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Bayonne, New Jersey
Member Since
Overworked Student/Recieptionist
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I'm alive, aren't I?...lmao. And I can speak 8ish languages
Anime Fan Since
Since I was 3 when my dad turned on the TV while we were cleaning and I watched some DBZ....and I was all like pretty colors!!
Favorite Anime
InuYasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Fullmetal Alchemist, DNAngel, Yami no Matsuei, Loveless, Hellsing, Trinity Blood, Ouran High School Host Club, Death Note. I like a lot.
I have a dream to have a dream
Singing, Drawing, Writing, Playing the piano. I....collect rocks...
I don't think I have any...
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, December 6, 2006
I tryed to kill the pain...but only blead more
Well, yesterday was pretty crappy. I electicuted myself with the hairdryer, and I sprained me thumb and wrist. So I couldn't update yesterday, and I only felt well enough to check one site, I didn't even finish my homework. -_-lll
This really sucks cuz I have a big algebra test today, which is timed and made to make you rush, and if I can't write, I can't rush. And it's at the end of the I'll be like tired and sore... *cries*
Happy St. Nick day, by the way! ^_^
Well, hope everyone has had a good day yesterday, and has a better one today.
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Monday, December 4, 2006
Teenagers with no Better Days because we're all Upside Down
I'm truely sorry that I haven't been on this weekend, I really do get grounded for the stupidest I hope everyone's not too mad. -_-U
Well, I guess I'm even more down in the dumps than I was last post. I...there's been a lot of changes, and no one stops and bothers to tell me what's happening. Like my father getting a job at Giant's happened a week ago, and I only learned about it 5 minutes ago.
Also...there was some kinda argument going on between me and my mom, and she kinda said something along the lines of calling me a lesbian...and I got so mad.
Today's physics class made it worse...if someone could develop ADD and then loose it within a span of 80 minutes, I acchieved it. I couldn't concentrate on any of the questions, and it was obviously pick on Lauren day~! Ugh...
There's also been phedophile and rapist sitings around my school, and they say they go around in a white van, so we're all on high alert. Well...except for me. I'm not pretty enough to get scooped up and raped.
Whatever. Hopefully I'll get my act together and cheer up soon. My friends are looking at me funny, since I'm not acting "normal" I "normal"? HAHAHAha...ha...not working.
Hope everyone is safe and happy. ^_^

The subject is made up of three song titles. Guess them and...well, you'll have the pride at least.
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Friday, December 1, 2006
...but then he got too close to God, and his wings melted...
*sigh* Another day done and gone.
I brought my keyboard back upstairs today, so I can try and play while I practice for choir. And I really let myself go between now and from my duet and solo piece a few months ago. So I'm determined to practice more, but I don't have any money for lessons again...*sigh*
Oh, well. Something has come up in the middle of my post...and it has put me in a really bad I'm just gonna go.
Sorry, have a good day guys.

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Thursday, November 30, 2006
Attack of the retarded chipmunk!!
Bus ran out of gas when I was comming home from school, so we all had to get out and walk, or wait an hour for the next one. So I walked 45 blocks. *sigh* Gas? GAS! A gas station is on the fucking way to our stop...but no!!
I got a 100 on my Math pop quiz, which everyone else I was pretty happy with myself...until I bombed my male anatomy test and then my French Pop Quiz...I gave my French teacher the nastiest look I've ever given someone, she screamed "AHHH! The attack of the retarded chipmunk!!" and then...I just walked out. I almost got detention, cuz I walked out without my blazer (which is a requirement to wear) so I locked myself in the bathroom for the rest of my classes. I didn't care.
So yeah, I had a pretty bad day...
But it's almost December 1st!! Ah, December....time of hot chocolate, happiness, and snow. HA! BULLSHIT!

Have a better day, everyone.
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Teenagers scare the livin' shit outa me.
Luckily they moved that anatomy test till a later date. I woulda never guessed how hard it was to pronounce a guy's reproductive organs. Sheesh.
My pregnant friend also decided to move to France with her boyfriend (my neighbor) because it's more acceptable to get married and get pregnant at a young age there. I think it's 15 for the guy, and 18 for the girl, which works out cuz he's 15, and she's 16 almost 17. So they're gonna start saving for that.
I'm sorry I didn't get to checking sites mom was being a computer hog...well, considering this is her computer, mine is...smashed...
BUT! My grandma that lives with me got a magazine full up laptops...and now she wants to buy me one! OMG, I love my grandma to death~! ^_^
So I guess nothing has been so bad yet...well, yesterday in choir my voice kinda cracked in "Go, Tell It On the Mountain" no the high G note. It was kinda embarassing, but no one knew who the hell it was, so we just went on with a new piece called "A Christmas Wish"...and this is the point where I realized I read tooo much manga, I stapled right to left! AHHHH! I feel sorry for the person who gets that paper. HA!
Well, I'm done. No witty subject title today that I wanna talk about, I guess. But I'm kinda dad was watching "Cops" last night, and it was a marathon about Jersey City's the city right next to me! No wonder everyone hates Bayonne, too!It's Jersey Fucking City's fault!!! ...okay, I'm done.
Have a good day~!

