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myOtaku.com: Lopa 523

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 03/12/05:


The Werewolf:

The Werewolf is the symbol for Spiritual Paths.
You have the soul of a wolf inside you, which
makes you warm and caring to those you love.

Strengths: Protection is a number one priority,
and therefore you always gaurd the ones you
love and keep tight bonds with your pack mates.
Loyalty is strong within yourself, and you also
expect it from the ones who are close to you.

Flip Side: Even though you care for those you
love deeply, if they betray you, anger races
through your veins. The Werewolf, despite it's
warm fun-loving personality, can also stand up
for itself if need be. You would have no
problem hiding your anger if something sets you
off balance.

Congratulations! You have a Werewolf inside!

What's Your Inner Beast? [pics]
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Result Posted on 03/12/05:

You're a Spring. You usually are very close-knit
with your friends and value everyone freidnship
you have. You're a real people person and
everyone loves how friendly you are. You're
good with encouraging people but usually don't
like to be the center of attention. You are a
social butterfly and probably are in several
circles of friends but it's just because you're
well liked and you make people comfortable.
You're both fun and wise but you are very
realistic about life.(If you can't see tje
pics, go to my homepage and look near the
bottom and find your result)

What season are you? (pics)
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Result Posted on 03/12/05:

Your the Yellow Angel
You're a "Yellow Angel" which means
you're probably really motherly. You're not
like a soccermom or anything but you're
protective of those you care for and you'd do
anything for them. You're usually the wiser one
in your group of friends and you're a good
psychiatrist because you've been through a lot
of stuff and know the best thing to do in every
situation. But you don't take any crud from
other people and they respect you for your
ability to stick up for yourself and others but
you don't pick pointless fights just because
your mad. You're very controled and can deal
with anything with a calm smile. (If you cannot
see the picture, go to my homepage and scroll
down near the bottom. I have the results from
all my quizess that have pics)

What Color Angel Are You? (PICS)
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Result Posted on 03/11/05:

You are Form 1, Goddess: The Creator. "And The Goddess planted the acorn of life.
She cried a single tear and shed a single drop
of blood upon the earth where she buried it.
From her blood and tear, the acorn grew into
the world."
Some examples of the Goddess Form are Gaia (Greek),
Jehova (Christian), and Brahma (Indian). The Goddess is associated with the concept of
creation, the number 1, and the element of
earth. Her sign is the dawn sun. As a member of Form 1, you are a charismatic
individual and people are drawn to you.
Although sometimes you may seem emotionally
distant, you are deeply in tune with other
people's feelings and have tremendous empathy.
Sometimes you have a tendency to neglect your
own self. Goddesses are the best friends to
have because they're always willing to help.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
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Result Posted on 03/11/05:

spirit fox
Fire Fox. The young Fire fox has beauty and Braun.
Each and every Fire fox can also, stand up to
1230 degrees of heat. Their personality is
sassy and outgoing. All Fire foxes have the
best hearing out of all the animals in the
worlds. As a Fire fox you have many friends and
a great life. Fun is filled around you wherever
you go. Many Fire foxes live in the desert for
there intense heat and control their power
through mind. These popular foxes have the
ability to burn fire all across their bodies.
Literally their fur is fire with the overgrown
and dangerous claws. You love to be the center
of attention and are kind lots of times. You
now know that you have many friends and live
freely. It comes with a price though, cause
each day it rains you must keep your body from
burning out. The five horns that runs down our
back are filled with small sacks of poison.
With your mischievous ways you could kill a
human in under ten seconds with that poison.
Great result.

What Elemental Fox Are You?(descriptive results/pics)
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Result Posted on 03/11/05:

The animal soul that possesses you is the bird. You
love to be popular and get tons of attention.
Since you are the bird you also have that
unique quality of being free-spirited. Birds
are filled with joy and happiness as they sing.
A bird is also very protective of their young
and will get in small groups to fight off
another predator even if the predator is
larger. Isnt that awesome!?!

What animal soul do you posses?(with pics)
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Result Posted on 03/11/05:

toboe the cutie tan wolf
You are the red wolf Toboe. He is afraid of cats
but has a kind heart. He is personally my
favorite! He enjoys resting in the fields and sitting by a
warm fire. So, if you got Toboe then you are so
lucky. But, dont judge him by his timid character because
when he needs to he will defend himself with
sharp claws and his pure white teeth.

Which Wolf's Rain Character Are You? (new blue)
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Result Posted on 03/11/05:

water wolf
Wolves of water have a peculiar personality. A
water wolf will be perky and quick thinkers. Im
sorry to say but the water wolf is a common
type. Their agile and beautiful. They are not
my favorite type but they are still cool
wolves. Watch out though. A water wolf can be
offended easily even though they would much
rather follow. Naturally when they are born
they will have no horn but, eventually when
they become two months old the horn grows
sharper and more of an aqua blue. If you are
calm and cool then you must be the wolf of

What Elemental Wolf Are You? (Dazzling new pics/memo)
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Result Posted on 03/11/05:

Blue- You have power that has yet to be released. Though you are tranquil in your ways, but heaven for bid someone pisses you
Blue- You have a power that has yet to be released.
Though you are tranquil in your ways, but
heaven for bid if someone hurts pisses you

What Color Energy do you Have?
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Result Posted on 03/10/05:

Your weapon is a Fan!
Chinese Fan! Beautiful and dangerous in one! Don't
laugh. The pretty, metall fan was also a
dangerous weapon in old China. If someone know
how to use it, it's a leatal weapon!

What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
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