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Philadelphia, PA
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Student, Author
Anime Fan Since
early 2004
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too hard to choose... at the moment, it's Fullmetal Alchemist... Maybe S-CRY-ED...
to become a published author
writing, watching anime, drawing, photography, surfing the web, etc.
I dunno...
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Monday, July 11, 2005
One more thing.
I forgot to say that I also have been watching movies for the last few days, and i have pretty much rave reviews of all the ones I've seen. I saw Appleseed (which had absolutely breathtaking animation), Princess Mononoke (yes, it was the first time I saw it, and I'm a bad otaku), and Grave of the Fireflies (which was probably the most depressing movie I've ever seen, but still amazing none-the-less). I also watched the first disc of Kyo Kara Maoh, which was great. The animation was so bad that it was good. Oh, and I watched the third disc of Samurai Champloo, which is just as amazing as the first two. Even better cause you get to see Jin actually getting emotional and mostly naked!! ;-) Woohoo!! Jin's hot. lol
Ok, now i'm really gonna go. Later!
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wee dee
you know it occurs to me that waiting for people to update fanfics is mildly frustrating. I know it's not the author's fault because they all have lives. I'm the same way. I have a story that has only gone up to either chapter 3 or 4, and is still in the works. So, I'm being a hypocrite and I know it. It's still frustrating, ya know? And I'm always looking for new yaoi stories (preferably lemons ;-D ), but it seems that everyone has like stopped writing. it's weird. ok, i'm gonna go back to watching movies. later!
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Yay for One Piece yaoi!!
So i've been doing some web surfing, looking at yaoi pairings, and I've decided on my newest fave pairing from One Piece. I used to be a Luffy/Zoro fan, but after reading some of the stories and actually seeing some of the doujin and fanart, i've decided that it's Zoro/Sanji all the way!!! I was dumb enough not to save the fanart that i found, so i dont know where it was. therefore, here are individual pics of my fave two boys :-)

gotta love 'em!! Zoro's sooo hot! :-) later!
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
I'm watching Appleseed right now. It's really good!! The animation is amazing! I sooo wanna cosplay Deunan! Maybe someday lol. ok, back to my movie!
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
i'm bored now, after having spent the last 5 hours watching fireworks, driving around, and chilling at the diner. I've been working like crazy on my anime scrapbook. It's awesome. I'm such a dork for doing it lol, but im having a really good time with it, so can ya blame me? As for the zine i was talking about before, i think i'm gonna do it. i just have to start gathering everything for it. i'm psyched! :-) Hmm.... Mot much else goin on. I talked to my friend (who i really like) tonight for the first time in a month, and supposedly he's gonna call me by the weekend, but we all know how trustworthy statements like that are... *sigh* ah well. at least i talked to him. i think i'm gonna go take some advil for the developing headache and climb into bed... maybe i'll actually fall asleep tonight. who knows? later!
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Friday, July 1, 2005
Quiz Result
Just took a quiz on Yuki Eiri, and I wanted to post the result before I forgot to.

Then again, I coulda told you that I knew almost everything about Eiri... He's just damn hot! :-D
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
I'm sooo upset that Gravitation is over!! I almost cried even tho it was a happy ending just because I knew that there wasn't any more to come... Then GENZO came in with the July issue (which is free to download), which has a NEW TRACK!!! Track 55! Yay!! And a new one is getting released evey month! In english!! Whoo hoo!!!!! Ok, I'm done freaking out about that... at least in writing. lol
Oh, and I was bored and surfing the web the other day, and somehow came to the conclusion that I have this immense desire to start up an anime 'zine!! Anyone think that's a good idea? If you're reading this, let me know what you think I should put in it. I have a bit of a list, but I'm still up for suggestions. Also, I need some submissions. ORIGINAL art and stories. Unfortunately, it can't be fanart or fanfic because of copyright stuff. I also need people to ask questions for a fan Q&A section. If you want to contribute, just e-mail me or leave a message in my guestbook and I'll get back to you. It'll probably have a yaoi section, so feel free to submit yaoi material! Ok, I just wanted to kinda put this up here even though it probably won't reach too many people. I'll write more soon!
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
La la la!!
So I took a quiz today about "who I am from within," and here's the result!
 ...tears within
Who Are You From Within? (Anime Images used) brought to you by Quizilla
Tomorrow, I get to start working on my automail!! :-D My friend is making it for me. I'm so excited! It's actually gonna be made of metal! :-D La la la!! weeeeee!!
And I made a friend today! Someone my mom works with has a daughter whos into anime, and I got an e-mail from her today. She's sooo cool! She likes all the same stuff I do! I like making otaku friends. They're soooo awesome! If you want to be my friend, send me a message!
Now I sound like a dork, but that's ok. I dont get to talk to anime fans that often, so when I get to, I get excited. Ok, I'm gonna go for now.
More soon, k?! :-D :-P
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Yay! My first post!
I dont really have a reason for opening this account. I guess I just wanted a place to rave about anime as much as I want and not be called a looney. Not that I really mind being called a looney, its just cool to know there are other people as crazy about this stuff as I am.
This past weekend, I went to AnimeNext in Jersey. It was totally awesome. I've been on like an anime high ever since. I got to meet Vic Mignogna and Travis Willingham and Caitlin Glass!! :-D And I got all of their autographs (several times, actually... ) It was such a good weekend. I took a whole bunch of pics, too, which I'll post eventually. If not here, then on my site. Unfortunately, I didn't have my costume in time, so I couldn't cosplay, but I got it today (technically yesterday)!!! That means I get to cosplay at Otakon! I'm so psyched! It's a State Alchemist costume, and I also got the pocketwatch today. :-D Hehehehehehehehehehe
Ok, if you're reading this, you probably think I'm like on drugs right now. Not so - I've been up since 6 this morning and I didn't get to sleep till after 3. So lack of sleep + over-excitement over AnimeNext = really weird Lore.
I'm gonna go try and get some sleep so I can function tomorrow. I'll try and right more asap, k?
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