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Bayonne, New Jersey
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Overworked Student/Recieptionist
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I'm alive, aren't I?...lmao. And I can speak 8ish languages
Anime Fan Since
Since I was 3 when my dad turned on the TV while we were cleaning and I watched some DBZ....and I was all like pretty colors!!
Favorite Anime
InuYasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Fullmetal Alchemist, DNAngel, Yami no Matsuei, Loveless, Hellsing, Trinity Blood, Ouran High School Host Club, Death Note. I like a lot.
I have a dream to have a dream
Singing, Drawing, Writing, Playing the piano. I....collect rocks...
I don't think I have any...
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Friday, January 12, 2007
Did you guys hear about the farmer who won an award?
Yeah! He was the best in his FIELD! teachers tell the dumbest jokes.
Well, anyway. I'm really sorry I haven't been around this week. I've had play audicions, and I actually gpt a part! I'm whore number 2!! HA!
I have to go back to verify it Tuesday and sing again for them.
Then today I have to go out and watch a date after work. None of my friends like this guy one of my friends is going out with today cuz he's just a sex craving bastard with mono, and we dont want her to get hurt. So we're accidentally gonna show up at the ice rink were they're going tonigh and just watch them. And then we're gonna leave that guy there and take her home with us.
We think we're making the right choice for her, even though she doesnt believe us. We found the guy's past girlfriend, and she said all her wanted was sex, we found his cousin and she told us how bad he was.
I feel kinda bad that this is all we can do for her...
Yeah, so...I hope everyone's had an okay week. Happy almost Martin Luther King Jr Day~!
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Saturday, January 6, 2007
Come, congrigation, let's sing it like you mean it.
It's my birthday! HAHAHA....whoopie shit.
Seriously, some of my friends are more excited than me.
"Omg, Lauren, you're 15. Feel any different?!"
"Uhm...I've got a headache?"
", like, feel any wiser?"
"Well, I feel the same way I did yesterday, when I was answering all the physics questions right. YAY or change of phase problems!!"
"You're hopeless, Lauren."
Yeah, so, lol. I hope I get to do something interesting, and not get stuck doing homework the whole day. I've got a math project, a French project, French homework, physics homework, and math homework. I promised tht I'd clean my room tomorrow, too. So if I don't, I might as well cut my own head off.
Hope everyone has a good day! ^_^
PS: Thanks, Ace. I'll be changing my theme sometime next week. I miss talking to you!
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Friday, January 5, 2007
And you bleed just to know you're alive.
Lol, I just figured out that my song doesn't work, so I wont have one until my next theme. I'm already getting bored of this one, but I like the icon, so I'm at a loss.
I'm also pissed. My French teacher was fired last night. Don't get me wrong, I never liked her, but she didn't deserve that, she loved us all, and it's two weeks before finals!!! AHHHHH!
Our new (tempoary) language teacher makes learning a hell on earth. In the middle of class she was speaking totally in French, and she wasn't looking at us, so we were all like *head+desk*, She was pissed, we all were.
And we gave us a shitload of homework, which I haveta do tomorrow, since I'm gonna do something Sunday. But tomorrow's my b-day! *cries* Oh, well. It never goes right.
Oh, forgot to tell you guys. I went to a concert last night. It was a Beatles tribute band. They were freaking awesome!!! And it was a really special night, since the place they usually play at in NJ is closing, so it was probably the last one I was going to see. (It was my fourth time going to see them)
*Sigh* Anyway, I hope everyone's had a nice week. C yas!

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Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Hashiri-tsuzukenakereba mirai wa nai; Tsukisusume tobira no mukou e (If we don't continue to run, there is no future; So move foward, beyond the door)
Sorry I haven't been on. Happy New Year, minna-san! Hope it's a good one. ^_^
Well, yeah, sorry again. lol. I guess I'll tell about my week. *ugh*
Friday, my dumb ass brother closed the trunk on my head. It hurt like a bitch. And the noise of impact was sickening.
Saturday was better, I had a sleepover with 7 of my best friends. ^_^ We watched "The Lost Boys" and "The Breakfast Club". They were awesome~! So, if you haven't seen them, rent 'em! lol.
Sunday.....was boring, so was Monday.
And now today, I've put off my Math report long enough, so I need to get that done. But I might be back later if it doesn't swallow me whole.
Have a good day guys!
(I might put my new bg up, it depends on how much time I have. I'll probably do it, regardless.)

