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Drowning in my misery
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Call me Kitty
Um, I have a lot...
Anime Fan Since
I was 8
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Trigun, InuYasha, .hack, Kikaider ,and Sailor Moon(manga only!)
To own all .hack episodes
Listen to music, playing guitar, playing games, escaping reality, history, sociology.
| lostinthought
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 12/19/04:
The Perfect Guy | Created by madhatter and taken 7770 times on bzoink! | Hair color? | Dark Blue | Eye color? | Deep violet | Height? | 6' 1'' | Six pack? | Sure | Long hair or short? | Short and spikey ^.~ | Glasses? | Nah | Piercings? | One ankh earring on his right ear | Eyebrows? | Yeah | Big butt or little? | Doesn't matter | Chest hair? | No | Buff or skinny? | Inbetween | Teeth? | Yes! | Section 2 | Funny or serious? | At the right moments | Party-hopper or more stay-at-home? | Stay-at-home | Should he be able to bake or cook? | YES! | Does he have a best friend? | YES! | Is it okay for him to have a lot of female friends? | Not a lot... | Out-going or shy? | Inbetween | Sarcastic or sincere? | At times... | Does he love his mother? | Yeah, but not too much | Should he watch chick-flicks? | Some | Would he be a smoker? | No | How about a drinking? | No | And swearing? | Only when he's extremely mad | Would he play with your hair? | Yes ^^! | Would he have more than one girlfriend at a time? | NO! | Would he pay for you when you're on a date? | Yes | Does he kiss on the first date? | Yes | Where would you go for dinner? | Hmmm Chilis! | Would he buy you flowers? | Only my favorites... | Would he lay under the stars with you and spout random philosophies? | lol hopefully, or it'll be me talking about mine | Would he write poetry about you? | Maybe one or 2 | Would he use endearments? | Um, all depends | Would he hang out with your and YOUR friends? | Yep | How about you hanging out with him and HIS friends? | Sure! | Would he walk you up to the door at the end of the evening? | Yes | Would you hold hands? | YES!! | Section 3 | Does he play soccer? | NO!!! | Baseball? | Yes!!!! | Football? | No | Basketball? | With friends | Water polo? | Um, I guess | Golf or something equally boring? | NO! | Does he surf? | Nah, | Skateboard? | As a hobby I guess. | Snowboard? | Sure | Can he sing? | Yep | Play the guitar? | Yep | Play piano? | Nah | Play the drums? | Yep | Can he keep his room clean? | A little messy | Is he an artist of sorts? | Hmmm, no | Does he write his own music? | I help just a little ^.^ | Does he have pets? | Yes!! Kitties, doggies, and snakes! | Section 4 | Does he use the word dude? | Nah | How about tight? | Nah | Would he watch the sun rise and set with you? | Yes | What kind of car does he drive? | Hmm, some type of blue sport car | How old is he? | Maximum 4 years older than me | What's his name? | Jin | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
Result Posted on 12/19/04:
 Blood Force. Violent one, aren't you? They've probably tried to lock you up, but you broke out. If they haven't, and if by some chance no one even thinks you're so full of rage, you're just waiting to explode and show them who the strongest is. YOU.
Which Demon Force Rules You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/19/04:
Result Posted on 12/19/04:
I hate the Nancy Drew books >.<
 Your tears are a grayish, misty shade of cyan. Also known as mysterious tears. You are a loner. When around people, you feign the personality of a sweet, shy, timid one, but inside, shadows lurk. Each one of your tears is packed with wonder and suspense. You are sexy and seductive, and tend to be quite sly. Your life is a Nancy Drew book.
What Color Are Your Tears brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/19/04:
:hugs: I love my Nightcrawler. He's so sweet...:rambles on:
 Your ideal mate is Nightcrawler. His appearance may be a bit off-putting, but his heart and personality more than make up for it. He is shy and isn't very sociable and comes off as a bit of a loner (but you'll fix that). He is also devoted and strong, and he always seems to just *pop* up whenever you need him the most. : )
Who Is Your Ideal X-Men 2 Mate? (ladies only) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/19/04:
 You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 12/19/04:
Result Posted on 12/19/04:
Result Posted on 12/19/04:
Result Posted on 12/15/04:
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