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Samurai Pizza Cats aired in the US
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Friday, January 27, 2006
Oh b'golly has it been a long time!! I post once again to bring you all great news!!
Today was the Midwestern Synchronized Team Skating Championships in Fraser. In my Division alone, there was going to be 23 teams competing to go to the final rounds. The competition was tough but my team managed to pull out ahead and get first in the initial rounds. Which meant we were going into the final rounds in first place. And by the way, they split the teams into two groups (A and B). Two of our biggest competiter teams were in the opposite flight of us. They got first and second. It was a bit nerve wrecking to find this out. but anywho, we skate final rounds and we have to sit there and wait, and wait, and wait. FINALLY they start announcing the final results of the Open-Juvenile division, my teams division. They say the fourth place team, not us. They say the third place team, still not us. They say the second place team, STILL not us. By now we are all anticipating the first place team announcement. The man announcing it says this, " And the first place team in the Open-Juvenile division is.. *pause* *anticipation builds* TEAM DU COEUR!" That's my team!! we had got first, which made us the Midwesten/Sectionals champions! And the awards were on ice. So we get our skates on and get ready to go out, talking to the team that got second place. They were extremely nice too! Our name is called and we go out. They had the podium and everything setup. The guy that was out there grabs the two girls in the front of our line thinking they are our captain and co-captain. they tried telling him they weren't but he paid no mind. So we help them get down, and Rebecca, the captain, and myself, the co-captain, get up there. That has got to be the best feeling in the world! And.. I've never felt so photogenic before. ^_^ We had SOOO many pictures taken!
Well, that is the great news I just had to tell you all! Im so proud of the girls on my team right now! You've got no idea! And now my friends, I must go, and I hope you all have been doing well this past week or so! ^_^
Awwww! Look at them! I love this picture! ^_^

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