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myOtaku.com: LordUzumaki

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Konnichiwa, I'm Lord Uzumaki. If you didnt know, my full name is Uzumaki Naruto and Lord is just another name for Hokage, which is also ruler. I'm Hokage of Konohagakure, The Village Hidden in The Leaves in The Land of Fire. Before me was Tsunade. During the finals of the Chuunin Exam, I wsa trained by Jiraiya who taught the 4th Hokage, who is rumured to be my father. Over the course of time, I reached the Chuunin level, then Jounin, then Hokage. I prouldy watch over Konoha with a watchful eye and Hyuga Hinata as my apprentice. My life as Hokage is a hard but happy one. I finally have the respect I deserve from the villagers.Now people will stop disrespecting me and finally look up to me like I'm somebosdy instead of nobody. I finally have reconition from the villagers and other shinobi of Konoha.
I'm married to Hyuga Hinata. Yes I know she is my apprentice, deal with it. I'm trying very hard to keep her Curse Seal under control which isnt going so well but I can figure it out somehow or another. I love my life and want it no other way =^_^=

Friday, October 13, 2006

well it seems me and sakura are no more...dont ask why, i dont feel like telling anyone. SO anyway..I'm with Hina-chan n.n, as you probably figured out lol. Yes i know she is my apprentice and..other..things...ahem..o//o anyway, wish us luck that everything goes well you guys, Me and Hina-chan would appreciate it very much n.n
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