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normally in the saddle on my beloved white dragon Ramamoth and flying in my little world of Yeratod, or Ireland which evers warmer
Member Since
A daydreamer, who is smart but lacks common sense and lives in her own little world
Real Name
Tora Snomane
Ha! your funny
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
varied which is scarely cuz im legally an adult
To get round to writing the story of Tora Snomane (i've started i must now somehow finish it)
Computer games, and reading i read far too much, i live in my own little world because of it
Ability to kick ass on any games console, i think im a writer but im not sure, You read my chapters and tell me
| lostmydragon
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
well, from extreme to extreme in work, mountian of work yesterday to NOTHING to do today.
so i doddled. for some reason i drew a boar dunno y but i did (maybe because i was thinking of Princess Mononoke) and it turned out pretty cool. Then it disappeared from my desk. found it a while later stuck to the evil vending machine undamaged luckily.
im beginng to have an unnatural fear of postit notes(TM) becuase they mean work for me and theres a small pile of them that appear on my desk when ever i turn away and my pens keep disappearing.
U all know my pyscho friend, skiploompidgey. She also happns to be my frist and BIGGEST fan of the Demon Dragon. as i write she proof reads but i have learned that cliff hangers are hazardous to my health.
Skip is upstairs reading the latest chapters and im on my way up. Half way up the stairs i see skip stroming down the hall.
me: whats wrong?
Skip: Run!
i turn and run back down the stairs and into the living room but she's right behind me and grabs me by the neck nearly pushng me over the back of the sofa and shouts at me
skip: wheres the next chapter!!
Me: in the laptop!!!! letgo!
She lets go and runs back upstairs to the laptop. i had bruises on my neck the next day... well ok she said sorry and i kinda understand y she did it the ciff hanger was very unfair but im not going to change it, its the way i wanted it and it had the right impact, i have one more planned and im gonna wear riot gear when she reads it lol. For my other fan (angel) im in the middle of five and ill post it later in the week
g2g now suffering from withdrawal from Oblivion
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Monday, March 19, 2007
*another rant*
Its here, its f***ing here!!
My new PC whoo hoo its so pretty. black and silver with a blue neon strip light.
250GB hard drive! 250!! oh yeah kick ass graphics card, excellent speakers can't mind what the RAM is thou.
I can now visit Angels site more often! My laptop was crap everytime i tried to visit my buddy angel my laptop had a heart attack cuz of his music player and took about ten minutes to load But now it only takes a few seconds, i love this PC.
I er .... borrowed *cough* my brothers copy of the elder scroll IV OBLIVION! and im addicted it a brillant game. i've done little esle since thursday heehee it was hard enough to go to work today.
Which brings me to the rant! (sorry in advance)
i have the worst day today.
On thursday a screw fell out of my glasses in work and the lens poped out so me and two buddies where on our hands and knees in our cubile trying to find it (a rather odd sight for anyone going past) we found the lens but no screw so i made do with a few tiny strips of sticky tape, but today!!!! on the other side of the glasses the arm completely snapped off *cries* so with a long bit of sticky tape i managed to get it back together but this time it stands out a mile i feel like a prat. plus i had to get my boss to help me cuz shes the only one with sticky tape, shes ok but she will not let me forget this.
i was caught in the hail/snow/rain combination four times today... (the weather won't make up its mind, its blooming thundering now!!) i missed my two 15 min breaks cuz i was so busy today.
i may not have mentioned this but i was put up for a slight promotion from order entry to monitor well i didn't get it, i got exceptions instead. the difference u may ask.. the ladder goes order entry, monitor, exceptions, mentor, manager. But thats better u may say, the problem is no pay raise and i deal with all the f**k ups. so no extra money but 5x the work load and stress (NEVER let ur boss know that ur very good at ur job)
With bring us to the end of the rant for now...
i've taken angels suggustions about chaper 4 to note (good ideas by the way) and i'll work then in chapter 5 is in progress.....ish
Right g2g see ya people
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Whoo hoo
Well i got my cash and tomorrow it gets handed out to my future brother in law who will then get my pc!! hahah!! can't wait!
Also the suits in work have moved me back to working on two pcs, what a pain.
but you have waited long enough so heres four.
Chapter 4 – The Journey Begins
It was dawn, the orange sun was just breaching the top of the walls, Senus was already awake. He was walking along the top of the castle walls looking from the still silent town to the noisy stable boys in the courtyard of the small castle.
The boys were rushing to saddle the dozen horses for the long journey to the capital, the Baron and his court were to meet with the king in his castle which made this one seem like a woodcutters shack. The boys were lining up the horses and putting on their reins and saddlebags. Senus watched them for half an hour then turned to leave to the laughs of the other stable boys as one of the boys was bumped by a stubborn horse and fell back on a horse pat. It was time to wake the Baron.
The Baron Gottol’s quarters were on the third and top floor of the main keep. As the bodyguard approached the large oaken door he heard the Baron already awake and moving around his room, Senus entered after his knock was answered with a sharp bark from the Baron. The room was large and had three doors, one on the left which led to Gottol’s sleeping chamber, one on the right which was the private study and straight ahead which led to a small balcony to over look the main courtyard, a feature which all castles had in their masters rooms, the middle room was for receiving guests and had a low table a long bench and a few fancy chairs with backs and was decorated finely with fine drapes and a lavish tapestry. The baron was in his bed chamber making a fuss over his best cape by trying to fold it in a way so it would not wrinkle, which was impossible.
