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Bayonne, New Jersey
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Overworked Student/Recieptionist
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I'm alive, aren't I?...lmao. And I can speak 8ish languages
Anime Fan Since
Since I was 3 when my dad turned on the TV while we were cleaning and I watched some DBZ....and I was all like pretty colors!!
Favorite Anime
InuYasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Fullmetal Alchemist, DNAngel, Yami no Matsuei, Loveless, Hellsing, Trinity Blood, Ouran High School Host Club, Death Note. I like a lot.
I have a dream to have a dream
Singing, Drawing, Writing, Playing the piano. I....collect rocks...
I don't think I have any...
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Friday, February 23, 2007
Just a chance that maybe we'll find...better days....
This week was very stressful for I'm really sorry I haven't been able to comment on sites....or do anything for that matter.
I'm sure you don't want to sit here and listen to me complain about I'll give you something brief.
School's sucked...I'm not doing so well anymore, and the teachers are horrible. I'm at the peak of my activites, play practice and dance troupe are killing me, literally. I wasn't accepted for teen arts (singing in front of a few simon cowell's for scholarship money) just because I don't take voice lessons. I have a complete drawers block...I can't even make a circle look right. And my friends and I got into a big argument...
But...I've regained a very special friend this week, of which I am most greatful.
So...that's my week in a nutshell.
Hope everyone's is going better.
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Sunday, February 18, 2007
New bg
It's a little screwy....since I'm trying to reverse the the exclamation points are totally in the wrong places, and I can't put things in parenthesis.
So, if it annoys enough people, I might just put it back to the sides the info are supposed to be on.
Anyway, how's everyone? I'm doing okay, school is murdering me though, and my home life is threateningly close to returning to what it used to be....but me and my dad had a daughterXfather moment yesterday. We worked on his car together....
I know what you're thinking...that should be a fatherXson moment! But...I'm more man than my brother. *hih-yah*
Have a good day everyone. Happy Chinese New Year, for the people like me. *eats dumplings, waves fan around*

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Thursday, February 15, 2007
Thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great!
Lol. Me and my friend were goig around saying that to everyone. Then we were just gonna do the whole song for one of my I was sitting in class, and it was taking forever for the bell to I was just starin' at it. Well, apparently, my teacher was talking to me, and I was yelling at the clock to "tick faster, damnit!" Oooo, I'm so lucky those nuns don't whack us with yard sticks anymore! (You'd only need a 12 inch ruler though to reach me, I sit that close to her!! XD)
Anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day! I spent the whole day shoveling everyone's houses on my block...and the only thing that I got out of it was a cold. -_-lll
But it's all good. I understand, they're all old...but no one said thanks~! T_T
But...I'll be busy today, so I might not be able to check sites...sorry. cookie...I was trying to comment you like two days ago, but it seems I couldn't find you! Did you turn your profile off for a bit? (or am I losing my mind? o.O)
Okay, well. Off to work and that new mountain of homework~! Ciao!
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Infinity on High
Well, Happy almost Valentine's Day minna-san!
Sadly, you wont see me around here tomorrow. I'm anticipating a lot of homework, since I'm sitting here now, sick to my stomach. Plus, I really do hate the holiday.
With my intense hate...I've been thrown back into a fit of depression lately...realizing how my best friend stole the guy I liked...and I have yet to ever have a Valentine. Or anyone that likes me...
So, I'll have to be content with kissing my doggies~! *smooch*
But, I am making v-day cards for someone special to me, he's my best guy friend, Andrew, but I know he doesn't like me. (duh, who does?) But I thought it'd be only I could find my pink colored pencil...*mumbles something about letting the dogs chew on it*
Hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow~!
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Sunday, February 11, 2007
I was going to post yesterday, but I had a mountain of homework staring me in the face...and my dad had something shoved up his ass, so I just mostly kept to myself in my room after he came home.
But I've still got a lot of homework left to do, and chores...and then I've got dance troupe, so I may not be able to come back on and check sites today. Sorry! (Somehow I managed to check some yesterday. lol)
Much love to everyone!
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Tuesday, February 6, 2007
New Bg for Valentine's Day~!
Hope you guys like it, and that everyone has someone special they're gonna be thinking of on that day.
(I sure don't~! lol)
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Monday, February 5, 2007
Genius has it's limits...unfortunately stupidity doesn't.