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Friday, December 29, 2006
Nye plach', nye pechal'sya, Nye tyi odin vinovat. (don't cry, don't be sad, you're not the only guilty one.)
Yesterday was pretty slow. I spent most of my time working on my French project, which was a pain in the ass, and later today I'll be spending some time double checking it.
I did read some more Yami no Matsuei (Descendants of Darkness) which was awesome. There aren't a lot of those available around me, so it's kinda like a treat if you find one.
I was so bored yesterday that I decided my next theme, lol. But I like this one so much, that I probably wont put the other one up till my birthday.
On an ending note, I found this cool song :Yule Shoot Your Eye Out" by Fall Out Boy on the album A Santa Cause: It's A Punk Rock Christmas. Definetly worth buying. Freaked a few of my friends out. ^_^
Well, hope everyone's doing well. I'm probably going to go out soon, or start to work on my algebra project. *sigh* I have to write up a report about why math is important to graphic designers and what they use it for, then I have to put together a poster board about it, and have a 5 minute long presentation. God, I hate presentation. T_T
Well, anyway. Have a nice day everyone.

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Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Zhestoko oshibsya ya; Ot smerti lekarstva nyet. (I was very mistaken; there is no cure for death)
A nice piece of lyrics from Bratja.
Anyway, I fixed my site up a bit! ^_^
I know it's not Christmas anymore, but I liked the bg when I saw it, and I really wanted to put it up for a while.
My song actually works, too. You still have to push the "click to play" button under my avi, but I'm pretty happy. If anyone knows how it can get it to play automatically, it'd be a big help. Plus, you'll make me even more happu! YAY happiness!
Hope everyone's doing well. I'll be back later (hopefully) to check more sites. See ya!
(Wow...I'm in a good mood. Oh, well...I'll go play some Guitar Hero.)

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Okay, well, I hope everyone's Christmas was alright.
Mine could've gone better, but I can't complain, I guess. It could've been worse. It's just upsetting to finally put up your prelighted tree on Christmas Eve after a horrible mass where they ran out of bread and then have to put your own things under the tree cuz your mom is passed out and your dad took an overtime job just so he doesn't have to be there. *sigh*
But I got a lot of neat stuff, since I was shopping for myself. So at least there was one perk! I finally got the Fullmetal Alchemist movie!! YAY! (my mom said she would pre-order it in July, but it never happened, so I had to wait...)
Well, I hope everyone's Christmas was filled with joy, happiness, and presents! ^_^
I must go and start on my shitload of homework. It's a conspiracy.
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Sunday, December 24, 2006
Sorry I haven't been around, with school and Christmastime it's been hectic.
But I'll be on more after the holidays. ^_^
So Merry Christmas everyone!
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Friday, December 15, 2006
No, I didn't forget about you guys! I've been really busy, so I'd just like to take some time out today to do a brief run through of what I've been wasting my week on.
Friday: Had that party...kinda sucked.
Saturday: Sucked even worse than Friday. Me and the rents argued the whole day.
Sunday: 5 hour dance troupe practice from hell.
Monday: Sucked even worse than Saturday. Was mom's b-day, and she all but told me to die in a ditch.
Tuesday: Another dance practice from hell.
Wednesday: ANOTHER dance practice from hell.
Thursday: Was a school christmas show. Costumes were embarassing, and now I know that what you see in the movies about ice skaters and gymnsts fussing over hair and getting everything right, is really true. It happened to me.
And today is Friday!! Hope everyone has had a good week. Since the hectic part of the month is mostly over, I'll try and be on here more often, I feel bad about not being able to check posts and stuff....
Well, I'm thinking about changing my bg, it kidna looked better on my desktop when i was futsing with it than as a bg for my site. So I'm off to figure that out. ^_^
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Thursday, December 7, 2006
They're gonna clean up your looks with all the lies and the books to make a citizen out of you.
Well, I don't like my bg as much as I thought I would. I wish I knew how to use photobucket wallpapers. Yeesh. ^_^
I did pretty well on my math test, 87...oh, who am i kidding, i totally flipped. I saw red marks all over my paper. lmao. I hope it didn't ruin my average. Must check on that...
I totally forgot that I had a mother-daughter christmas party tonight to go to...I hope it's fun...but I'm not expecting much. I haven't picked out an outfit yet either...not like I care much about what I wear. lol. Comfy is for me!!
Dance class was also a mess in itself last night. This girl I hate told me "to go to hell." And I was just like "you first bitch!" just had to be there. I guess it was funny if you weren't us. She was the one fucking punching me! And then she has the nerve to tell me I'M going to hell. hahaha.
Well, I'm not gonna bore you much more with this rant. I'm just killing time so I don't have to do chores. lol. Hope everyone is well. Happy Imaculate Conception if I don't make it back on tomorrow.
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