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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Help me!
I need some major tips on drawing muscles on guys. I can only draw doods with shirts on, it sucks!! I can't draw abs or biceps/triceps well. I need help!!
I'm going to homecoming with Shawn! WOO-HOO! My friend DJ will probably come over on Saturday to hang out for a while.
Triple H is coming back next week!
I drew this awesome picture of an army chick, she's so cool. Go look at her in my fanart!vote pls =^.^=
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
Y'all like my new site look I got goin on? I think it's pretty nifty! A huge shoutout to Winged Youki for the hard work^^(sorry if that ain't spelled right.)Life's going great for me right now..These are the days I cherish. I had my friend and cousin over Friday night after the game(which btw was awesome) I hung out with Evin and Tim most of the time. I love those guys. I'm really getting in to Naruto now, it's pretty cool. I really really want to get the second volume of Fruits Basket and Fushigi Yugi though..Okay enough rambling =^.^=
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
Here's the deal..I've been friends witht his really cute little dude since kindergarten, but I've never looked at him in any other way up until now. The reason I am is because I've seen him looking at me differently, and I've caught him staring before. If he asks me out I'm gonna be sad, because I luff him, but I wanna be friends with him forever and ever, and if we break up somewhere along the line, then we probably won't be friends again for a while, unless we break up on good terms(not likely). Oh well... At least I still have me lovely Hardy boi over here =^.^=
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
I didn't end up going camping yesterday..Since my cousin never called me so I wasn't sure if he was going down there, and if he wasn't going, then I didn't want to go.
Matt Hardy made Edge cry last week!*dies*It was because Edge had broken his neck I think twice before..Why is it that I get sooo much pleasure out of his pain and anguish?
Tonight my aunt's taking me out to get my picture taken. She has this awesome camera that takes proffesional-ish pictures. Were going to a graveyard, and old abandoned house, and I think we might go in the woods too. It's all kind of up in the air for now..
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Friday, September 2, 2005
Pretty please come check out my new fanart.. Leave a comment or two while you're at it.
I'm probably going camping tonight.. Then on monday i'm going guitar browsing at a flea market. i hope i can find a good one..or maybe an amp.
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
The WWE re-hired Matt Hardy!! Now he attacks Edge on RAW occaisionally, but then he gets dragged out by security. He's so flippin sexy when he get mad o^.^o
I love it!!
I'm going to be having a contest from now on with every new post I make..I'm going to post 2 different wrestler's pics, and you have to decide who's the hottest!(or, if you find neither appealing, you can pick who looks the coolest, strongest,etc.) I'll post divas occaisianally too, for the guys^^
Todays match--
Matt Hardy
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
Matt Hardy
Lita is the stupidest person ever! WWE is also not too smart. They could have done so much more with the whole "Mattitude" angle, but they screwed it up. If you ask me, that was an extremely dumb move, firing hardy like that. I think they should have just had matt and edge on different shows, and never put edge with lita on raw. If anyone else has any info on this whole ordeal, like if or when matt is going to TNA, please let me know.

poor guy...
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
I'm sick...
I have had this really bad headache for a couple of days and i haven't gone to schoole or track meets for that time...sorry this is so short....i'll leave Gangrel in your thoughts

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Friday, April 29, 2005
Well, I was kinda bummed today at Chicago. It was fun, but it would have been soooo much funner if my best friend was there with me :( And to top it all off, the guy I like right now couldn't come b/c his grades are ineligable...But he is so cute!! And he's tall to boot. I really like guys who are taller than me for some reason...Anyway, about trisha(I didn't capitalize her name b/c I don't think she deserves it >:( ) I hate her so much! She flirts with like every single guy that she notices I'm attracted to!! and she's bisexual(no offense to those of you who like to play on the other side of the fence... ),that just puts the icing on top of the hate cake!! So, I'm going to try and keep my recent 'crush',if you will, on the down low.
Oh yeah, and I drew this while listening to the civil war song on the bus.
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
i'm going to go to Chicago tomorrow! I'm going to the Museum of science and Industry and the shed aquarium. But it sux because my best friend doesn't get to come b/c shes going to state with our science olympiad team -.- She was going to be in my group too!! Oh well, I get to be in a group with my cousin, and my aunt will be our chaporone. I think it's gonna be fun^^(btw, WM22 will be in chicago next year!!!XP)
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