Birthday 1990-06-19 Gender
Female Member Since 2005-10-06 Occupation Real Name Kayla
Anime Fan Since Samurai Pizza Cats aired in the US Favorite Anime Ouran Host Club, Pokemon (original, not new), Sailor Moon, Loveless, any and ALL Miyazaki films, and others I can't think of right now Goals Work at Seaworld with the whales and dolphins. What? A girl can dream can't she? Talents Drawing, which is few and far between these days... LostChild
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hello everyone! How are you? I'm just chillin here at my house... by myself.. bored out of my mind. And I'm hungry too. This sucks.. ^_^
I uploaded some art! YAY! Here's the links incase you would like to see them. There's two. .:.:Catboy; Takashi:.:. .:.:Older Yuiko:.:.
Yea, so there are the links. Look at them if you want. It's up to you what you do. All votes and comments are much appreciated. ^___^
So this entire week, from 6:30 to some time a few hours later, my church has its Vacation Bible School going on. And of course, I'm helping. but I don't even know what I'm helping with anymore. Apparently, Pastor Sally (the lady who kinda runs this) "needs" the teens to help with the different age groups. So she takes the only three helpers from the Games area and tells us we aren't helping with games anymore. and that we need to help with the kids instead. For cryin out loud! That means Jesse will be the only person doing games. Until Dave shows up. Apparently he'll be late cuz he can't get off work in time for the first game or SOMETHING along those lines. But it pisses me off! They always do this to the teens. ALWAYS. There's always something we're doing wrong or that we're not doing. or SOMETHING. There's ALWAYS something wrong with the teens during VBS. It's so gay. I almost don't even want to help. Cuz I mean, I've helped with the games for years. I think since I was able to be a helper, I've helped with games. And Dave had already given us the papers and all that that we'll need for the games. And what we'll be doing. The poor guy. I feel sorry for him. All his helpers just got denied. It's a good thing we have Jesse running the games with Dave. cuz we wouldn't have anybody working games if he wasn't there!
But that was a long enough rant. I'm done being angry. But in good news, I visited ALL sites that have been updated! ^_^ I'm so proud of myself. I had gotten really bad with my visiting. So I'll be trying to improve that.
I've also been thinking about changing my theme again. ^_^ Like Milkycat said, the [Layout whore] got a hold of me. And won't leave me alone! XD
That is all and I have an awesome comic for you. I got it from ghettostar0492's site. So all thanks go to her.It's hilarious! ^__^
Well, I thought I'd change my theme again. Just a bunch of random kitty girls. ^_^ I think it looks pretty good. I dunno, what do you think? I hope you like it! -^_^-
Today, I'll be at the rink the rest of it. I was already there this morning. Man was it killer. I haven't sakted in about 2 weeks! *faints* That's a long time to take a break off. But I'm so excited cuz I get to hear my synchro music tonight. This year, for our theme, we're biker chicks. It's gonna be SO sweet! I can't wait.
Well, that's about it for today. Hope everybody id doing alright. I don't know when I'll be able to visit sites. I have to be at the rink by 3. So I need to start getting ready! ^_^
Wooooooo hooooo! I'm back! And I had one heck of a week. It was SO much fun. I won't go into a whole lot of details but I'll you a little bit about what happened. Only a little though. ^_^
Got to the camp grounds Sunday, hung around, got in trouble for swimming. XD Monday we went swimming again. Actually, we went swimming every day this week. except for Monday night and Tuesday when I was at Cedar Point. That was so much fun also. I got back late Tuesday night. Stayed up all night. Swam Wednesday, met some people, got irritated with some people, yada yada yada. Do I REALLY have to go through EVERYTHIGN that happened? Cuz in a sense, it was actually a boring week. But I still managed to have some fun. I think Jesse got jealous or something cuz me and Nathaniel were holding hands. My friend Alex was holding his hand too though. So I don't see why it's such a big deal. Who knows.. I didn't talk to Jesse a whole lot this week either. It was kinda sad. But I got kind of upset cuz he took a couple of the girls that were my friends out to get some food. When 1, we weren't allowed to leave the camp grounds(Jesse was though cuz he wasn't staying) and 2, he's not even supposed to drive girls around. It's our "church rule". And that really pisses me off. But at the same time, I felt bad for him. Cuz 1, he had to put up with my friend Sara(she was getting REALLY irritating) 2, he was dragged up to sing karaoke (or how ever you spell it XD) and 3, his car was shaving cremed twice. It's weird.
