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Samurai Pizza Cats aired in the US
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Ouran Host Club, Pokemon (original, not new), Sailor Moon, Loveless, any and ALL Miyazaki films, and others I can't think of right now
Work at Seaworld with the whales and dolphins. What? A girl can dream can't she?
Drawing, which is few and far between these days...
Monday, April 10, 2006
WOW... today has not been a good day AT ALL!! We'll start at the beginning..
A week ago, approxamately, I had asked Jesse if he was coming to my ice show. He said he would. He said he would go to the one on Sunday. So I got excited for that. Sunday rolls around, and after the show, I go and meet up with my friends that came. He's not there. He didn't come. Apparently he had to make a CD for Sara and Angelica.. The bastard.. He's had WEEKS to do this. And he waits til SUNDAY to do it.. He knew I was upset with him last night at church, he even admitted he had no excuse for not coming. AND he even let me, what he called it, vent. And this was all over dinner as well.. He had basically ditched me, and that upset me so much.. But in a way, things are good between us. Except for today, Apparently, one of the times he's taken me home, a note from my friend Hillary (I have something to speak about her as well) to me fell out of my pocket.. Well, he just so happened to be a topic in a certain spot in this note.. Don't ask why, but we were talking about if me and Jesse got married and all that.. I'm tellin ya, DON'T ASK! It's something that happened a while ago! He'll probably blackmail me with it or something..
Onto Hillary.. first, she is never on good terms, to say, with her parents. She's is always getting in trouble, lyiing to them to see her boyfriend and crap like that. Well, she had also told me she wanted to come see the Ice Show. That didn't happen. She got grounded because she lied about going to the movies with her 2 friends when instead she went to see her bf. Not smart. Her mom had parked the car, cuz got that "motherly instinct" ya know? Needless to say, they never saw a movie, she got grounded, could'nt go to my ice show.. yada yada yada.. She's a fricken moron! She does this ALL THE TIME! I mean, you'd think you'd have learned something after being grounded for about a year or so, right? Guess not though.. But what gets me is today, after 6th hour, I usually walk with her and her bf to my locker and to the bus, and when I come out of my class I smile at her and she's all like, "Kayla, Oh my gosh I haven't seen you all day! Yuou werem't at my locker this morning.." I's like, "Hmm.. wonder how that happened" She acted as if nothing had happened.. Jerk...
Maybe I'm overreacting or something.. But I was soo upset!
Well, I have to go finish the last bit of my homework so..
Good Bye!
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