“You could just get one of the servants to shake it out when we get there” Senus was answered with an affirmative grunt from the Baron.
“The horses are almost ready, and I have sent word to the rest of the company to be ready within the hour”
“Good” grumbled the baron as he emerged from his bed chamber, he was dressed for riding, in leather trousers and a thick grey padded tunic and a warm brown woollen cape, his long light brown hair was swept back into a horsetail. “Senus I want you to do some thing for me, just before we leave you are to fetch this ‘Toni’ and escort her to the company, from then until we get to the city I want you to keep a very close eye on her, I don’t trust her, the story she told Colnuna was too outlandish to be fully believed”. The dislike for the girl was plain in his acidic tone and the hard look in his hazel eyes.
“What about your safety, I am your guard!” He didn’t fully enjoy the task, he preferred being a soldier than a bodyguard but this was his assignment after all.
“There is a unit soldiers coming with us so I will be fine but watch her closely never let her out of your sight, I will not be responsible for a spy or worse getting into the kings castle”
“You believe her to be a spy?”
“I’m not sure what she is all I know is I don’t trust her, I should have left her in the woods, come lets go then”
The Baron strode from the room indicating that Senus was to carry the packs and follow after him, Senus grumbled but did it anyway Gottol treated him more as a servant that a bodyguard. After leaving the packs with the stable boys to place on the horses, Senus went to the dining hall to have his morning meal. When he entered the hall he saw the Baron speaking to Colnuna, before he could hear the conversation Colnuna had turned and walked out of the hall by another door.
“She’s going to get the woman ready to ride” was all Gottol had to offer about the conversation but the red on his face told of an argument had just taken place between the two, he decided not to question any further and settled into his bowl of soup and bread.
Colnuna stormed down the hallway forcing a cleaning girl who was scrubbing the floor to crawl out of her way, she was furious at the Baron, he had asked if the girl could move her arms fully again when Colnuna answered that she could and that the break was not that serious Gottol had smiled, this answer pleased the baron, “Good then her hands can be bound for the trip”, bound! His nerve was unbelievable, the girl was barely out of a sick bed after Eden knows what had happened to her and he treats her like a prisoner, she had argued him down and he finally agreed to allow her to ride free, in her rage she kicked a scrubbing brush and it flew down the hall and clattered to a halt, the cleaning girl ran after it. On her way to Toni’s room she vented her rage on a few other small objects and almost a cat but it was too quick to be kicked.
Toni was sitting on the edge of the bed lacing up the brown leather trousers that Colnuna brought her, they fit loosely but they still fit. She was also wearing a light blue sleeveless vest, a padded blue tunic was laid across the bed, and she would need the nurse’s help to put that on. When she pulled the knot tight the pain flared up again in her side, the nurse examined it last night, a painful but necessary experience, Colnuna reported that she felt no serious break in her ribs but there was a definite crack which would be uncomfortable and stiff for a while, but how long was a while? Her head, while slightly better, still throbbed and her ankle had healed well and she could now put weight on it, Toni was sure there was more to the strange greenish-grey duese-weed paste than just the numbing sensation. As Toni was buckling a leather belt with a large loop on the side which she didn’t have a clue what it was for, she heard the nurse muttering outside the door interrupted slightly by the slide of the bolt that barred the door, which Colnuna had told her last night was put in place by order of the baron along with the armoured guard outside the door and Toni knew the nurse disliked the idea, Colnuna entered the room with a red face that was twisted in anger and looked just plain scary.
“Something wrong Colnuna?” the nurse turned as if just noticing her
“Oh, no pet nothing for you to worry about, here lets get that tunic on you” said Colnuna quickly changing the subject.
With the protest of her sore side Toni managed to manoeuvre her stiff arm into the tunic sleeve as the old nurse held it up for her, Toni fastened the tunic herself while the nurse reached under the bed and produced a pair of thick and tough leather boots. Also with the nurses help she managed to slip them on.
“Well pet your almost ready to go, Senus with be here to collect you any time now, then it’s a few days riding to Culin then another few days or so to Ter Bonin”
She broke off as there was a knock at the door, and a shout
“Is she decent Colnuna?” she chuckled and shook her head as she answered and more of her grey curls escaped the tight bun on her head “yes, you lout come on in, not that you wouldn’t anyway”
Senus came into the room with a grin on his face “you know me too well” Toni eyed the man, he also wore leather trousers and a padded hard leather amour chest plate on it was etched a spread winged white dove under which was two crossed spears, and a green cape, on his belt hung a sword in a sheath from a loop the same as the one on Toni’s belt. His face was scarred and his voice was rough and his hair shock black was cut short with hints of greyness but his eyes where pale, peaceful grey. Toni gave the sword a worried look she didn’t like it. He carried another green woollen cape over his arm. Senus grinned as the old nurse playfully shoved him,
“you haven’t changed since you where a boy you big lout”
“Aye but then it was me who had to look up at you” he grinned down at the nurse “anyway lets get this one to the horses we leave soon, the Baron has already mounted” he gave the cape to the nurse as he lent his arm for Toni to lean on while she got to her feet. When she did Colnuna threw the cape over her shoulder Toni caught the ends under her neck and fastened it with the wooden toggle that was there, A cloak and all they’re really going to lengths on this hidden camera show was the thought in Toni’s mind. The nurse nodded and the two headed out of the room towards the courtyard, the solider following behind.
