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To become an art teacher
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I can touch my nose......with my finger ^_^
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Wednesday, June 2, 2004
Hello Peps
Sorry I haven't been updating lately, it's kind of hard with out the net and everything ^_^. I went to the beach this week end and the line was soooo long it took us a half an hour just to get to the stupid booth. Any ways I'm going to go to the movies this week end and see Harry Potter. I'm sooo excited I'm going with Ana the great, oh and my sister and her friends that reminds me I have to go and get her a xanga, so I'll update as soon as posible. Later ^_^
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Friday, May 28, 2004
Hey Peps
Ahhh schools out and I have finished yet another book. That is about 10 or 11 in the past 3 months and all of the books have at least over 200 pages. I love to read. Oh did you know that if you drink to much blood you can become a diabetic, and people back in the day, befor insulin was made, offten thought that people who had diabeaties were vampiers, because the people would get all crazy and hungry and would eat practically anything (even bloody meat), and were very sensative to light, they sometimes even went into death like comas and when the villagers would try to burry them or burn them they would still be alive, so when the "rose from the grave" or ran around after being lit on fier the villagers thought them to be vampiers. How weird is that? I'm really into vampier stories right now as you can tell by my back round. I like it to much to get rid of it so injoy. Later ^_^
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Thursday, May 13, 2004
Animation from
 Animation from
 Animation from
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Ahhh I love that song. It's the second ending theme song from Inuyasha. I love that show. Ahhh and I like someone else but Ana the great will kill me if I say *blushes* I'm such a total and complete drok ^_^. But it's ok because I finaly know how I feel, and who I like. It took me along time to figure it out but now I know who I want to be and who I want to be with, not any particular person...yet, but I know what I want them to be like. *sigh* it's a huge releaf to know I'm not so alone in this cold world. I have friends to help me though the tough times and lovers who are waiting to help me too. Wow where did all this optimism come from? Well.....ahhhh...sorrry I'm just caught up in this once in a life time moment. It's so beautiful how feelings can total engulf ones self and bring peace to a once drab situation.Life is a bitch, but life also goes on, and when it does it's not so bad anymore ^-^ Later
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Wednesday, May 12, 2004
I'm bord comment please
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Thursday, May 6, 2004
I always new I was a princess
"> You're Kairi!! Yay! a princess! You're just so darn nice!
Which Kingdom Hearts Character Are You!? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, May 4, 2004
Yeah it's my birthday
Hey people
Today is my birthday and I am 16. Finally 16. Wow, it's not as scary as I thought. At least I get to go on dates now. There is this kid, John, on my bus that likes me and I think...I don't know, I'm mean I know I use to like him but I'm not sure I do any more. I think I'm going to try to get to know him. I'll ask for his number today and see if he's...not as weird as I first thought. Well hopefully my mother takes me out of school. She's supose to take me to China Imperial for lunch. My sister has a dentist apointment today but besides that it's all about me today. Well I've got to go my teacher is about to have a heart attack, some guest is comeing over, so later ^_^
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Monday, May 3, 2004
Hi ^_^
Hey People
Today has been so hectic I just finished my portfolio and I just updating all my journals. Gosh where to start me and Ana went to the mall this week end like planed then she came over and stayed until 12.00am and me and my mom dropped her off. I got to see her room it looked soooo awesome. To bad her brother wasn’t there though ^_~ ha! Just kidding I was a little disappointed though. Well after that I ate went to sleep and on Sunday me and my dad found all 99 Dalmatians on kingdom hearts and got to see the secret ending. I so can’t wait until the second one comes out it should be totally awesome. Well ga to go. Later.
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Friday, April 30, 2004
Hello ^__^
Hey peps
Yes!! Me and Ana are going to go to the mall this weekend to go shopping for my birthday. I so can not wait. It took alot of begging my mom but I got my way ^_^. I spent all day yesterday cleaning my room. Oh and I finally got that couch in my room it takes up alot of space but it still kicks major ass ^.^ wow I sound pretty weird don't I? Oh well life's a bitch and then your a dork as I never say ^_^ Well gta jet. Later ^_^
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Thursday, April 29, 2004
Hey people
Today so far has been great I got all awesome grades on my progress report and I’m almost done with my Portfolio for English. I don’t have enough time in the library to completely tell you how happy I am right now. Ana if you are reading this which I think you are I need you to find me tomorrow so I can tell you if we are going to go to the mall this week end try to find me at lunch. I have B lunch and I will be sitting were I sat earlier this week. I love you all. Later ^_^
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