled blood. our whole patrol found this puddle-trail of blood. it smelled of eris-Yura and it looked like she was trying to drag herself somewhere. and also something else, we found tufts of dark coarse fur around the area." "wolves?" Celie suggested. "uh-huh."
i sorta messed up on this one. ...the next one's going to be better... hopefully
Please Look Down For Ch3^^
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
(Title- A Legacy to Remember)Chapter 3- the Clan
the Forest Floor looked quite a Long Way Down . . .
the girl reached out with an unshealthed claw and scratched her grip onto the trunk. she felt his hand on her wrist tighten, and, with a wrench, he tried to pull her up. she heard the stranger's claws scratch the trunk and felt him slide toward her, his hand still tight on her wrist. with caution, she decided to climb upward to see who he was. but everytime she moved she felt him tense. 'i'm stuck' she muttered to herself. then, she raised the wrist on which the stranger held onto, and slammed it into the trunk. his hand let go of her wrist, but in the same moment, she realized she had lost her footing. she felt herself drop through the air, hurtling toward the ground. it felt as though there was nothing around her, nothing at all, except for the rushing air and, a sense of certain death. she felt herself gasp for breath, and try to stretch her legs into a position that would allow her, once she hit the ground, to roll away, in order to avoid any broken bones, and regain her footing. she felt her back smash into the floor, b4 doing a half-hearted summersault across the ground. she sat up and groaned. 'need More practice...' slowly she stood and took a step, 'i dont think anything's broken...' she heard a rustle in the branches above her, 'hes trying to follow me!' without a second thought she dashed deeper into the forest, toward her clan. she heard the pounding foot steps of the pursuer, behind her.
. . . .
she leaped over a log, dodged an overhanging branch, and nearly crashed into an oak tree's wide trunk. but b4 she could turn and dodge under the oak's outstretching branches, she felt an arm nudge her against her back, pinning her against the trunk. 'Damn it!' she cursed, she hated to give up, to surrender, but it seemed as if she had no other choice. she felt a hand grasp the back of her shirt and twist her neck around roughly. her eyes narrowed in anger, but then raised in surprise. "Celie?!" he whispered. "Ray. . . " she murmured, her eyes wide open.
. . . .
Celie had been brought back into the clan, her explanation had been told to everyone, from the highest council member, to the lowest warrior. she grimaced at how Ray had forced her to realize how long she had been gone and how important it was to return. she scowled and kicked a pebble into the grass, ignoring a girl who was sneering at her and whispering to a girl next to her. Celie furrowed her forehead in fustration and turned to face the girl, whose name was Ali. the girl looked a year younger than me, Celie had thought '...though she still might have the guts to tattle on me...' her eyebrow slanted and a subtle grin formed on her lips, 'but then again, i would have my own excuse for That.' she picked up a pebble, tossed it in-place in her hand a couple times, and then slung her arm back and threw it. the girl, who was now snickering to her friend, never noticed until it was too late. Celie was already halfway across the clearing b4 the stone hit. she heard a smack and a guick yelp. she grinned in satisfaction, the thick branches of the forest already covered her shadow. she passed by Yen, a girl in her Tree, who happened to be in forest session at the moment. she scowled, when she saw the beginnings of a smile on Celie's lips. "What are u thinking about?" Yen had mixed the mushroom herbs with the poisonous ones up and was grumbling at every mere thought. Celie stopped and turned to face Yen "i was thinking about. . . Vengence." a smile once again, slowly, forming on her mouth.
By-the-Way- i messed up ....on several spots... oh well 0.0. oh and her wound has already healed but has left a scar, by now. u know why...'the inuyasha-thing'
but anyaway Yes! chapter 3!
Look Down for Chapter 2
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Monday, May 7, 2007
(Title- A Legacy to Remember) Chapter 2- Dawn
Dawn's First Shaft of Light fell upon the girl as she awoke.