After a painful descent down two sets of stairs with Senus’ aid, Toni limped out into the courtyard and the scene took her breath away, there where archers in the tall stone watch towers, pike men on the battlements and stables full of horses. This was no fake set and looked like none of the old castles in the Irish countryside that where falling apart, this was a fully operational castle with servants and everything. In the centre of the courtyard was a raised platform on which a number of well dressed people were standing, ladies in colourful embroidered shirts and woollen skirts and men in riding clothes that were also embroidered with the symbol of their house. From the platform the company were stepping down onto the horses that where brought next to the platform by the stable boys. Senus walked next to Toni as they made their way onto the platform. Senus’s grey stallion was waiting and next to it was a smaller white and brown horse, this was to be Toni’s mount. After helping Toni get into the saddle of her horse that refused to stay still, Senus mounted his own horse which Toni noticed had a bow and a quiver of arrows attached to the saddle bags.
A tall man Toni didn’t know stood up on his stirrups of his large black and brown horse and held up his hand for silence, and bellowed “Now that everyone is ready we ride for the city of Culin”
“That’s Gottol” Senus whispered to Toni as the baron led the way towards the huge gates of the walls Toni and Senus where at the back of the line, now close up Toni could see that the walls where nearly two stories high and about 12 feet thick and built of rough hewn stone, in the roof of the gate was a massive iron trellis which could be lowered to block the gateway, Toni glanced back at the castle and saw Colnuna wave from a window on the second floor of the keep, she raised her hand in farewell but was sure it would not be the last time she saw the old nurse.
Once outside the castles walls the company passed though the town, the town was full of buildings that where made of stone and had thatched roofs and strong wooden doors. There where wooden stalls selling pots, cloth, chickens and cows and a blacksmith selling tools, behind the stalls was a tavern with a wooden sign hanging over the door and a sour looking man standing in the doorway. There was even a church, a small domed building with cravings of saints and dragons, above the door was the text “May Eden, Our Lord, Watch Over And Protect Us All”. Who was Eden? Toni felt it would be slightly inappropriate to ask now, she would wait until they stopped for the night. As they left the town a column of armoured men rode from a large wooden building outside the towns low walls Toni felt anxious, but Senus who seemed to pick up on this leaned over and said “don’t worry they’re going to escort us”
“oh” was all Toni could manage not taking her eyes from the soldiers, the men where wearing full plate armour with the same dove and spear symbol that Senus bore and helmets with feathered wings craved into the steel and a birds head engraved on the nose guard, some carried spears, some bows but all of them had swords hanging from their belts and one carried a banner with a boar on it. There were ten in total, four moved to the front of the party while another four moved to the rear behind Toni and Senus, the last two had red lines down the centre of their helms and seemed to be more heavily armoured moved to either side of the baron, these men were obviously a higher rank than the others. As she watched the soldiers move in to their positions she noticed that all the men had swords and even one the ladies had a small dagger hanging from the delicate cord belt around her small waist. All these weapons made her feel uneasy, where they expecting trouble? Or is it just a precaution? Toni hoped it was the latter as the large group moved off, heading west onto the wide expanse of the Putag Plains.
Hope ya liked, if ya read left a comment!
Ja Ne!
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Saturday, March 3, 2007
i am so angry at my wirless internet connection. the modem keeps cuting out and the signal is too weak so i can't connect to it from my laptop (glares at invisable wirless waves) and on top of that my memory pen USB connectors was bent so they now no longer fit into a pc so i can't even transfer the dam chapters to my mums pc down stairs (which is unbeliveably slow too) god i can't wait till next week when i can get my own pc i got it picked out and its a great price only 887 euros. cant wait!!
well im gonna try and add a few doddles i drew whislt on hold at work so check them out, that is if i can get them on, if not i'll just post via photobucket
well as the japanese say
Ja Ne!!
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Monday, February 26, 2007
Hey people sorry about not posting much but things have gone from busy to madness at work.
First they decide to monitor the speed of the systems we use (which are very very slow) so they need one pc in Customer services and one in Provisions. and guess who they pick in provisions....... yup!
so i got this vital agent software stuff downloaded on my pc at work, which monitors what sites i go to (i can only get into work related ones anyway so no worries there) and a very annoying bright green icon in the task bar at the bottom right of the screen.
i found out today why i was chosen too. turns out my manager thought i was the only one on the floor that knew how to and used all the systems. shes bloody right too, and she makes full use of it and gets me to do alot of stuff so work load and stress are going throu the dam roof while sanity levels are dropping like a stone. (Never let your managers know how good ur are at ur job they just give you more to do!)