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Monday, November 27, 2006
Go ahead, piss me off. But I warn you, my closet is very very small and has not been cleaned in years!
Okay, first off, I'd love to say another big THANK YOU to Angel Asuka for my bg, you've been the best~! *hugs* ^_^ I think I actually get it now...(lets watch me have a mental breakdown when I can't change it for x-mas. lol)
Well, I issued the death threat...and I had a talk with both of them about the baby. And he said he really loves her, and plans to marry her as soon as it's legal, but it was like I had to squeeze the information out of him...he was really pissing me off, and trying to avoid us. That's where the subject title came from up at the top...I said that, lmao. Anyway! They're gonna keep the baby. I smacked some sense into their parents, and now they're starting to set aside a bank account and funds for the baby. It's all good, and everyone's happy, so I am too.
Well...the rest of the neighbors aren't...I kinda burned soup yesterday after I finished my rant about the baby (which the whole neighborhood could practically hear) and it still smells like we had some big fire on our block...nothing worse than angry neighbors that have some beef on what's been happening in your personal life. *sigh*
Hope everyone's been doing well at school, cuz I've been doing well....amazingly. lmao. I actually got yelled at by my physics teacher cuz I'm doing considerably better than my class (that's a BIG surprise *not sarcasm here*). I honestly hate that subject, it's pointless, stupid, and HARD. AHHHHH!
Heh. Well, now I need to go study up, I have a quiz about the male anatomy tomorrow! *shivers* *twitch*
Have a good day!

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Sunday, November 26, 2006
When life gives you lemons....squeeze them in his eye. Why? Because we fight like men. *smack*

My friend said that....she was just really mad. Well, she should be. My friend got pregnant! AHHH! By some dude who lives on my block....I'm really mad, she's really mad....but her parents don't give a fuck, and neither do the guy's parents. So I have to play Doctor and help them out...
Wow....I am having zero luck with my site, and since I'm such a dumbass, Imma ask for help again. If anyone has patience, or is just bored to death, can you please give me step-by-step instuctions....cuz I am so confuzzled. -_-lll
A big thanks to Angel Asuka for all the advice so far, but it seems like it's all in vain...
I'm very slowly going mad over here....
Anyway, I hope everyone has had a great Thanksgiving (cuz I didn't...HA!) and had lots of things to be thankful for (such as...well...idk, not dying yet). ^_^
Oh, and I missed Trinity Blood last night (I've been screwing up big time, haven't I?) it'd be a big help if anyone could tell me what happened...Thanks!
Well, I'm off to screw with my site some more and issue that dude who got my friend pregnant a death threat...Byeas!
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Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Life is tough, bring a helmet
I had to make my site bright cuz my friend wanted to see it, and she's all about sunshine and rainbows....and she doesn't know about my..."style". So I had to change it. But It'll go back to my style after Thanksgiving. Sorry about your yawn Ace. XD
Wow....I posted art yesterday, and I decided not to say that I put it up on my last post, just to see if I'd get as many comments. And...I didn't. lmao. So...I guess we're all becoming harsher critics, or I really suck as bad as I think I do. -_-lll
Well, I might not have time to check sites later. My teacher gave me the "you're my best student...blahblah...I love you....blahblahblah...I think of you very highly" speech, and then she told me I just failed the test I took today. And I was so tempted to say "What gave it away? Was it the fact that I only answered 2 questions out of 59? Maybe?"
So she's being merciful cuz she forgot to tell me we were going to have the test (she told everyone yesterday while I was out) so I get to retake it. So I have...4 tests tomorrow. Which is a lot...cuz well, I'm only taking 4 classes. Gah, I'd rather die right now.
Hope everyone's doing okay in school~! ^_^
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Monday, November 20, 2006
Chicken Noodle Soup
My doc told me to take off from school today, so I was more than happy to oblidge. ^_^
I got my bg to finally show through! lmao. You gouys probably think I'm an idiot, but that's okay.
I should be back on later to check on posts, cuz I feel like I'm so horrible for being too busy for my friends. -_-lll
Hope everyone's doing well.
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Thursday, November 16, 2006
How To Save A Life
I'm baaaaaack. Sorry about that. Sunday I went to dance troupe, and it was 5 freakin' hours long. And I guess I overworked myself or something cuz I wasn't fully better...and I landed myself back in the hospital again.
So I was really mad about that, but I got a lot of get well presents. One touched me the most, my best friend got my "How To Save A Life" by The Fray CD with a little sticky note on it that said: Don't just listen to it.
So I really listened, I never noticed that their lyrics were so deep!
"Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life"
Well, I hope everyone's doing well. I might not be back later to check sites, since I'll be loaded with make-up work, and I might go to see Cartel with my best friend.
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