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Friday, December 2, 2005
So last night, I decided I wanted to draw a picture for Christmas. and I have the line-art done, I just need to run to Michael's and get a few supplies I need to finish it! But I've also decided that I'm going to you the line-art BEFORE I upload the actual finished picture! ^_^ Cus im only putting the finished version in my gallery! So here it is!

I DID use a reference for Kagome's face and hair, but the rest is all my idea. And I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out so far! I was afraid it wasnt't gonna look ANYTHING like her, but I guess I was wrong! Hopefully I won't screw it up when I color it!
Well, tomorrow I have another skating competion that I have to wake up EARLY to be at. It's in Ann Arbor and I have to be there by 7:50. My team has to watch the little team skate before we go. And of course, they skate early in the fricken morning! GAH! But I used to be on that team so when I had to be skating at about that time, I ALWAYS had fun! ^_^
That seems to be all i need to say for now, so i hope that you all have a fun weekend! Cuz I will fo sho! (out comes the true ghetto inside me! ^_^)G'day my darlings!
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
hello everybody!!
soo... hows everybody been doing while ive been gone? gone, being the lazy-assed person i am. if that even made sense... but yeah.. sorry i havent been able to visit everyone lately! ive been having a pretty busy thanksgiving break! but tomorrow, i wish it would never come.. cuz i have to go BACK to school, the place i dread more than ANYTHING! yeah, i hate it there that much... heh heh, my dog is sleeping on my parents bed, and i guess shes having a bad dream or something cuz she keeps making some lil barking noise in her sleep.. its pretty funny actually. and she does this a lot so im pretty used to it too!
well.. this has got to be the most boring post in the world, i mean, theres no real point to it! but i just remembered something that has some meaning in it! i have a competition this weekend! im really excited! and not this weekend but NEXT weekend, im going to cape cod for yet another competition. and were gonna go to Salem while we are there!! im uber excited youve got NO idea!
hmm.. i suppose i should end this post, seeing as how ive got nothing else to say.. except, SORRY I POSTED SO LATE! i have a bad habit of doing that... then nobody knows i posted, and i get lonely! well.. im going to bed right now so, maybe, if we are all lucky, ill be on tomorrow! ^_^ g'night!
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
its thanksgiving! and the first thing i did this morning was thanked God i didnt die last night. and i you dont know what im talking about, read my last post, it tells you what happened. but thats not the point of this post! its to tell you all to have a great day and stuff your faces! i will i know that much. most of my family is coming over to my house for thanksgiving. it will be a blast!!
so what are you all doing for thanksgiving? that is, if you celebrate it. cuz i knwo there are some people who dont celebrate it. and thats cool. im onna have lots of fun!
oh and heres a joke i saw on metal_inuyasha's site! its about germans so please dont get offended if you are part german, cuz i am too! but i think its raelly funny! here it is:
Q: What do you call a blind German?
A: A Not See
*cracks up* i think thats crazy funny. then again, i think just about everything has some sort of humor in it.
well.. i hope you have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
im thankful for sure
oh my fricken god! i just saw my life flash before my eyes!
i was coming home from church with my friend hillary's family, since i never have a ride home. and its snowing up here (first snow of the year!^_^). and there was a couple extra people in the van so me and hillary had to sit on the floor but we were up on our knees talking to the people in te back, and suddenly, we jerk to the right and hear a big BOOM. and some guy (or girl) was in our lane and at the last second started to move over to his (or her) lane. and they side swiped us and hit the driver side mirror, and it smashed on the side window. that was the boom we heard. but although that is a some what "minor" accident, a few more inches and it would have been a major head on, and probably could have costed me my life. so i thank god that he protected us on or way home! and if in the case i HAD died in the accident, that would not be something to be thankful for, so again, i thank god for the traveling mercies hes shed on us.
and sorry this is a lil late. i couldnt help it. but im so shaken up right now! its crazy!
and if i cant get on tomorrow, i hope you all have a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING! *hugs everyone*
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
i realized i forgot a couple of people!
thats all, just thought id put those up as well! ^_^
yesterday at my skating exhibition, i got toepicked! or of you dont know what that is (im sorry, but come on!) lets just say i got stabbed! and it hurt, but i dont think it bled a lot, if any. and today i had synchro practice, and i fell on my knee, so that hurts t. man, im just getting beaten up! then my water from the machine was a block of ice! literally! it sucked. well thats all for today! ^_~
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Monday, November 21, 2005
i got married a couple a times! :D
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new theme!
yay! so i changed my theme, AGAIN! i know i just changed it but i was looking at pictures and well, i decided to do an fma yaoi(sorta) theme. it was inspired by ooLilical04loo's naruto yaoi theme. but she changed it already so you cant see it! ^_^ so thanks sarah for the inspiration!! ^_~ *hugs* youre my hero right now! and ive got a question! can anybody get a 'motherland' mp3 for me to put on my site? i cant find one! well, i can but not one with words! if you can find one please help me!!
so on other news, i had a skating exhibition today with the team. and we did good. except in the begining, we have to stop, and one of the girls behind me kinda tripped when she was stopping so it was like the domino effect but we didnt fall. but man was it FUUUNNY! and by the way, im an ice skater not a skate boarder, in case you were thinking that! ^_^
well other than that ive got nothing else to say!