Any way because we use a shared network to acess spreadsheets we need for our job it blocked out the vital agent software from reporting back to the techie so what do they do....
i had the nesscery internet on one (different network) and the spread sheets on the other. completedly removed the convienance of copy and paste which just makes the job longer. image someone working which two pcs at once and image something going wrong on both that was me and i kept typing on or useing the wrong keyboard or mouse. on the plus side i can now use a mouse with my left hand (i switched around the buttons to make it easier)
After about two weeks of this they decide that its still not working so im back to one pc but the second one is still there i know they will make me go back to it once they sort out the bug.
Also they majorly under estimated the amount of people needed in Provisions team or how many people would want boradband from vodafone. either way they are over 100 people on my queue, i have to make sure all these people get their BB in 10 working days. which is not as simple as it sounds (ok so it doesn't sound simple). but what makes it worse is when somting in one of the many processes goes wrong. then the alreadly elivated stress level gets higher and the open window at the end of the room looks very inviting (only one floor up i could make a run for it) for example: last week one of the systems we use (eCo) this connects us to another business that sorts out the acutal BB, theirs systems crashed completely, and over 1,900 peoples orders where either delayed or cancelled completely AND whats worse is we don't know which is affected until the day their meant to be completed! and to add salt to the wound it takes 5 days to reorder another one. i've had to call so many people and say
"Sorry but due to an error in our systems your BB is goning to be delayed for a further week"
now this gets a few different reactions.
1) ah well, thanks for calling (i like these people)
2) Why? i demand an explaination! i want compensation! (i hate these ones but the most common)
3) ohhh nooo, please don't tell me that, is there nothing u can do? (these people u feel really sorry for and want to help but can't)
those are the three top ones but theres also
4) the a**hole who shouts at you for a while then cancels his order completely
5)(only got this one once but memorable) she laughed.... her only problem was that she had to tell the kids they had no BB for another week she though this was very funny (cheered me up a bit)
i still get funny ones thou.
1) calling agirl to get bank details she gave them to me, a 20 min call, she was in the bath the whole time...... ok then
2)a guy stops mid sentance and shouts to his girlfriend... "Leanne you left a fork in the microwave!" and as if on cue 'bing' now i laughed my head off at this.
3)a guy threaten to cancel his whole order just because the bloke that took the other put an s at the end of his chosen email. so he got perfect_frames instead of perfect_frame. what a A**hole, he was so cheeky to me about it an all.
4) and one of the best an english guy told me about the time he was serving in ireland as a soldier when he found out i was in ireland, he also asked me to talk on so he could but his friend on the phone to hear me accent again i got a good laugh outta this.
i also answer my mobile (cell phone) with "hallo back office ****** speaking" now that is slightly worrying.
anyway sorry about the rant i promise to post another chapter tomorrow night or maybe wedesday
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007
well heres 3.....
not much to say..... work sucks... cats all better...umm enjoy..
Chapter 3 – A New World
Toni lay with her eyes closed, her head was throbbing painfully and there was an uncomfortable tightness around her chest. She didn’t think that she had over done it last night but her headache seemed to disagree. Toni turned her head cursing the vodka from the night before. Stray rushes from the mattress tickled her nose, she pushed them away, muttering.
“I need a new bed”, she stopped, with her eyes still closed she wore a confused expression. Her hand felt around the bed, in places more rushes poked though, the blanket covering her was rough and itchy. Toni groaned she was not in her own house, but it won’t be the first time she woke in a strange place after a night out. She turned and made herself more comfortable. But what sort of bed uses rushes and a burlap sack for a blanket? It was now her eyes opened, she was in a dark room the bed was in the centre of the room, in the far wall was a fireplace, its flame was low and it cast little light, there was a window to her left, moonlight flooded in onto a stone floor through the gaps in the wooden shutters. Toni sat up quickly, she was overcome with a sharp pain in her side and head and a wave of dizziness. She lay back down and waited for the dizziness and pain to subside. She lay with a hand over her eyes, her free hand moved to her head, it was tender to the touch; she winched but continued to probe around more gently. Her head it was clad in a rough bandage which extended around her head. She tried again to sit up, slowly this time. The pain in her side returned but the dizziness didn’t. Now she looked around the room, her eyes more accustomed to the dark, she could see a door to her right, and it was closed. The walls where large stone blocks and on the walls where brackets, in one of them was a torch, Toni rubbed her eyes and looked again, there it was still and unchanged, a wooded stick with cloth wrapped around the top, soaked in god knows what to keep it burning. Who uses those?
“Ok, now this is just weird”. She continued scanning the room. Under the window where several small covered pots, near her bed, on the right, was a chair, well a stool would describe it better it had three legs and no back. Beside the stool was a small wooden table on which was a large pewter bowl and a massive jug. On the floor under the table were her clothes, Toni’s eyes widened, she looked down, she was dressed in a large cream coloured shirt, it looked like and itched like wool. Like anyone discovering they had lost some thing her hands flew to her side to pat them as if checking her pockets, pain exploded from her left side, she bit her hand to stop from crying out, and tears filled her eyes. With a pained hiss she rolled the shirt up, underneath were more of the rough bandages and several bruises on her stomach. She let the shirt fall back down to cover the nasty sight.
