Birthday 1990-06-19 Gender
Female Member Since 2005-10-06 Occupation Real Name Kayla
Anime Fan Since Samurai Pizza Cats aired in the US Favorite Anime Ouran Host Club, Pokemon (original, not new), Sailor Moon, Loveless, any and ALL Miyazaki films, and others I can't think of right now Goals Work at Seaworld with the whales and dolphins. What? A girl can dream can't she? Talents Drawing, which is few and far between these days... LostChild
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
I decided to change my theme! ^_^ Do you like it? And can you guys hear my music? Cuz if you can't then I need to find a different place to get it! I'm getting so close! But the reason I ask if you can hear it is because I can't hear it on my computer.. Cuz it's retarded! ^_^ Just kinda let me know though.
I've now decided to put some lyrics up for you to read! This song is sabsoultely amazing! And it's actually pretty deep. Well i think it is at least.. So here they are! ^_~
It takes a crane to build a crane
It takes two floors to make a story
It takes an egg to make a hen
It takes a hen to make an egg
There is no end to what I'm saying
It takes a thought to make a word
And it takes some words to make an action
And it takes some work to make it work
It takes some good to make it hurt
It takes some bad for satisfaction
La la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Al la la la la
It takes a night to make it dawn
And it takes a day to make you yawn, brother
It takes some old to make you young
It takes some cold to know the sun
It takes the one to have the other
It takes no time to fall in love
But it takes you years to know what love is
It takes some fears to make you trust
It takes those tears to make it rust
It takes the dust to have it polished
Ha la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la
Is so...
It takes some silence to make sound
It takes a loss before you found it
It takes a road to go nowhere
It takes a toll to make you care
It takes a hole to make a mountain
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life is full circle
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life is meaningful
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la it is so wonderful
It is so beautiful (x8)
It goes full circle
It is beautiful
God I love that song. It's sung by Mr. A-Z if you want to hear it. But you'll have to find it. Or go and buy the CD cuz it's such a good one! ^_^
I've been at YouTube AALLLL day. And I've just kinda been looking at some vidoes.. I found one that even though it doesn't have any pictures or anything but it's got Edward Elric (Vic Mignogna) singing "Brothers". It sounds absolutely amazing!! I'll put the video here so you can hear it. But i swear, I don't think I've such a nice song like this in a VEEEEERY long time. It's actually supposed to be a duet with Ed and Al but it's all Ed. The red's Ed, the blue is what would be Al and the yellow is them both. I don't know why but I can't stop listening to it. If I can find a URL for just the music I'm going to use it for my bg music. Anywho, here it is!
Oh gosh it's lovely! And if any of you are feeling generous and would like to help me search for the song, I'd be very appreciative! ^_^ BUT ONLY IF YOU WANT TO!!
Soooo, how is everybody? I hope you're all doing well! If not, then I hope you feel better! but it's also late so you could possibly be sleeping! ^_^ I've got nothing else to say, except that i'm going to putting AMV's on my posts instead of pictures at the end! So for this post you get two!! YAAAAYness!
Oh my do I love Sesshy!! What a cutie! This makes me laugh soo much! He always did strike me as some sort of techno dancer... ^_~
Oh b'golly has it been a long time!! I post once again to bring you all great news!!
Today was the Midwestern Synchronized Team Skating Championships in Fraser. In my Division alone, there was going to be 23 teams competing to go to the final rounds. The competition was tough but my team managed to pull out ahead and get first in the initial rounds. Which meant we were going into the final rounds in first place. And by the way, they split the teams into two groups (A and B). Two of our biggest competiter teams were in the opposite flight of us. They got first and second. It was a bit nerve wrecking to find this out. but anywho, we skate final rounds and we have to sit there and wait, and wait, and wait. FINALLY they start announcing the final results of the Open-Juvenile division, my teams division. They say the fourth place team, not us. They say the third place team, still not us. They say the second place team, STILL not us. By now we are all anticipating the first place team announcement. The man announcing it says this, " And the first place team in the Open-Juvenile division is.. *pause* *anticipation builds* TEAM DU COEUR!" That's my team!! we had got first, which made us the Midwesten/Sectionals champions! And the awards were on ice. So we get our skates on and get ready to go out, talking to the team that got second place. They were extremely nice too! Our name is called and we go out. They had the podium and everything setup. The guy that was out there grabs the two girls in the front of our line thinking they are our captain and co-captain. they tried telling him they weren't but he paid no mind. So we help them get down, and Rebecca, the captain, and myself, the co-captain, get up there. That has got to be the best feeling in the world! And.. I've never felt so photogenic before. ^_^ We had SOOO many pictures taken!
Well, that is the great news I just had to tell you all! Im so proud of the girls on my team right now! You've got no idea! And now my friends, I must go, and I hope you all have been doing well this past week or so! ^_^
Oh my goodness, I am SOO sorry I haven't been able to visit everybody lately! My internet has been down for the last couple of days, and I was gettin sad I couldn't come and visit y'all! but now it's back up and everything is going good! ^_^
So, on Saturday, I had another skating competition, and we took again. It was so exciting! We got straight 1's from the judges! It was amazing. But I felt really bad for this girl on team. During the program she fell and landed right on her back and hit her head on the ice. It was awful! She finished the program, but once we got off the ice, she was bawling her eyes out! I felt so bad for her. But before we skated, we were talking, and she was telling me that she forgot to take her ADD medicine. It made me laugh, cuz she goes crazy even after she's taken her medicine!
Well, how have you guys been doing while I've been out and about? You best been good!