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
ive got SUCH great news for you all! i had a skating competition over the weekend, and i had to skate against 5 other teams. and we got first place!! it was soo awesome and exctiting! and all the judges gave us firsts so we had straight firsts! it was amazing! but thats really all i have to say.
so how are you ladies and gents doing this fine weekend? any hing exciting happen to you? if something did.. DO TELL!! ^_^
well, ive got to go! see ya!
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
d'ya miss me?? huh? did'ya did'ya did'ya? cuz i missed all of you! ^_~
wow... this week hasnt been very good, except for a few choice days.in english we had a book to read, and dont forget, i hate reading! ^_^ but any who, i fell behind on the reading by, oh we'll say about 15 chapters or so. we were reading to kill a mocking bird if youve read it before, what are your thoughts? like it? dont like it? just wondering! but anyway thats not what i really wanted to say. this just lead up to it. but on wednesday, after church, some of the people were going to go to the movies and i asked if i could go. and my parents said i couldnt do anything til i caught up in my book. which meant i had to read those 15 or so chapters in about 4 or 5 hours. and man did my head hurt afterwards... but i did get them read and i got to go to the movies too! we went and saw chicken little 3D cuz it was my friends b-day the next day. but her parents wouldnt let her see anything else so we went to see that. and its a really good movie in my opinion. and if you remember the "church hottie" well he drove us cuz, well i dont know why he did. cuz he was gonna see the movie too i guess.. but it was soo much fun! we were actually late to the 8:30 movie which wasnt in 3D, but the 3D one was at 9 so we went in the game room at the movie theater and played some games. afterwards, jesse had to drive EVERYBODY back to their houses and i felt bad. so i think everyone else was gonna give him gas money and when they said this i was like, "well i dont have to give you any since i paid for your ticket!" cuz he forgot his money at his house. and there was *counts on fingers* 6 people going, and 2 of the 6 forget their money. and the 2 that didnt pay for the two didnt have any money extra so of course i was the nice person i am and paid for jesse. thus ends my good wednesday night.
but then we didnt have school thursday and we had to have that damn book read by friday. so i spent most of the day reading til i went to skating, then i came home and kept reading. what fun, let me tell you! but i finished at about 6 and went to my friend nicoles house for a while. and we played some tales of symphonia since that game kicks ass! and then we went outside and were running from here lil sister. and we were running around the house and when i went to step and turn at the same time on the grass, i fell. and if i had to go to the bathroom at the very moment, i probably woulda peed my pants, right there on the grass!!! it was SOO funny!
then FRIDAY, i get a call from jesse, wanting to know what im doing that night. i said i didnt know and he asked if i wanted to go over to his parents house and play euchre with some of the peeps that went to the movies and his dad and a couple others too. so i did and i had a blast!! but then i was laying on the floor, almost asleep. and i look up and jesse's rolling towards me. so i figured he was gonna stop when he got to me, so i put my head back in my arms. but no. he steam-rolled me!! and, we're gonna get mathimatical for a second, he was perpendicular to me so the first thing he rolled over was my head. which had my arms over it. and i think he crushed my brain. but once he got over my head he stopped and got up saying i hurt HIS back. then he gave me and two other girls a ride home and he was saying, AGAIN, how i hurt his back, then he said I hurt HIS head cuz I steam-rolled HIM!! and i did nothing of the sort!! and i took so much asprin i thought i was gonna overdose for a second. but nope. i was fine!
well.. theres my fine week. how are you guys doing thses fine days? i havent been around lately, sorry!! *bows* im either too busy or too lazy to update or visit people these days! i feel bad! cuz i mean, some of you come to my site when i post something, but i cxant even get online and visit you uz im too lazy. *smacks hand* bad friend! ill try to be better! i promise! but im out cuz im kinda tired. but i dont think ill even be able to stay up and watch adult swim! i missed it last week cuz i taped the wrong freakin channel. dammit!! i will get it right tonight!!
good night my darlings!! *hugs* thanks for stopping by!
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Saturday, November 5, 2005
new theme!
so i got my new theme. i didnt want to do the other one but dont think im gonna tell you what it was! its a secret! so i hope you like my new theme!
so its 5 right now and it feels like 10. its crazyness...
one last thing, on my other site, fallenhope, please check out the two pictures i uploaded. theres a lineart and a colored version of the same picture! please and thank you!
have a good evening!
Question: what are you doing this weekend? just curious!
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