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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Valentines day card from Aaron!!
This is the card that Aaron gave to my today, its kinda sad, since we are separated by the Berlin wall, but David Hasselhoff is singing on it, but the other side of the card it shows us holding hands so its a happy card!

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Today was an awesome day, I got picked up by my mom today after school so I didnt have to walk home, its like a 2 mile walk, and I got a valentines card from my friend today, its kinda late but its an awesome card, ill scan it later and put it on here, he made it himself, anyways, I went to the mall after school with my mom and she bought me some stuffs, I got a FLCL shirt, a zodiac necklace thats excatly the same as my old one that broke, but I like it, some more shorts, and the Saiyuki mangas volume 2 and 3 since I have had the first one for forever and never bothered getting the rest till now, but today was kind of a bad day because I still have a ton of stuff to make up, and its all due tommorow and I havent even started yet, but im not the kinda person that worrys a lot about things, so its not too bad. Also got to write a story in World Geography, we had to write about a Korean baby that was abandoned by his parents, then we could write whatever we wanted as long as thats how it started out, I basically copied the story of Edipus or however his name is spelled, hes in Greek mythology I think, maybe Roman, but he was abandoned by his parents becuase a prophet forsaw that he would one day kill them, so they ordered him to be killed, but instead of killing him, the person secretly let him live without them knowing and he grew up and he came back and killed his father and he didnt know it was his father, and some other stuffs happened and he stabbed his eyes out, not a very happy ending, and theres not really a moral, but a good story.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Feeling better
Im feeling better today, I went to school, and my friend came over, he just left a little while ago, but I have a ton of homework since I was absent 2 days and I gotta make up 2 tests, but it was a good day, im making my friend a valentines card and hes making me one, but I feel bad for him now since I broke his PS2, so I hope this will make up for it, anyways, I found out something about one of my friends, I found out that he has split personalities and skitzofrenia or something like that, I cant spell it, but hes still cool, anyways, nothing much really happened today.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Feeling sick
Im not feeling too good today, my mom told me to stay home and not go to school, but I dont have a problem with that at all, im just gunna play Disgaea or Fire Emblem today, but anyways, Happy Valentines Day!!
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
My computer broke on Friday, and it was just fixed a few minutes ago, I got a new keyboard for it, I like it better except that the backspace key is really little, anyways, I got my friends PS2 on Friday, and I got it open using only a screwdriver, a corkscrew, and a knife, dunno why I had to use a corkscrew, but I got Disgaea and im sure he wont mind that his PS2 is a "little" more broken than it was, but that doesnt really matter, I got this anime called Knight Hunters Weiss Kreuz, the name doesnt make sense since I was taking German until the teacher retired, it means Knight Hunters Knows Cross, but the dubbing is terrible, I dont even think they tryed to sync it at all, but its kinda good I guess, I bought it used for like $8 like all my other anime, so I dont think I wasted any money.
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Thursday, February 9, 2006
Tommorow is Friday!! I cant wait!!! This week seemed kinda short though, but I have to do my bok report today, I havent even decided what book im gunna do it on since I cant use Harry Potter since I didnt finish it in time, but I turned in my schedule for next year to my counselor, and im gunna be taking AP Geomatry, English 2, Biology, French 1, Digital Graphics and Animation, and half a semester of PE and the other half Health. My friend says hes gunna bring his ps2 tommorow for sure, hes gunna put his ps2 in his moms car, so when she goes to pick him up from school, he can give it to me then, since I always stay after school with him and some of my other friends, but im going to the mall finally sometime this weekend, it feels like forever since id been to the mall, im gunna get some more anime or manga or games, since I have some money now, and I can probably get some more if I ask my grandpa and my parents for some more, I wanna get more Melody of Oblivion or Mythical Dectective Loki Ragnarok, they are pretty new, and I only have the first 2 dvds of them, but I hate not getting all of a series once I buy the first, but I wanna get Loveless on dvd too, but ive seen the first 4 episodes now, so itd be kinda pointless to get the first one since I have already seen it and I can get something else I havent seen, anyways, my friend got mad at my other friend a few days ago becuase he put a napkin in his drink, so he took the Gravitation dvds I bought for him on Christmas, and he isnt giving them back! I wanna borrow it from him since I havent seen it the English version yet, but I watched Utena today, and I found out something that I had already realized before, but forgot... Touga is so cool!!!
