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my own little world
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I'm a demon, demon slayer its really messed up, anyway I am posing as a student to find my lost companions.. although I think there dead
Real Name
lord yuki ryu, if you will or I can just torture you to death MUHAA HAAHH
Anime Fan Since
I was 7
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, yu yu hakusho, humori kenshion, spirit stones (mine), and many more
to die, to to kill all weak humans, wait I cant even though I'm demon, I'm part time demon slayer, damnit! why did I have to ask to be trained, oh yeah casue I want revange! muha haa haahha
trying to go one day without thinking about killing my self, watching anime, drawing, playing bass, writing my anime, writing fanfics, writing lyrics for my band
writing and drawing
hi there, I'm a run of the mile, as people call me 'freak' I had always had nothing to live for, than I discovered anime. MY life had something to look forward to, yeah it sounds werid as all hell but, if you where in my shoes, you might understand living is great for some, ok for others, but for me what ever I can enjoy I love it. so being me and all my fave characters are those like me:
hiei (yyh) sango(IY) and so forth, I am also looking fo some one to do a pic of sango and hiei, if do, I would be greatful. so if you do email me!! plz!!! mt email is:
sooo plz if you can, plz!
Monday, March 28, 2005
ltns! well im sitting here on mu pc chair a 10:16 bored as hell, about to run next door and bet the shit out of those losers who want to blare music so loud it shakes my soup, lol I sound like a old lady! than again I wouldnt mind much if they acttaly played something good, I dont want to here about your bitches and hoes 40's, and how they get'booty' dont get me wrong I dont HATE rap I just dont like most of it mainly because people look down on rock yet not alot of rock isntyellin about bitchs and 40s, but somes of still I m on a quest fo a pic of jon davis, I love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and my sister (who used to not like anime) got into 2 and 2 only inuyasha and trigun and she loves sango(shes bi, got a problem?!, plz dont answer that!) I fell out of my chair when she said 'why isnt sango with inuyasha?' I tried explaning but here she came up with kill kagome have kikyou get her body back, than kill her and have inu kill miroku, again I laughed.. though she might have apointo.O? what do you think?
and thinks vash is the best thing since sliced bread (me to. *drool*) but she doesnt like yuyuhakusho or wolfs rain, dont know why oh and she, like me, at first thought kurama was a girl,lol. well thats it for me!
three d's I go by:
ditch school
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
wow, beena long time the new background is from rocktoons,com and by J. axer, its korn!GO KORN!!!
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
god damnit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my pic wont change, this is really pissing me off
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100% like all my test scores cep math
Are you an InuYasha fan? brought to you by Quizilla
I like this pic, but I wish kagome wasnt in it....I hate her hate her but she so god damn annoying.
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ok so down there about quilla dont ask why pic wont show... hmmmm well still take quiz!
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ok well long time no see! stupid kai using my pc for ever!! well I'm back and hes busy drawing..poor boys what a sad race {lol j/k boys}any way heres the link to my quiz (sort of)
 you are most like yuki cold and silent not really trusting.You enjoy being alone but you do have few you let near you, not many people like you because of the way you act and like many you dont care oc info:
yuki had a sad an rough past she is a forbidden child(before you point fingers she was made up way before I ever saw yu yu hakusho, she was my imaganary friend! so ha! ya I was freaked out when they first introduced the fact that hiei was a forbidden chid *shivers*) her mother and father died in the war of the to villages and she was left alone the next day a young kai and his father showed up kai was ordered to kill her or when he came back to his village he would be killed, so he ran off with baby yuki into the night and they had been friends since, or is it something else?
later yuki and kai are thiefs, the best than they run into kimiko the who trys to stop them, she fells and they leave thn kais hes dead on the brick of killling her kimiko stops her and they become friends yuki gives up her thiefing days and goes to save kai, along with kimiko the kidnappers are a miko and a cat demon the cat demon is in love with kai, but yuki and kimiko save him from the miko and cat demon and they run off later they face the miko and cat demon again, but never seem to win.
yukis enamys consist of- kai's father, the miko(reki) the cat demon (koharu) a lord by the name of ginryu and alot more if you want to know more about her message me your email also this is set in the present, but the world has a secrate
~*~*~*~*what anime charator would you be?_hero verson_ (with anime pics!){boys and girls!}~*~**~*~*~* brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
GREAT STORIES called yuki ryu yume or:
snowy dragon of dreams
heres the link and the sum:
its based on anime crossovers, mostly actionromance but it seems that its hard to find a crossover thats not romance oh wellmost centered around sango, cause she never gets enought credit
ok please try it! its good... not all are the stories are the best but I must say the best story is that of action it's by fey wind its the first one.. cya
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Saturday, October 30, 2004
well me bored and cant post my sango sign...well any way umm I'll update later got to go.
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