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In a dark hell-hole called Italy.
Member Since
Not much..
Real Name
Uhm... *ponders*..Well..I'll get back to you on that one..
Anime Fan Since
Forgotten that..But always liked most of it.
Favorite Anime
Not too sure for this either..Must say I'm quite a fan of the Dragonball Z/GT series.
To get our measley little band a few gigs?..Annoy any poor living sole in a distance of a metre away.
Probably...playing video games..being online for too long..ect..ect
Attempt to play well as draw/write..A more famous/recent talent: to walk and talk at the same time
Take away the wine
For restlessness plagues me...
I am assailed by a spectre profounder
Than hatred and grief or the sum of their hideous crime
I shalt suffer this confessional mime
Awaiting the sun to set, crimsoning seas
Only once it is dark doth my misery cease
She died to a sky dressed in flame
Eyes full of curses for her killers by choice
Who fell to their god o'er her vision and voice
"I am as dusk come to ravish the light"
Steal me from their stares and mute christ into night
"I will answer the prayers"
If thou Wouldst drink of my life...
(Cradle of Filth - Malice Through The Looking Glass)

Saturday, July 24, 2004
Back to leave a post..
I am currently on holiday in Holland again, which is something I do every year...Mainly because my mum's family are all here.. It's about 10 degrees colder over here rather than in Italy, so that took some getting used to O.o;;.. Also got Saiyuki epis and all sorts from Maris which was really cool of her.. At the moment I am eating a ton of Mentos-ses (which are highly adictive) .. Thanks for your comments on the last post, btw.. I should (THIS time) be back on here again..

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Sunday, June 27, 2004
Back again…Just want to apologize to the small handful of people who know me for the long absences I’ve had. School and exams are mostly to blame…But now I have 11 weeks of freedom ahead of me! Yay ^^;…I have my friend Maris over for now and she’s gotten me into new anime and different music, which is well kewl. I’ve successfully recorded her new Saiyuki dvd and am now seriously considering to get an art book of pics I saw…Choices…Heh, well, I’ll probably be posting here a little more often now I have some more free time. Also have a couple of pieces of Fan Art on the way…Hope you like ‘em and thanks to those who commented on the others ^^.

Viva Hakkai!
>.>; ...Mine!
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Thursday, May 20, 2004
Work, Stress, Work, Stress...Life is so fun.
Have spent the last two days valiantly attempting to catch up with all the work that I’ve been leaving to pile up…And being the lazy and unorganized person that I am it isn’t going all too well.
All our teachers have decided that our class are a bunch of “dumbarses” and our good old *censored for my own safety* teach is abusing us all and telling us all that we will have not even the tiniest chance of passing exams. Some motivation to keep up with studying, eh? –sigh-
…Anyway…On a happier note: I am most likely going to see Troy tomorrow with a little bunch of people from school ^ ^! Yay for good old Mr. Bloom ( now all they need is more mythical/gothic films like Van Helsing and everything would be perfect). The home front is pretty much the same…My mum is stressing and nagging me about my ‘lack of commitment’ to school so that always end in a shouting competition from one end of the house to the other (tis fun to watch) –shakes head- parents these days...
At the moment I should be writing about 1000 words about a 12 page poem (Rime of the Ancient Mariner, if that interests anyone >.> ) but at the moment it isn’t getting very far. Got to watch a bit of a marathon of old DBZ epis (which I haven’t seen in ages) as well as a couple of other Italian-dubbed anime series that I forget the name of (and they sound awful dubbed…WHY must they do that to good things..? ).
Well, I’m going to leave it at that. And even though I don’t say this: thanks for the votes on the pics, the comments to posts and Guestbook entries they’re greatly appreciated! (wow...this post is long..^^; )
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Sunday, May 16, 2004
Back again to leave me post..
Well...not really much to be said.. My three friends showed up yesterday as a surprise and spent the evening with me as a birthday pressie...though i saw them accidently walking down towards where i live because we were held up behind a garbage truck...not to their plan but it was still a laugh for me to step out of the car and ask if they were lost.. i thought it was all really sweet of them though. Managed to submit another piece of fan art..Though i can't take all the credit for it of course...It was a sketch that i started up and another friend of mine nicely finished off (he's amazing with detail...Thanks Zach!). Got hold of two new gamecube games..besides the good old zelda one..: Eternal Darkness & an old mario game to keep me busy for a while. Hm...I'd better tidy things up again...after my friends were here (we watched movies till about 3) the room is littered with empty bottles, wrapppers and bits of fluff (don't want to ask where that game from and yes, we're all bloody messy).. That's about all for today...

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Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Back again..
Finally got round to being able to post. Two new Fan Art pieces on their way! ^^ Which I’m rather proud of ‘cause they took me a considerable amount of time to finish. Also tested out a number of Geetings…Slightly corny but I liked them!.. As for myO…WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO THE HTML GENERATOR?!...I mean I am more of less a ‘newbie’ when it comes to anything technical… * sighs * I hope they sort it all out..Stupid of them, in my opinion. But oh well, that’s life, isn’t it? As for life here at the moments: boring and just the same routine. One of my best mates is doing GCSE exams and so I only see him until the beginning morning breaks…And he’ll be on ‘study leave’ for like a month or so... I tried to literally drag him away from the gate…Kind of sad but I have no one else to hang about with that often. I spent today’s ‘OPTIONS’ (a 2 hour lesson in which you can pick between things such as Sport, Drama, Pop/Soft Punkish sort of band practice or the now *new* lessons on theatre Lighting) trying out the Lighting lesson, mainly because I had previously helped with the very unorganized lighting of a school play(we had a 10 minutes lesson on how to work a set of old lights we had never seen before and about 1 day to prepare). I don’t think I have ever been more bored or annoyed at the same time. A whole little swarm of Italian Year 9s decided to drop a lesson to come there too. They annoy me, stupid “think-they-are-popular” kids that can’t keep their mouths shut. Anyway, enough whining. Hope you like the new art when it comes..
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