The voice actor for him is Crispin Freeman, and hes my favorite English voice actor ever!! he played Fuma in X, Zelgadis in Slayers, Hideki in Chobits, and of course Touga in Utena, hes done a lot more than that, but thats what I can remember for now. None of my friends came over today, I think this is one of the only times they havent, it gets kinda annoying when they do all the time, so I left a bit early after school today so they wouldnt come with. But today was a pretty good day, nothing bad happened and its thursday, named after one of my least favorite Norse Gods, Thor!! I dont remember what all of the days are, but I know Tuesday is named after the Norse God of War, Tyr, Thursday is named after Thor, and Friday is named after the Norse Goddess of.... something, Frigg, anyways, I got a bit off topic, not that it really matters, but I think ive said enough for today.
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Having a bad day
Today started being bad when I first woke up, my cat, Evelyn, died last night, she got run over, I found out this morning when I left for school, and its my fault that it happened too, I let her outside becuase she was about to cough up a hairball, and I didnt want her to in my room, so I let her outside, since thats where she normally sleeps anyways, but if I wouldve left her inside, shed still be alive, and my friend said he'll bring his ps2 tommorow again, but he has an idea now because it wont fit in his backpack, but I almost got an office refferal because im always tardy to my fifth period, since I have lunch right before, and in IPC we got some balloons and demonstrated static electricity, but it got really annoying becuase everyone was making squeeking noises and popping the balloons, and when I got out of school, my "friend" kept bugging me because he wanted to go to my house so I could burn him a CD, and he didnt even care when I told him my cat died, he really said he didnt care, but I guess its gotten less bad since the day started.
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
I just got home about half an hour ago, I stayed at school until about 6 waiting for my friend to get out of detention, then after that, I went to his house and helped him clean his room, and then he went to my house becuase he didnt know how to put songs on his mp3 player, so I showed him on my computer, and he left a few minutes ago, anyways, I just saw this new anime this morning callled Loveless, its awesome, I like it a lot even though ive only seen the first episode so far, but I plan on watching all of it eventually, and my friend didnt bring his ps2 today either, but he said he'll try his hardest to bring it tommorow, but I did get back Utena from my other friend, I havent watched it in forever, but its really awesome.
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About my last post
The Zac im talking about isnt rogue of death, thats Zach, this one ive known since I was in 2nd grade, Ive only met Zach recently. Zac doesnt like anime, but hes still cool.
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Monday, February 6, 2006
Somewhat yay!
My friend forgot to bring his PS2 today, but he said he'll definatly bring it tommorow, so im gunna finally get Disgaea back then, hopefully. I drew a picture of Ishida from Bleach last night, I dont like how it came out, it looks kinda sketchy, and my tortillian broke while I was drawing it, but I think its better than my other two. I'm kinda tired today, since I was at my friends house and I ran most of the way back, because my mom said I had to be home soon and she called at about 4, and I left at about 6:30, I wanted my friend Zac to come over, but hes not allowed at my house because of my brother, I dont wanna say why, but its not true what my brother thinks he did, and I havent seen him in forever, he got sent to a special discipline center thing for something he didnt even do, but I got to see him after school today. Hes supposed to go back to normal school in about a month, and I dont think I would be able to last a month there, hes been telling me about it, you arent allowed to bring anything except your ID and money to buy lunch, they think youll stab someone or something if you brought a pencil, or you might hide drugs in your lunch, so they give you pencils and pens that you gotta return at the end of every class and you gotta buy lunch, and its not very good lunch either.
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