“Was I mugged?” was the first rational explanation she could muster, she was still not thinking clearly. She looked down to the blankets, they were a rough material it looked like, felt like and smelt like hemp, that would explain the roughness and the irritation she was feeling. Some thing else entered Toni’s head which made her forget completely about the strange blanket and mattress, she gripped the covers and pulled them away from her legs, the cold air rushed over her legs causing Toni to shiver. Her legs where bare expect for numerous cuts and bruises, and another bandage was around her right ankle which was numb and sat at a strange angle and she couldn‘t move it, her legs were a creepy purple colour completely covered in bruises and a large number of cuts. Apart from the large shirt she was naked. Realising this Toni pulled the covers back over her cold legs, she was feeling completely exposed.
“This is messed up, big time”. She sat on the strange bed her head in her hands, and tried to fill the gaps in her memory. ‘There was the band, the gig, we had a few drinks, I started home, I got to the football field and then‘… She struggled to try and remember anything after that, all she could recall was a squirrel for some strange reason. So between then and now she gained a whack on the head, a broken rib, a busted ankle, and she looked like she was dragged though a thorny hedge. Along with that, someone treated her wounds and in the process striped her naked and bandaged her up.
“This is disturbing” Toni felt violated, she couldn’t get over this. Her head was beginning to throb again, her side ached and she couldn’t feel her right leg and her head began to swim. So Toni did the only thing she could, she lay back down again and closed her eyes to think.
Toni heard the door creak open, someone shuffled in and the door swung closed. The shuffling steps walked over to the table, there was some clinking and the sound of water. The foot steps moved toward the left of the room and a slight grunt as the unknown person knelt down near the fire. Toni opened her eyes and tried to see the person. The room was flooded with sunlight, Toni must has dozed off, she could see a hunched over figure at the end of the bed their back was to Toni. She tried to twist into a position to get a better look at the figure at the end of the bed. In the process see moved her right leg, the good news was the feeling was back in her leg, the bad news was the feeling was pain. A sharp pain shot up her leg causing her to curl up into a ball as she brought her knees up they impacted with her ribs, she could not stifle the whimper from the pain and the person at the end of the bed turned and stood.
It was an old woman, her frame was hunched and her grey hair poked out from under her bonnet. She had a stern wrinkled face but kind green eyes.
“So you’re still among the living then?” her voice was like her eyes, kind but had the ability to be forceful.
“Err, yeah” Toni responded slowly, while she straightened herself out under the covers feeling embarrassed, her voice was raspy, like it hadn’t been used in a while. Toni was starting to push herself up to a sitting position
“Stop, don’t” the old woman was beside her faster than Toni would have thought an old person could move which made Toni jump the woman pushed her back down.
“You’ve done a lot of damage to yourself don’t move, can you feel your foot?” when Toni nodded the old woman went to the end of the bed and lifted the sleeping furs from her feet. She removed the bandage from Toni’s foot, it was painful and Toni was cringing, the woman tutted and retrieved one of the pots from under the window and the stool, there was an open wound on the girls foot it would need cleaning it was not broken like she had first though. She uncovered the pot and a fowl smell came from it. Toni screwed up her face at the odour, without looking up the woman explained.
“Its duese-weed, it will take away the feeling in your leg and make it easier to work with, you should count yourself lucky we have this, it takes a very long time to make and the herb its made from is very difficult to find.” Sure enough when the woman spread the stuff on her foot the pain faded, she was grateful because the woman began to clean the wound with such vigour Toni knew the pain would have been crippling. While the woman worked she suddenly spoke.
“My name is Colnuna, I’m the one who’s been looking after you for the past two days”
“Two days! I’ve been here two days”
“Aye, lord Gottol found you while he was hunting two days past and brought you to the castle. You where in a right state, what’s your name child?”
“Wha.. two…..hunting? …..ah oh right I’m Toni…Castle...Hunting?”
The old woman smiled at the tongue tied child in the bed. Toni couldn’t figure it out why would a guy hunt in a football field in Dublin? Or what castle this woman was talking about. Her eyes drifted to the window and her jaw dropped at what she saw outside.
The first thing that caught her eye was the man, in amour and holding a pike walking along the top of a large wall made of the same stone and style as the walls in the room, beyond the wall was a town, all the buildings where stone and had thatched roofs, Toni had seen buildings like this once before at a Famine re-creation village while on holiday in the west coast of Ireland but a whole town was unbelievable. Colnuna finished with Toni’s leg and re-bandaged it.
“I’m safe to guess that your not from around these lands?”
“No, I mean I’m not sure… where I’m I?”
Colnuna couldn’t help but laugh at this “That answers that question, here you should have some thing to drink and eat” She got up from the stool and walked to the table where a tray was sitting, Colnuna must have brought it in with her, on the tray was a goblet and a hunk of bread with some soft cheese, when the tray was placed in front of her Toni released just how hungry she was and began to eat. As Toni ate Colnuna lifted the old bandages and empty pot.
