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Samurai Pizza Cats aired in the US
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Ouran Host Club, Pokemon (original, not new), Sailor Moon, Loveless, any and ALL Miyazaki films, and others I can't think of right now
Work at Seaworld with the whales and dolphins. What? A girl can dream can't she?
Drawing, which is few and far between these days...
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Oh man. I've got finals the rest of this week. Today was a piece of cake. My final in jewelry took me and the WHOLE CLASS 10 minutes to finish. It was only 30 questions long. And I think I pretty much aced it. ^_^ Then I had my French final. Another piece of cake since I took this class in 8th grade and knew everything. But tomorrow and Friday will get progressively harder. Tomorrow I have Chemistry then Math. Chmeistry will be a bitch, but Math will be another piece of cake. Speaking of Math, I got a 100% on my last quiz. I was excited. But again, I already took this class I just wanted to get a better grade so I dropped out of advanced Math when the year ended last year and took Integrated 2 over. Friday will be the hardest day of finals. I have History then English. Chemistry, History and English I have a hard time in. I have some sort of C in all 3 classes. The other 3 i have A's.
But anywho, I think I'm going to go and take a nap before I get ready for church tonight. So good day friends! ^_^
Oh and before I go, while i was typing the word 'take' I hit the 5 and I thought of a story to tell you all about how dumb I was when I was younger. Here it goes:
Back in elementary school, we had spelling test on the same words every once and a while to see how we were doing. And on the first one I took, we had to spell 'five' but I spelt it like this, '5ive'. And me and my frineds joke about that sometimes too. I'm cracking up right now too. you may not think it's THAT funny, but take pity on me, for I'm not but a moron who thinks everything is humorous! ^_^
Aaawwww... He looks so sad! Bankotsu is my favorite!

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