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Wednesday, June 9, 2004
hmmm...kinda scary^^;;
 Your twisted mind has you trying to stop the one who has been destined to bring an end to your evil feel as though your life has been shattered and now you must fade away and become something great, to stop the one who shattered all your hopes...but instead you turned out to be the one who is evil...You don't really have anyone that is beside you, which makes you feel alone at times, wishing you could have been something more...
What Type Of Anime Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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hey all!
im so proud!i know im not very good of an artist, but im gettin better percentages on my fanart!(i dont know if people are feeling bad for me, or what, but i like it^^)if you swing by, could you pleeez vote on it??i wanna know what people really think...o, and could someone tell me how to colour on the computer, and have it be easy?is there like a disk i could buy?its soooo hard, and when im done, it dont even look good!!but i see people do it on here all of the please!
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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
im goin quiz crazy!!(dont forget to read my previous posts though^^;
 You are Fire! Aggresive,confident, and a good friend. Keep it up!
::..::..Whats your anime element?..::..:: brought to you by Quizilla
What is your Inner Anime Hair Color? (With Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are...DARK. Yes you know, gothic-punk kinda style. Go you! =P ( I hope at least you're not a wannabe)
Yet another personality test ^-^ (nice anime pics!) NEW outcome!! brought to you by Quizilla
 You're a Badass Chibi, you clever little devil! You're not always seen as a brat by everyone else, because you're always finding ways to get out of trouble (mainly by blaming it on someone else). Usually, you can talk your way out of anything, but sometimes the person yelling at you for something sees through it and attepmts to punish you, however, they've got no luck catching you, you always find a way to escape. Even though you are the number one main cause of trouble, who knows, you may show a soft side at random times and save that pathetic whiny kid. More often you're seen with the Pyschotic or "Innocent" Chibi.
What kind of Chibi are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 After this whole experience, Haiiro has never felt so worried about you. He would rather die than lose you. Don't worry, right now, Haiiro wants to protect you.
would an angel, demon, or pure evil fall for you 9 (new pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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sorta...tells ya about me..
 You belong in another of my worlds. The world of self-destructive tendencies, either through actual physical destructiveness or emotional breakdowns that you keep bottled up inside, thus hurting yourself. You feel that life is nothing but pain, and you see red in everything with the memories of the blood you have bled(literally or figuratively) for your hurting. You live in a hidden land that few will ever understand or see in you, because you keep it to yourself and only let a few rare people into the truth of your reality. Er...I don't condone my own actions, so I really don't know what else to say. Of course, you could also just REALLY like blood....or you might be homicidal, not suicidal. ^_^;
Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES) brought to you by Quizilla
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 Death by exploting as a human bomb
Choose your Dramatic Death (Now w/pics!!) brought to you by Quizilla
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*rose petals*
 Lestat is a rock star..there is one more thing u didnt kno about him..:) here is a pic of lestat at the concert
SUGACUBE PRESENTS: Moon Light Goddess part 2: the sequel to Rose Petals from a Vampire brought to you by Quizilla
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fun,fun,fun!!!i went swimmin all day today!soo much fun!! firedevilfaerie came over and swam with me!!even MORE fun!!weeeeee!!!!!i got a pretty decent tan today. a little bit burnt, but, not too bad. i cant feel it. i can only see it. now, im eatin ice cream!!yum.bye!
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yep, thats me for ya!
 You're Element is Fire. You have a strong, independant, fiery personality and you obviously don't ley other's puch you around. You like being in charge and don't care what other people think. In fact, you like to stand out and be yourself. You're probably shy when people first meet you but your a ball of energy that could explode at any given moment. You like to laugh and whether you admit it or not, you like to fight. You're peronality that is wild and untamable. You're beauty is physically fit and a little sexy and you have a very pretty face.
What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your cold hearted, evil, your ME WOO HOOO you rule the world, um..try to get a conscience
what kinda of person are you (anime pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, June 7, 2004
pretty pictures^^
 Goddess of the Night. Beautiful yet a strange darkness and sadness lurk about you.
What element would you rein over? (For Girls) brought to you by Quizilla
 <<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics ) brought to you by Quizilla
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hi everybody!
i put on some new fan art, i think im actually getting better^^ yaaaay!so far, summer vacation is awesome!!!i went to firedevilfaeries house to spend the night on friday,yesterday, i went swimmin the whole day, now today, my 3 cousins are comin over to go swimmin!!!they are really really hyper. well, two of them are,at least. the other ones older, and more boringer.hmmm.....oh yeah!!! I LOVE LOVE HINA!!!!!its so cool!!!i really like the girl that has the albino crocidile. what was her name again??well, i drew a picture of both kaolla su and keitaro(is that how u spell it???)and i think they turned out pretty good^^i like three days grace. good band. but, i like the offsprings new cd better.... im eatin a pb cookie^^ yummy yum yum...peace, im outta here...
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