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but mommy, i want candy!!!
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None really....
Anime Fan Since
6 years old when i saw My Neighbor Totoro
Favorite Anime
Gravitation!!! and also Evangelion and Revolutionary Girl Utena and Loveless and lots of others
I am trying to learn to draw better and I want to learn to play the bass.
I like playing video games, watching anime, listening to music, and reading.
i am decent at drawing and im learning to play bass
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Sunday, February 5, 2006
For some reason, im excited right now, I feel like doing something, but I don't know what. My friend came over and didn't do much, but he left a few minutes ago. I can't wait till tommorow when I get my friends PS2 with Disgaea in it, I really really want to play it, La Pucelle is making me want to play it more, maybe ill draw something, I know im not good at it, but thats why I draw, so I can get better. I never really used to draw much, but lately ive been wanting to draw, probably becuase im taking art in school, but I dont think thats helping at all. We never do much, but at least it gives me a little practice. The teacher lets us turn in drawings of whatever for extra credit, but she said she didnt want any anime drawings, because she said that the things arent proportioned right and stuffs, but shell still take them for extra credit, just not as much.
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I really dont like Sundays, even though theres no school today, theres school tommorow, and its a whole week of school, like it feels like a monday after school all day, but theres another day after that, its kinda hard to explain, but I just dont like Sundays, anyways, today is almost as boring as yesterday. I played Tales of Symphonia with my brother and when he left, I played La Pucelle which I am still playing now, my friends going to the minimall today, but I dont really wanna go becuase my other friend which I always go to the minimall with cant go anymore since the owner of the anime store there got mad at him, and other than that theres not much else to do at the minimall, he stopped renting out anime, and has very little manga and anime for sale, but he does have a ton of wall scrolls, but I cant fit anymore on my walls, all he has that I would wanna get are keychains, but he hasnt gotten any new ones, I saw one of Kamui in the catalog he orders from to sell, and I really want that one, but he hasnt ordered it yet, and I found out that Nippon Ichi made another game, but I cant get it since its only for the PSP, now I want a PSP, but theyre really expensive, and theres only 1 game I want, I forgot the name, but I saw it said Nippon Ichi software at the bottom, which now reminds me, my friend that has Disgaea, says hes gunna let me borrow his PS2 to see if I can get it out for him, I dont think he'll mind if I break it, since its already broken, but hes bringing to to school tommorow.
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Saturday, February 4, 2006
Extremely bored!!!
I am really bored today, im still a little sick, so i cant really do much, so ive just been play La Pucelle all day and now im taking quizes, I hope tommorow wont be this boring.
 Kurama Kitty.
Kurama is from Yu Yu Hakusho. he is considered to
be one of the hottest anime guys. his
signeture weapon is the rose whip.if ya like
the picture i drew send me a message about
it(or about anime, manga, video games
ect.)Rate this quiz please ^_~
for guys:what male Anime Kitty are you(what anime character are you)(with pics drawn by me) brought to you by Quizilla
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I accinentally posted the same thing twice, but when i went to delete one, i accidentally deleted the one below it, and i tried again and deleted the one below it again, so then i noticed i wasnt deleting the one i accidentally made, so now its deleted, but 2 of the ones before it are missing now.
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Im not feeling too well today, I was going to go to the anime store in the minimall where I live today, but im feeling sick, maybe I can go tommorow, because its only open on weekends, but they stopped renting out anime there because of me and my friend, but mostly my friend, we rented anime, but then didnt return it until like a month later, but what got the guy that owns it mad is my friend accidentally broke the case of a Tenjho Tenge dvd, so no one can rent out anime because of us, and a few other people that we know, but not many peope knew about it anyways because no one ever went to the minimall and the store itself has no sign saying its an anime store, so not many people know about it, anyways, my friends came over yesterday and stayed the night, they just left a few minutes ago, and I finally talked to the guy that borrowing my Disgaea on AIM, and he needs my help to download an SNES emulator, but I told him to get Disgaea out first, then id help him, so he tried using pliers, but that didnt work I dont think, but hes gunna keep trying becuase he really wants to play Earthbound now that hes played it on my computer.
Decided to redo that quiz thingy i did like 2 nights ago and this is what i got this time when i put my real name and second favorite color.
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
Im really tired today, it seems like a friday, I dont wanna go to school tommorow, im too tired, my friend still hasnt given back Disgaea, and I actually had to do something in PE today, I usually just sit around and do nothing, but the coach guy got mad so I had to do stuffs, and im still playing La Pucelle, im not that strong yet, but im getting close, im lvl 180, and I defeated a lvl 500 zombie guy. I have lots of homework today and i dont wanna do it, and I have to finish reading the fifth Harry Potter book for my book report, ive been reading it since it first came out but I havent gotten much of a chance to read it until recently, so im over halfway through the book, but I have to finish it by next friday I think, I usually dont read at home, only at school when im supposed to be doing my work or when im done with my work.
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
I'm somewhat mad right now! My mom almost grounded me this morning because she said im always late to school and I never wake up on time, and im almost never late to school, but she said if i was late one more time shed ground me, and also my friend STILL hasnt returned Disgaea, but he is coming to my house this weekend and he might bring his ps2 so we can try to get it out, I dont know why he doesnt just break it, its already broken, but hes trying to fix it, or at least he says he is, and he said hell buy me a new one if he ever sees one.
Also today im deciding my schedule for next year, im going to take English 2 and 3 in the same year and French 1 and 2 also, becuase im going to graduate in my junior year, so I have to have 4 years of English and 3 years of the same foreign language, and I was taking German, but the teacher retired, so I have to take a different one.
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
I seriously thought today was monday until about 2 seconds ago when i looked at my computer clock and it said it was Tuesday, anyways my friend still hasnt returned Disgaea, but i really hope he does soon, im still playing La Pucelle, and its still really fun, but id much rather be playing Disgaea. I've felt like drawing all day today, but im not very good, and ive thrown away all the pictures ive drawn today, but i think ill draw another one and submit it later today, also I think im gunna sign up to join the student council at my school next year, because I watched Utena again, but I doubt theyd let me make a giant stairway hidden behind a waterfall leading up to a giant dueling arena to fight to decide who marries the rose bride, but ill try my hardest to make them let me!
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Monday, January 30, 2006
Normal day
Nothing really interesting happened today, my friend Beau came over today, hes the lead singer and guitarist in my band, I helped him out on Ultima Online, and my friend that has Disgaea still hasnt given it back! He said he would have it back today, but he said he'll have it for sure sometime this week about, oh well, I have La Pucelle till then.
I just finished another fan art and submitted it, waiting for it right now, its a picture of Prier from La Pucelle, I had to cut it so it would fit in 700x1000, I usually dont like to draw small, so parts of it dont show, but most of it does, same with the Raven picture I drew, but not as much as this one because i drew the other one smaller.
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It seems like forever since ive been at school, but I really dont wanna go back to school today, I gotta go to school in 6 hours. because its 2 AM here, and i dont remember if i had homework or not, oh well, ive noticed things usually work out if I just dont worry about them too much, anyways the only thing im looking forward to today is getting Disgaea back from my friend!!
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