“You finish that and get some rest I’ll be back later to check on you, I’ve already changed the wrappings on your chest and head today” this caused Toni to turn red “and I’m sure your ribs are fine for riding tomorrow”
“Riding?” asked Toni through a mouthful of bread, looking confused.
“I’ll explain later pet, but for now rest” this was said with a stern look as she walked out the door, Toni could have swore she heard a bolt slide into place. She finished the bread and stared out the window, and watched a man struggle with a horse and cart. “This is not right here, I’m just waiting for the camera crew to show up and some guy to shout gotta!” She truly hoped it would happen because it was obvious now that she was no longer in Dublin and she was starting to get scared.
Colnuna met Senus outside the dinning hall and told him of what Toni had said.
“I told you there was something strange about that woman, anyway she should be well enough to ride with you and Gottol to the capital tomorrow”
“Very well, I’ll tell him when he’s done eating” Senus pointed at the door.
“That mans getting fat” Colnuna turned and left Senus chuckling by the door to the hall.
Later Colnuna returned to Toni’s room, and Toni flooded her with questions.
“where am I? who’s Gottol? And ride where?”
“Peace child I’m getting to that first tell me how you got here”, She paused as Toni told her of the Friday night and it was obvious now to Toni that this woman didn’t know anything of the modern world, or she was a very good actor. When she had done it was Colnuna’s turn to talk.
“You’re in the castle of Baron Gottol, lord over the Puntang Plains and tomorrow you will set off with his court and go to west to Ter Bonin, the Capital of the known world of men, the doctor there could offer a better explanation as to why you’re here.”
“Oookkkayyy, that seems a wise thing to do” she drew the sentence out and wondered if the nurse was serious. Toni was confused and had no clue what was happening so she decided to go with the flow and to just act surprised when the cameras appeared.
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Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Chapter 2
Meh the heading says it all.
Chapter 2 – The Hunter’s Quarry
The sun was just rising and it was quiet. Almost too quiet, the deer twitched its ear, no indication of a predator but was still weary. The stag picked its way out into the clearing, constantly looking about, when it was sure it was safe he lowered his horned head and began to graze. Then there was barking. The hounds rushed though the undergrowth, close behind where the mounted hunters, a horn blew and the deer took off. It was a small deer but still easily seen from the horse’s backs the excitement of the hunt thrilled the men. The deer had lost ground, the hunters were gaining, the strain of the run was showing on the deer, in a last desperate attempt it cut a sharp left, an arrow whizzed past and grazed the stags ear, it jumped a small stream, it was enough to confuse the hounds but the hunters were still far enough back to react to this move and gain ground by cutting a sharper turn. Another twang rang though the air and the deer fell. Dead. The arrow stood quivering from its neck. The hounds surged around the fallen prey, howling and yipping and summoning their masters to the kill. The horsemen stopped nearby and one dismounted to chase the hounds and stop them from eating the deer, the hound master even had to pull one of the hounds off the small deer. Another three remained mounted, one, the taller of the men, stood high in his stirrups to see his prize over the dogs.
“It was a good shoot m’lord, right though the neck” said the hound master from within the mass of growling and barking hounds as he retrieved the arrow from the neck of the animal and lifted its head by the antlers. A good sized stag, it would make a fine addition to the table tonight.
The taller man grinned; it was a fine kill, an excellent shot from horseback.
“Then tie it to your horse we must take such a fine stag back home with us, it would be a shame to let it go to waste out here, squire, aid him”
He beckoned to the young boy who rode behind him, he jumped quickly from his horse to help the hound master. The fourth man did not move from his horse, but keep close to the hunter, and surveyed the area, keeping a hand on his bow and an arrow close doing his job as bodyguard. The taller man sat back down on his steed and watched the man and boy labour with the awkward deer.
Now that the deer was out of reach the hounds sniffed around for some thing else to chase, an unfamiliar scent filled their nostrils, one by one the hounds locked on to the strange odour.
“The hounds have found something interesting, look m’lord” the hound master pointed to the unsettled dogs when he finished with the deer and the squire struggled back up onto the horse which was too large for him.
“Aye, what say you men, shall we hunt another?” in truth it didn’t matter what the other men felt they would have follow him anyway.
“Very well then, mount up and blow the horn we have another quarry to hunt!” the man shouted happily.
The hound master forced a smile as he mounted his own horse, he would rather head home, he blew on the horn which gave the dogs the signal to track the scent, they sprinted off into the underbrush and the horses crashed after them.
The dogs led the hunters to another smaller clearing, the tall man already had an arrow at the ready but he saw no target within the clearing, he assumed the hounds would continue but they swarmed around some dark object on the ground. The horses slowed and he turned to the others.
“Did any of you let fly an arrow?”
“No my lord, it was not I” answered the hound master, the bodyguard and the squire both shook their heads.
“Then someone has been hunting on my land,” anger surged though the taller man no one was to hunt in these woods without his permission, which he rarely gave, the deer was too few at this time of year.
“Well…see what it is and how old the kill is” he snapped at the hound master, who jumped and drove his horse forward a few steps and dismounted. He waded into the hounds to search for an arrow on the carcass, when he had cleared the hounds and had a clear look at the body, he gasped.
The taller man was impatient now.