her eyes blinked open and she rolled over, on her side. a fresh needle of raw pain raced up her leg. "Ouch!" all of last night's encounter raced back into her brain. grumbling, she got up, leaning on the oak tree's trunk for support. she winced, and checked her leg. much of it had healed overnight, but there were still shreds of flesh sticking out. She stared at a particularaly large shred that would easily get her caught by her clanmates. she even considered the thought of ripping it out, but frowned. her plan was to sneak in and pretend that she had been there all along, too tired to wake up until the noon wake-up call. she tried walking, her leg didnt hurt as much as she thought it would. she stumbled along, surveying the land and almost at once spotted a familiar bush. sighing in relief, she strode forward, at last reaching a dense forest, filled with everglades. she entered, the forest, dark at first, gave way to a magnificent elm. ducking under its branches, she spotted a young healer, from her clan, collecting herbs. 'probably a healer in training' she thought. she scaled the great elm and took cover on top of one of its branches, pulling another one to shield her dangling legs and her face. careful not to lean too much on her leg, she peered through the leaves, the healer had picked up her cloth basket and walked away, deeper into the forest, in the direction of the clan's main camp. silently, the girl dropped down to the ground, landing expertly on her feet and palms. she limped toward the direction of her clan, avoiding the patches of sunlight that scattered the earthy floor. just then, she heard a rustle and quickly ducked behind a nearby tree. suddenly wishing that she hadnt moved, for she didnt know in which direction the sound had come from. then there was another rustle, this time behind her. she severed to the other side of the tree, only to hear the rustlings of someone changing their position to be almost behind her. 'dammit!' she thought, 'someone's playing with me.' so instead of changing her position, she jumped up and caught the trunk of the tree in a catlike crouch, her sharp claws digging into its bark. she heard the stranger move again, but this time, it seemed that in mid-stride he had vanished, for, she couldnt hear him anymore. suddenly it seemed to her that the bark, in which her claws had dug her grip into, had tensed. 'he... or she, must have jumped onto this tree. the same one ...but how did they seen me!?' fustrated, she started to climb upwards. she knew that if she was dicovered by her clan she would have no excuse for why she was not in her sessions. she could hear the stranger's claws scrabbing in the bark and realized that he was trying to get to the other side- to her side! 'it must be a guy' she thought, 'girls arent in forest-session until noon.' she scaled up the tree, hurriedly, no longer caring if he heard her or not. she winced, the climb upward was taking a toll on her uncompletly-healed wound. the girl decided to let herself drop back to the ground again. she revised her position and was just about to shealth her claws, when a hand grabbed her wrist, jolting her balance. she felt her body smash into the tree's thick trunk. the hand still holding her wrist, seemed to dangle her above the forest floor.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Extra Info
Celie's race/kind/species (Elvon) are a cross of elf, human, demon (so in some cases their flesh heals naturally but not as quicklyor not as much as the ones in InuYasha-.-), and something else o.o...some of them have special animal abilities/traits that comes to them alone. like elves they live in the trees/forests/everglades. Celie is about 17/18.
GrassRetches- a place that has had several (were?)wolf attaks in the past and where howls are often heard from (not the only wolf inhabited area).
In this story wolves are given a more strong/large appearance. for this story i used some refererence that say: werewolves can transform unwillingly at first and are force to eat and kill and all that other stuff blah blah blah, but as they get used to it (this may only take one moon, depends on character's resistance/inner strength) they have the ability of morphig into a wolf even though without a full moon, but they still have/forced to morph into wolf on the night of the full moon (...or maybe not o.o).
eris- a title spoken b4 a person's name meaning "honored elder" or "wise one"
sessions- classes , they have a lot to learn u know-_-
as for the rest... i'm going to be a 'bed' potatoe and let u guys follow along and use your imaginations
To Read Chapter One, Look DOWN. ThanX
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
Title:A Legacy to Remember
Part One
---- -- ----
Chapter 1 -Fated Werewolf Attack
A Full Moon rose above the darkened blue sky. . . .
A girl sat on a stone up jutting from the ground, under an oak tree.
