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Samurai Pizza Cats aired in the US
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Ouran Host Club, Pokemon (original, not new), Sailor Moon, Loveless, any and ALL Miyazaki films, and others I can't think of right now
Work at Seaworld with the whales and dolphins. What? A girl can dream can't she?
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Here's something for you to do! A puzzle!! Cuz I just KNOW you loooove puzzles! ^_^
How is everyone today? I sure hope your doing alright. Today has been a bit of a bore. I brushed my dog today though! That was a bit hairy.. ^o^ Sorry, I couldn't help myself, I HAD to.
I've been trying to get my room cleaned out so I can move to the basement, and things are moving kinda slow.. Cuz I REFUSE to sleep down there with our Freddie Krueger pinball machine down there. Me and my cousin slept down there once with it down there, and for years now I thought it had turned on on us in the middle of the night. I swear I almost peed my pants. But it was just Staci trying to mess with me. And it worked too. There's nothin worse to wake up to than a nice loud "FREDDIE'S HOOOOME!" Ugh, it was soo scary. But I'm really excited to move down there. That's where all my game systems are resting.. at.. yeeeaaa....
Speaking of game systems, I've been playing Kingdom Hearts 2. And I just adore the game. And I knew I would. I got my cousin Sam hooked on the first one, and when my friend Nicole let me borrow the second one from her since she had beaten it already, I had my cousin play that one too. Actually, she asked me if we could play. ^_^ I can't wait til I FINALLY make my way to the Pride Lands. Cuz I mean, I can go there right now, but I'm still working on that god forsaken cyber place. I hate it there.. But on a lighter note, I absolutely love Axel! He's my favorite. But I know what happens to him... and that makes me sad..
But since that's all I have to say for oday, I'll leave you with a nice picture of him!

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
BWUAHAHAHAHAHA!! PleaSe pLease pleasE, if you want to see something truly entertaining, especially to those FMA fans, click here and click here I just adore these songs. I don't even know what the first one says though, but it makes me happy. So does the O RLY? owl.. o rly? ya rly! o rly? ya rly! no wai! XD I don't even know why I decided to put that up. But I thought some of you might enjoy that.
That's all I suppose. Enjoy the rest of your night! Or day depending on when you read this..
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Saturday, June 24, 2006
This is gonna have to be a quick post but I just wanted to get on and say hi to everybody! so... "HI!" ^_^
And I'm REALLY sorry but I don't have time to visit sites right now. perhaps if you're lucky, later tonight I will though. IF you're lucky.. ^_~
I have my 'official' birthday party today at my friends house. I'm soooo excited! *is giddy* ooooooh I just wanna ride on her wave runneeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! XD
Oh gosh, I am SO hyper right now. And I just watched the videos from yesterdays post.. I couldn't help but laugh. I simply ADORE the first one. It makes me happy x10. ^_^ And the second one, well it just adds to the happiness x10. *BIG smile*
I hope your weekend is a fun one! If not, that'll make me sad. ^_^<--me now : me if you have a bad weekend--> T^T
I need to gooooooooo now. But I kinda wanna find a good picture to put up for your viewing pleaseure...
*goes and finds one*
Aaaahhh.... here's a good one. I just adore this picture. There's just something about it. And he's SO attractive to.. X3

Ha, so much for a quick post.. ^_^
*runs around dancing* YYEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!! I don't have to deal with putting up an extra post anymore! that excites me to no end! When it had happened, I noticed people were commenting about the videos in my profile. I giggles, to myself of course. But that's what I meant when It says 'I hate doind this. I always forget.' I used to have to put up an extra post. BUT NOT ANYMORE!! *continues dance*
Welp, have a great day! ^_~
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Friday, June 23, 2006
I hate having to do this. I ALWAYS forget to..
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
Just a filler post! ^_^
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Hhmmmmm.. I just finished reading the Zelda manga for Ocarina of Time. It was nice to read. Very enjoyable actually. I kinda understand some of what happens. I reeeally liked it overall. And I think I might read the others too. Even though I've never played Majora's Mask, Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages, or Minish Cap.. I'll still read it. I can't wait!! I don't know why I'm so giddy to read it either.. Ah, who knows. But if you wanna read it, just click here and you can read whichever ones you want! And I highly suggest it for those big Zelda fans! ^_~
On another note, how have you all been lately? Summer's been kinda boring actually. but I'm having a party for my birthday this Saturday. I'm excited cuz it's at my friend Sara's house and she lives on lake.
Mom needs on.. short post sorry! ^_^'
okaaaayy... Now that she's done, I can add more to my post. And since I forgot to put up and extra post so you can see this one, I'll have to do that too! I don't know whats up with my posting, it suddenly got screwed up. But whatevs.. I'll get over it! ^_^
But i don't really know the point of me coming back and adding all of this to the post. Cuz I don't really have anything else to say! ^_^' Whatevs.. That's like, my new word all of a sudden. It suits me if I do say so myself.
Oooooh! I got something to say! We had an amazingly big storm last night. And surprisingly we didn't lose power either! But of course, me being as amazingly smart as I am, I was sitting on the computer during the whole thing basically. My dad didn't care though. I turned off the computer at one point, got really bored after a few minutes of holding my skitzofranic dog ^_~ and asked him if i could turn the computer back on. He's just like, " Sure, I don't care. But why don't you grab a flashlight just in case? You have one don't you?" *giggles* What a great dad I have.. ^_^
Well, that's all for now. I'm off to either go outside, start playing KH2 or read some more Zelda. ^_^ Hope the rest of you day goes well!
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Monday, June 19, 2006
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Tis my birthday today and before i even went to sleep this morning around 12:30 1:00ish, I recieved 2 calls. amazing.. Then my cousin called me around 3. That was also amazing.
But I am going to the mall today which means this can't be a very long post.. Cuz me needs a shower!! ^___^
And sorry I keep having random no word post.. My site is a little messed up righ now!
So I hope you have a great day!
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Sunday, June 18, 2006
Just another test.. Pay no attention!
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