“Well, what is it a deer or a wolf or something else?”
“I think you should see for yourself Baron”
“Fine if you are unable to tell me” the Baron grumbled as he pulled himself off his horse and strode into the hounds, kicking more than one. In the centre of the circle of hounds was a boy. It was the Barons turn to gasp; the lad was dressed strangely and had a wound on the side of his head.
“my lord” shouted the squire; the Baron looked around at him to see the boy pointing up into the trees. The Baron craned his neck to follow the boys finger, above the boy on the ground was a hole in the roof of tree branches, they all looked snapped and broken, and sure enough when the baron looked back down to the lad there was broken branches poking out from under him.
“What happened here, did he just drop from the sky?”
The hound master looked up looking confused at the Barons statement then he followed the baron’s eye line and understood.
“It’s what it looks like” the baron started as his body guard appeared at his side, he was good at his job but had a terrible habit of sneaking up on the baron and his gruff looks and voice didn’t help.
“Is the lad still alive?” asked the baron
The hound master, who was crouched next to the body, looked up to the baron he held the boys head in his hands.
“Aye, he is, but he’s hurt bad, we should get him to the castle quickly”
The Baron looked at the boy, now that his head was turned a large wound was evident on the side of his head. He finally nodded. He turned to his body guard.
“You are the fastest rider, take the lad and ride on to the castle.” He held up his hand to stall any arguments, “I will be safe for half an hour without you, we will be right behind you, take him to the nursing woman and have him cared for, I want an explanation from him when he wakes”
“Very well” the body guard offered no argument, he crouched down and wrapped a length of cloth around the boys head, It quickly turned red, but it slowed the bleeding. With the aid of the hound master he got the lad into the saddle in front of him. The lads head lolled to the side and looked near death, he galloped off, leaving the other three behind. The baron turned to his squire. “Did you recognise the lad from the town boy?”
“No sir, I have not seen him before, he does not live in the castle or town and I have not seen such strange clothes before either”
“Nor have I”. The baron mounted his waiting horse and gave the hole in the trees above a last look, the hound master mounted his own horse and blew a recall whistle, the three horsemen started off towards the castle and the dogs followed behind.
Back at the castle the baron was enjoying the deer in the dining hall when his body guard came to him.
“My lord the nursing woman is here to speak with you; it’s about the lad we found during the hunt.”
The baron grunted he hated being disturbed while he was eating but this time his curiosity got the better of him. The lad was to well fed to be anything less than a land owners son.
“Fine, send her in Senus” the baron wiped his face in an effort to remove the grease, while Senus his bodyguard fetched the old woman, but all he did was spread it around. The nurse entered, a stern but kind woman, she took no nonsense from any of her charges; the baron learned that when he broke his arm a few years back.
“Well what have you to tell me about this boy we found?”
“First of all it’s not a boy, you found a woman in the woods, second of all her wounds are not life threatening, a nasty bang on the head and a broken ankle and a rib or two, apart from that just cuts and bruises although she has not regained consciousness yet.”
“A woman!” the baron nearby choked on his mouthful of deer meat, a small bit landed on the nurse’s apron. The squire rushed to the baron with a goblet of wine.
“She does not appear to be of these lands, my advice would be to take her to Ter Bonin” she spoke while she wiped the meat from her apron when she was happy it was all gone she continued, “The doctor there knows more than I when it comes to foreigners”, she paused to allow the Baron to finish choking, then continued, “Him and that elf assistant of his could offer a better suggestion.”
“That man is a quack!” spluttered the dumbfounded baron “besides I can’t spare anyone to take a lost woman to the capital”
The old nurse addressed the Baron in a tone now that scared even Senus who was standing next to the baron. “The doctor in Ter Bonin is the most learned man in Yeratod he is also the king’s advisor, there is some thing unsettling about that woman, and you are going there in a few days anyway so take her with you!”
The old nurse was red now and on the verge of shouting, the Baron seemed to swell, his face turned purple, the young squire backed away for fear of being in the crossfire.
“If a man had addressed me in such a manner he would have been beaten and imprisoned!” the barons voice was raised, the old woman lowered her head and gave a look that only a woman could, Senus smiled, he knew the baron respected the old nurse and feared her like a child would a mother.
“But yet again your logic is undeniable,” huffed the Baron “very well if she is well enough I will take her with me”. The baron slumped back into his chair, defeated.
The nurse smiled and nodded, she left the large room to return to her charge, there was indeed a strange feeling about this young woman, she looked to be in her seventeenth year, an age where most would have a husband and a child and yet there was no union band or evidence of child bearing, also her clothes were like none she had ever seen before, her under-shirt bore a strange picture, formed with a stranger material. It depicted flames and men with strange instruments, the meaning of which she did not know, in truth she did not believe this strange woman to be of this land, the old nurse had a bad feeling and her feelings had a habit of being correct.
Senus turned to the baron, “well, she does make a lot more sense than many of the court men I know”
“True, and she makes a good point too” the baron was playing with his knife
“How so” asked Senus
“I may not like the doctor but the king and prince trust him and he is smarter than us it would be worth finding out about this lad.. well woman and where she came from” the baron fell silent and stared into the fire, he called for wine, which the squire quickly supplied, and fell back into his own thoughts. Gottol made a point of not trusting her or anything she said. The deer lay forgotten on the table.