her sharp elf-like ears picked up a rustle from a near by bush. suddenly a dark form leaped over the bush and stalked toward her. as it came closer and closer, she could see that it walked on all fours and was not human... or was it? with a pounce, it grasped hold of her leg and dragged her to the ground, her body was paralyzed with fear when she saw its coarse dark paw unshealth menacing claws. it bared fangs at her, sharper than any blade it seemed. adrenaline pumped into her blood stream as she reached to do what she could only think of. 'My Blade ' the words screeched themselves in her mind. 'Too Late.' she realized she had left it back at the glades. with a swift movement of her hand she groped and grasped her bow, and strung it. but too late, the creature gnashed the bow's sturdy limb with a quick work of its jaws. too startled too think, she threw the remains of the bow at it, to no avail. its jaws hovered above her leg for a second, and then plunged its fangs into her flesh. she screamed in agony. blood poured out of her torn flesh. it raised its head again, ready to strike. she punched its snout, and as its fangs came back down, she smashed her hands into its upper jaw to keep it from burying its teeth in her other leg. blood streamed down her arms, and yet she held on. its weight started to press down on her and she knew that if she let go, her neck would be bare to its jagged fangs. just then she heard a far off howl and the beast turned its head and her fingers slipped off their bloody hold. its head cocked, and she saw the tips of two ears ontop of its head. the creature's claws slid off of her leg, leaving behind red silts in her skin. it turned and loped across the grass and into the darkness of the night. 'A Wolf ?' the posibility of what the animal may have been raced into her mind. A Wolf. her clan's most hated enemy and foe. what was even more stranger was that one had attacked her so close to the glades. still shaken from the attack, she cast a glance around her surroundings for the danger of a pack. all that she could see was the oak tree, a couple of bushes, and only darkness after that. she tried to get up and collapsed in pain, all too late remembering her leg. she glanced down at it, it was drenched in blood but the bleeding seemed to have stopped. she looked at her hands, bloody palms with tendrils of purple muscle showing though shreds of ripped flesh. dried blood dotted her arms. she gulped. her brain felt fuzzy. 'probably from the lack of blood' she thought. she leaned her head against the trunk of the oak and did the only thing she could do. Sleep.
By-The-Way: hi guys. this story i first wrote in first-point-of-view so since i changed it to third point, it sorta sounds weird.... this story's background info (such as her race) will be explained in Chapter 2. cause i'm going to be a couch potatoe and hog the TV b4 my "sister" gets out of the bathroom. i just had to write this... yah i know i suck.... well c ya. . . .
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Saturday, April 21, 2007
entirely random
the sky darkens as pink turns to purple, and purple turns to blue. . . .
Mei-jein's cold hard eyes glared into hers. Celie gulped, but stood firm. "Think u can win, dont u?" Mei-jein whispered. Celie had dared challenge Mei-jein's dominant position as Alpha. Mei-jein could fight better than anyone else in her clan and had taken the position. Her frosty eyes glared at Celie, as she tossed her head "u wish!" her blade came out silently and brandished itself. cutting through the air at an amazing speed had the blade stopped. an inch from Celie's neck. Mei-jein stood poised but then had bent closer, allowing the sword to nip Celie's neck. a drop of blood dripped onto the blade. "if u cant even pass Beta, dont even try me." her icy eyes gleamed. she turned and stalked away. ...her cold heart beating once, ever, more. . . .
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Saturday, April 14, 2007

i thought that i could trust u
but in the midst of a battle
when we had the enemy at his neck,
u turned from the foe
and instead
lifted ur blade,
to my throat and
held it there.
it was then
that i realized
that i was too blind
for my own good,
that i didnt believe it when i saw u
with my own eyes
at the enemy's side.
i thought i could trust u.
i thought that i could put
my life in ur hands
with no doubt
or worry.
but now i see that i was
too trustworthy for my own good,
and now my eyes are not filled with hope
but hate.
u were one with the enemy,
one, like, a traitor
marked red with blood.
ur blade was still,
an inch from my neck
it seemed as if the world
was frozen, frozen in time
and all, the the yells, the screams
the clashes of blade and sword
was silent.
and the only thing that was moving
was my hair wisping through the air
blown by the wind.
ur eyes were cold, the spark of ice-fire
had gone dead,
ur mouth whispered to me
"I'm Sorry"
and ur blade sliced through the air
sliced through my skin
without a second thought
and my life was gone
with the Wind
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Friday, April 13, 2007

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Through the Eyes of an Enemy
i've fought my fights
and took my share of tragedy
but it seems that i am
destined to die
in the hands of the 'so' called savior
of the Fair Folk.
what makes us the bad ones
and them the good ones
what did i do
to deserve the fate of a criminal
what does it take,
between a 'bad' one and a 'good' one,
that separates us
and what makes ppl scorn ones like me
for we all started out the same way
and we will all end the same way,
what makes ppl consider us evil
just because they scorn our ways
and we scorn theirs.
what makes us the bad ones
and them the good ones
for it wouldnt make a difference
to change places
and for them to be the prey or the
'evil' one instead
believe me
for there is no 'bad' side
just two sides against each other
why do ppl believe
that we should die
that the other side would always win.
for if u believe that
then stand in our shoes for a while
and u would see the situation
of having no other choice
than to hunt
or be Hunted
___hmph this doenst really make sense but....i wrote it anyway:P
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