BUT! Back to the actual camping trip. In general I had a lot of fun. But of course, I missed you guys like woah. I'm back now so it's all good though, right? ^__^
Well, I'm just lettin you all know I'm back and what-not. So, next time I'm on, hopefully, I'll visit EVERYBODY. I'll try my absolute darndest to do it. ^_^
Have a great night everybody!
I just thought I would show you guys a very sweet video. It made me really happy. But it looks like the video isn't going to work. So if you just click that button it should take you to the actual URL for the video. I've fallen in love with Ouran High School Host Club. I knew I probably would. There's not a lot of shows like this that I don't like. I just have to check into them. And I've seen up through episode 16. And I want so badly to see more.. I'd have to say right now (and those of you who have seen it, you'll know what I mean) my favorite part is the scene with Tamaki-kun and Haru-chan when it's storming. I just love it! *gets all giddy* -^_^- It's adorable. And those two are my favorite pairing from the show too.
Ugh, I want so badly to make a nice background and everything to change my theme to Ouran Host Club. But I don't know how to make my own backgrounds.. I'm not that fortunate. *sobs* I REALLY WISH I COULD THOUGH!!
*gets upset and runs off*
Sorry about that. My brain crashed on me.
So, in other news, Tomorrow (Sunday) I'll be leaving to go to camp. And I won't be back until Sunday next week. But I DO get to leave Monday night and all day Tuesday so i can go to Cedar Point with my Synchronized Skating Team. I'm so excited for that! ^_^ So that means I'll not have access to a comptuer for a week. Which also means I won't be visiting or updating.. Sorry!
And today, I went and got a pedicure with Sara. I wish I could show you.. But I don't have a camera to take pictures! -_- And they're SO cute too! They're blue with a white flower on my big toe. and there's sparkles around it and a little dab of yellow in the middle of the flower. They.......are.....UBER adorable! -^_^-
Well, I suppose this is so long! See ya later! I would never say goodbye. Cuz that's like I'm saying I won't come back. And I know I will. And I'm also sorry this is such a later post. Most of you won't even notice I'm gone I'm sure.. but even still, I love it here. It's almost like my other home-inside my home. And that just sounds SO tacky. But I REALLY do appreciate all you guys and the things you've done for me. *hugs you all* T^T
Oh man! It's been quite sometime has it not? Sorry for the long absence!
Well, I thought I'd come and see how people were doing. Keep my absence down to a minimum. Ya know, the works. ^_^ Although I don't have anything very interesting to say. Terribly sorry to waste both YOUR time and MY time. I'm such a dufus...
Aaaaaaaaarrrggg!! Curse you Elveeeeesssssss!!!! You and your suggestions have given me obsessions!! I swear! Already I want to change my theme. I hate this. T^T Why can't I just keep one theme for a while..? Maybe in sometime, I'll change my theme.. MAYBE. Most likely. ^_~ And if anybody happens to see any nice pictures of the twins from Ouran high School Host Club, please let me know. I would really apprectiate it! ^_^
And I must say, Ouran High School Host Club should have its own category! I can't find anything on TheO without going through a bajillion different pages of what will most likely have nothing I'm looking... *sobs* It's a cruel world out there..
Here is a wonder picture of my new obsession, thanks to Elves. ^_^
IT'S THE TWIIIIIINS!! ^_____^ I love them.
Heheee I changed my theme. I've been going on a Sailor Moon rampage lately. Ever since I watched The Promise of the Rose at Nicole's house.. ^_^ Oh man do I love Sailor Moon.
Well, that's basically it. I just wanted to let you know I have updated my theme. And I hope you all like it! ^_^ And for stopping by, here is a nice parting gift!
