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Samurai Pizza Cats aired in the US
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Ouran Host Club, Pokemon (original, not new), Sailor Moon, Loveless, any and ALL Miyazaki films, and others I can't think of right now
Work at Seaworld with the whales and dolphins. What? A girl can dream can't she?
Drawing, which is few and far between these days...
Saturday, December 31, 2005
First things first, let me just say, sorry I haven't changed my Christmas theme yet. I haven't ben able to. I'll change it soon.
Happy New Year guys! ^_^ I hope you all have a great one! And for those who are legal.. don't get too drunk! ^_~ Just kidding, I say go get completely wasted! That's what I say new years means to a lot of people. But anywho..
I have got to say something, it's about something that happened to me last night, well this morning around 2:30 ish. So I'm almost alseep, lke right there, and I get a phone call on my cell phone. so since I as sturred from my sleep I didn't check who it was. Bad mistake. Some creepy guy, and i don't wanna offend anybody but he sounded mexican, says I called him. sSo I said, "NO I didn't" So he says, "you called me so do you want to hang out with me?" I say, "No I don't". And he keeps asking me all these questions to the point I can't understand a thing he's saying to me. So I, thinking it was funny listening to him, put my phone on mute so he can't hear me but I can hear him. And he carries on for a minute, then starts singing. It was funny because he sounded awful. ^_^ Then he stops and says, "Alright, I want to be totally honest with you, and i don't want to lie to you. But I've been stalking you for 10 months now." And he straight up told me he was stalking me. And by now I'm kinda creeped. but then he proceeds to call me BY MY NAME!! I almost peed my pants I was so scared. But then the call was lost. I tell ya it was freaky!! But that's all for now. And I hope your New Year is a fun one! ^_^
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