Hey again. Sorry I haven't been around. With the new semester and all, I just wanted to try and leave a good first impression, so I was focused on school a little more.
But I'm back~! (for the most part~!)
I dyed my hair again as well! It's red on the top...and then it fades to black~! She cut my bangs a little funny, but the color makes up for it. ^_^ Pretty happy with it!
So...did anyone watch the Super Bowl last night!? I had a great time watching it! My team won, and I might get tickets to see a Giants vs. Patriots game. So excited~!
But...that wasn't the highlight of the night. Me and my best guy friend usually have a movie night on Friday nights, but we skipped it to watch Super Bowl Sunday together. So we cuddled and cheered together, and had pizza. Then well, the game ended, and I was getting ready to go home, since I had promised my mom I'd come home after it was over.
So he walked me to the door way (sorry, here's the good part) and then he spun me around and kissed me. OMFG~! I didn't know what to do!!
Lol. Yep, my first kiss. ^///^
It was really awkward, since he's two years younger than me, and a really good kisser...and I didn't know how to kiss him back. *shock* Genius has it's limits...unfortunately stupidity doesn't, so I really just stood there...
But...I don't know. You guys think it means anything? He is pretty random...and why would he like ME?! lmfao. I mean like...I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, and I'm not pretty either...*sigh*
Hope everyone's week was as good as mine was!
Ps: this would be about the time I would've changed my site around a bit...but my computer isn't working properly and the only two places I can access is my backroom here and AOL IM and mail. Sorry~!
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Monday, January 29, 2007
If you can't dazzle someone with your knowledge, baffle them with your bullshit.
School...has gotten harder.
And all new semester started today. And it turns out that everything is really different.
I have a nun for a Honors English Litterature teacher that gives a lot of homework...she tripped over someone's bag today and fell down. We all had to gnaw on our pens like we were teething so we didn't burst out laughing at her. But you had to feel sorry, even though she's creppy, she's old...
Then we had an assembly...and my dance troupe had to do a flag dance. It was so embarassing~! We had to dance in red, white and blue sleeveless sparkly shirts and wave flags in a cannon routine motion. God, the whole school watched us make fools of ourselves.
I have a great new French teacher. ^_^ Her motto is shit happens, and we had an overall fun day.
Our principal, who also happens to be a nun, is my Honors World History teacher. Means you have to suck it up big time for her and there's only 9 people in my there's no hiding from questions. She knows all our names already!! NOOOOOO~!
And gym...damn. I don't have my gym uniform yet, so he deducted points. And we have to run a mile everyday...*cries* It's really kinda how it is in the movies...but we take written tests as well.
Anyway, I've been really busy~! I have practice for Les Miserables tonight, and I'm practicing for a Relay for Life tomorrow, which I have no clue where it is, what I'm singing, or what time it's at. So...I'm basically screwed for that.
But I'll try and be online more often. I feel bad...
Hope everyone's classes and activities are great~!
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Friday, January 26, 2007
Special thanks to KyatheBattousai and Angel Asuka for help with my page! I think I'm actaully getting it now! Thanks so much! *glomp*
I'm really happy with my site now. So I'll keep it this way for a while! (how long is a while? lol)
Hope everyone is doing well.
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Thursday, January 25, 2007
The only difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits
Sorry I haven't been around! (I've tried!!)
Well, good news is I'm done studying for my finals exams, but I wont know the grades until my next report card...and I have no clue when those will be givan out, not that I'm looking forward to it. lol.
Monday I start all new classes! I met my Honors English and Literature teacher...she's scary as hell! And my Honors World History teacher smells!! I'll be taking French 2 with a scary nun lady who just loves to touch people. *shivers* She kept stroking my back and hand while I was taking the final exam... And I'll also have Freshman Seminar, which is basically Gym, Keyboarding, Drug Awareness, and Guidance. Should be fun.
Well, I hope to be on more, and checking sites more often, it's just been really busy! And I know this week (Starting Monday) is going to be really hectic for me. I've got a lot of practicing for the play, I've got to sing for some cancer center one day, and it's also Catholic Schools week, so I'll be dancing a lot for the pep rally and flag services. *sigh*
Hope everyone's doing well!
PS: How do you like my new bg? If anyone can help me with the music or the little about me bar on the side (ya know, how to make it blend in with the bg, like see through) it'd be much appreciated if you can send me a PM!!
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