Have a great day! ^_^ And HAPPY SUNDAY! >.<
I uploaded a new picture. It's just a sketch though. It's not up yet but when it does get up, if it gets up, would you please take a look at it? I'd really appreciate it. Even if it's just a look. I'd explain it a little, but I think the explaination under the picture covers it. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this picture though..
Today has been nothing short of stressful. I tend to be the kind of person who bottles up their emotions til the bottle overflows. And today just so happens to be that "lucky" day. What a joy. I don't even know what I feel right now, but I know it's not healthy. It's a bad habit I REALLY need to break. It kills me inside. I mean, it's like I'm depressed, but I'm not ACTUALLY depressed. If that makes any sense.. But I don't want to bore you with unimportant details of something I'm sure we ALL have faced before.
And so, I bid you farewell.
^_^ Happy fourth everybody!!
So, how IS your fourth of July going? I can't wait for fireworks tonight! I'll be at Sara's house, and she lives on a lake. They will be amazing.. I hope. ^_~
Yesterday, my mom asked me if I wanted to go to Babies'R'Us with her and my sister (the one having twins) and at first I said no. But then she added that they were gonna go to Borders as well. And that caught my interest. So I said I'd go, which also got me out of cleaning the kitchen. ^_^ But I bought my sister the cutest 3-piece set with a hat, mittens and little booties for each of the babies. And since she's having a boy AND a girl, I got one for each of them. Daisy's is pink (of course) and the hat has little bunny ears, and Tyler's has little puppy ears. I tell ya, I've never seen something so cute in my life! ^_^ And then when we went to Borders, I made sure I had plenty of money. I bought vol. 1 of Loveless and vol. 1, 2 and 3 of DN Angel. I read Loveless and started DN Angel last night. And I very much enjoyed it. And I'm very glad the ElvesAteMyRamen said something about Loveless. Cuz if it wasn't for her, I'd have NEVER heard about it.
Haahaaa, that's two posts in a row I've mentioned her now. I'm on a roll huh? ^_^
I beat Kingdom Hearts 2 last night. I figured it would be a little harder since I was barely at lv. 60. but nope, I breezed right through it. And now I'm going back and trying to finish that stupid journal. And I tell ya, I'm having the hardest time getting some Twilight crap. I mean, I had NO problem collecting the Dense materials. None at all. It was really easy actually. Oh wellzzzzzzz... I just have to keep on playing it. I think I'll start a new game on Proud mode sometime as well. If I'm up to it. ^_^
I WAS looking for a Loveless video, but I just wasn't satisfied with one for some reason, so I looked for a nice DN Angel video also. So you get to see TWO videos instead of one! ^_^ But enough rambling, here's the videos!
Weeeeelllll... I wasn't going to post today, but I was visiting some sites and I was visiting ElvesAteMyRamen. And I'm glad i did. Cuz I'm basically making a post just for her.. ^o^ It'll be a short post. Just wanted to put up a video for her.
Yes, my friends, that is the classic Freakazoid intro. I had forgotten about him until Elves had said something about him.
Haahhaa just thought I'd post something, since it's been a few days. Last night, I had the greatest dream ever! Sad thing is, I can only remember like, one part of it. But what makes me happy is that it was a Kingdom Hearts 2 dream! I was sooo sad when my phone went off. Making me get up. But you know how in the game, everybody BUT Sora gets kidnapped basically? (because he's the MAIN guy >.<) Well, SORA was the one that got kidnapped in my dream, which makes me giggle. He can fight all these heartless and Nobodies, but he can't keep himself from being kidnapped. Poor child.. ^o^
But I jusst wanted to get on the computer while my straightener heated up. Which means I'll be going soon so I can finish getting ready for church. How boring.. Oh but speaking of church, I don't knoww if any of you may remember this, but we finally have a new pastor. And it's about dang-dippity time! ^_^ but I personally don't really like the guy that was chosen. he's so ooold.
Well.. I think I just heard my straightener beep which means it's time to go! I's be of now! ^_^