Oh! Guess what! I thought I'd let you know that my sister is pregnant! With twins! I'm uber excited! ^_^
Oh man. I've got finals the rest of this week. Today was a piece of cake. My final in jewelry took me and the WHOLE CLASS 10 minutes to finish. It was only 30 questions long. And I think I pretty much aced it. ^_^ Then I had my French final. Another piece of cake since I took this class in 8th grade and knew everything. But tomorrow and Friday will get progressively harder. Tomorrow I have Chemistry then Math. Chmeistry will be a bitch, but Math will be another piece of cake. Speaking of Math, I got a 100% on my last quiz. I was excited. But again, I already took this class I just wanted to get a better grade so I dropped out of advanced Math when the year ended last year and took Integrated 2 over. Friday will be the hardest day of finals. I have History then English. Chemistry, History and English I have a hard time in. I have some sort of C in all 3 classes. The other 3 i have A's.
But anywho, I think I'm going to go and take a nap before I get ready for church tonight. So good day friends! ^_^
Oh and before I go, while i was typing the word 'take' I hit the 5 and I thought of a story to tell you all about how dumb I was when I was younger. Here it goes:
Back in elementary school, we had spelling test on the same words every once and a while to see how we were doing. And on the first one I took, we had to spell 'five' but I spelt it like this, '5ive'. And me and my frineds joke about that sometimes too. I'm cracking up right now too. you may not think it's THAT funny, but take pity on me, for I'm not but a moron who thinks everything is humorous! ^_^
Aaawwww... He looks so sad! Bankotsu is my favorite!
YEEEHHAA!! I finally changed my from that old christmas theme. Now it's S-CRY-ED!! What a great show, and i'm pretty excited that it's starting over again. I love watching that show!
So how have my darling friends been doing these past few days I haven't been around too much? You better be doing well!! Or I'll whip out my brand new, straight from the box flamethrower I got for christmas!!
Yea, that's right. Kayla has a flamethrower! So watch out....
Yea right, that's just an idle threat.. Like I'd have a real flamethrower.. I just found that picture off google..
Well anywho, that's really the whole point to this post, to tell you I changed my theme and that I DIDN'T get a flamethrower for christmas. So I hope you like the theme!
So guess what everybody! Ya know that creepy stalker guy i told you about? Yea it turns out it was this kid Isaac calling from Jesse's phone, but they just blocked the number since I know it. And I guess, apparently, they called EVERYBODY from my youth group pretty much. When I found out, I told my dad and he pretty much flipped. I kept telling him to calm down but he wouldn't. It was kinda pissing me off.. but yea, thay were calling everybody else, and making up all this stuff. But I was the only one they told they were stalking. Which is what freaked me out the most. But it's all good now. And now I think it's funny, but my dad's still kinda pissed about it.
So, last night, I didn't get ANY sleep. Maybe and hour and a half, that's about it though. I had 5 girls stay the night, and we didn't go to sleep til a lil after 7 this morning. And my dad woke us up at about 8:30ish to get ready for church.. yea, my head was like, bobbing throughout the whole service, it was awful. But now, I can't even take a nap cuz I'm not tired. It's crazy!! And it's a really good thing I don't have to go to skating tonight. I'd be screwed like no other!
Well, that's about it. So, how did all y'all's new years go? I had lots of fun! ^_^
First things first, let me just say, sorry I haven't changed my Christmas theme yet. I haven't ben able to. I'll change it soon.
Happy New Year guys! ^_^ I hope you all have a great one! And for those who are legal.. don't get too drunk! ^_~ Just kidding, I say go get completely wasted! That's what I say new years means to a lot of people. But anywho..
I have got to say something, it's about something that happened to me last night, well this morning around 2:30 ish. So I'm almost alseep, lke right there, and I get a phone call on my cell phone. so since I as sturred from my sleep I didn't check who it was. Bad mistake. Some creepy guy, and i don't wanna offend anybody but he sounded mexican, says I called him. sSo I said, "NO I didn't" So he says, "you called me so do you want to hang out with me?" I say, "No I don't". And he keeps asking me all these questions to the point I can't understand a thing he's saying to me. So I, thinking it was funny listening to him, put my phone on mute so he can't hear me but I can hear him. And he carries on for a minute, then starts singing. It was funny because he sounded awful. ^_^ Then he stops and says, "Alright, I want to be totally honest with you, and i don't want to lie to you. But I've been stalking you for 10 months now." And he straight up told me he was stalking me. And by now I'm kinda creeped. but then he proceeds to call me BY MY NAME!! I almost peed my pants I was so scared. But then the call was lost. I tell ya it was freaky!! But that's all for now. And I hope your New Year is a fun one! ^_^
Just a quick, fast and in a hurry post right now! But I think I updated too late last night so if you wanna know what happened over the past few days, read the last post! ^_^ Thanks, that is all!
Well, now that it's after Christmas it is time for you to tell me something. WHAT DID YOU GET FOR CHRISTMAS?? I must know! it's an interest I have, to hear what others have to say! So tell me please!
Ssooo..... do you guys like the sparkly Batman symbol in my prfile? I love it! Cuz I love Batman! He's the best super hero because he doesnt actually have super powers! ^_^ He's all natural hero!
Did anybody else watch the two Inuyasha movies Saturday? As childish as it may be I cried.... during both movies! I used to never, and I mean NEVER cry during a movie. What happened to me? I went all emotional on myself..
Well... I hope you all had a WONDERFUL holiday. Cuz I know I did. But my back hurts, because my lil cousin got a Nerf rockt launcher. And he shot me from the couch, which wouldn't have hurt as much as it did, had I not been sitting on the ground a mere 5-10 inches from the damn thing. God, it hurt soo bad! And I don't know how many times people kept telling him to stop shooting people. He just never listened.