This was rewriten god knows how many times....everytime i look at it i change it. i should stop that.....
what ya think?
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Kitty lamp and Chapter one
Hi people,
well my cat has been turned into a lamp. Shes got a nasty bite on her leg which got infected and to stop her from licking at it she has to wear a huge plastic cone collar. she looks so depressed, its unbearable i cant look at her, it makes me feel guilty.
Anyway heres chapter one revised, rewriten and now reposted.
Chapter 1 – The Life Lost
Toni was on stage with the band, the night club was packed and the crowd was loving it. Her guitar solo was about to begin, the bass and keyboard had faded out, the drummer had set the pace, Toni raised her hand and waited for her cue from the drummer, the count in 3….2… Bang! Toni’s head snapped up as she was pulled from her daydream, before her was the massive biology textbook that Mrs Hannaway had just slammed onto the desk. Mrs Hannaway had to be the most stuck up teacher in the entire school, everyone knew she barely understood what she was talking about even though she thought she knew it all. Everyone hated her.
“Now that I have everyone’s attention, I will continue”.
As she spoke she glared at Toni, and spoke in her annoying fake English accent, Toni had always loved biology until this woman had taken over her classes since then she lost her love of the subject and when possible skipped class all together. As the teacher began to waffle on, clearly reading off from the text book, and Toni tried to fake interest in what she was saying, some thing to do with the Hardy Weinburg equation, but she just wanted out of there. Her gaze drifted to the window and she looked out over the waterlogged front lawn of the school. Rain, rain, rain it had done nothing but for two days but then again its Ireland, it always rains here. The rain was falling fast and it would more likely keep going though the weekend. ‘Great‘ she thought to herself.
Toni jumped as a second bang rang out thou the room but Mrs Hannaway’s attention was on someone else for once.
After another fifteen minutes of struggling to stay awake the final bell on a Friday afternoon finally rang. The massive rush of green flooded out the school doors as all the uniformed girls of St Catherine’s Academy headed home for the weekend. Toni was in the uniform just like everyone else, a green knee length skirt, black tights, a white shirt, green tie with a black and grey stripes and an extra yellow strip for the seniors and a grey jumper and large green blazer. Toni, like the rest of the school, hated the uniform, the skirt made it impossible to stay warm while waiting for the bus in the mornings which normally resulted in almost constant colds and flu’s. The buses where waiting at the bus bays, for once, after a long half an hour drive she finally got off at the end of the Crosswalk Road and began the five minute walk up the hill to her house. Half way up another bus drove past and though a puddle, causing a large splash and soaking Toni up to her waist, water ran down her bare legs and Toni cursed loudly and her bad luck didn’t end there. The Cartan’s had left their gate open and Puff was on the street. Puff was the Mc Cartan’s spoilt vicious dog, he was a huge Doberman crossbreed and he loved chasing cats, cars, balls and anything else slower than him, Toni was one of these things.
Toni slammed her house door in the barking dogs face and bend over to catch her breath, it had been a lousy day and it would get worse if her luck continued.
“Hello, mum ……….. Hello” She shouted as she moved though the house to the kitchen. All she found was a note, and a small wad of ten and five pound notes.
The note read:
“I’ve gone to Belfast for the weekend, here’s money for a pizza or Chinese or whatever.
Cya when I get back
P.s clean house”
Toni grumbled her mum did this a lot since her dad had disappeared six years ago, but you had to admit she did work hard for the money she always left for Toni and was good enough to wait until Toni was eighteen before she started disappearing for weeks on end. She pocketed the money and headed up stairs to change out of her dripping uniform.
A while later she was curled up in the living room with a chicken curry, a bottle of cola, and a hour of the Simpson’s on TV.
“This is more like it” she sighed to herself as she tucked into her curry.
The plate was on the floor, licked clean, and Toni was comfortable when an advertisement for the fright night movie on the movie channel came on, Toni wasn’t really interested, the movie sucked.
“ …. Showing tonight on Firday the 13th, Fright Night!”.
It was this that woke Toni from her doze. She jerked up.
“Friday!! Dammit.”
Her eyes shot to the clock, 6:03, “Damn, I going to be late”. That was the last thought in her head while she rushed for the shower.
“I’m supposed to be at the Stop at half, damn, damn, AAAGRRRHH”. She had kicked the doorframe and now had a throbbing toe to add to her problems.
The Stop was short for the Music Stop, it was a small club not far from her home, when it first opened they could never get any DJs to play there, so they opened up the stage to wanna-be bands from all around Dublin. It was this that made then so popular now. But tonight was high profile it was Friday the 13th. Every Friday the 13th there is a major battle of the bands, and the winner is almost always signed up by a talent scout. Toni’s band was able to slip into this one tonight.
Toni was washed, dried and dressed in world record time. Jeans, T-shirt and a large hooded top, this was Toni’s normal dress, she never wore a skirt outside of school and when she could avoid it never wore make-up, she was the meaning of the term guy-girl. Again she passed by the make up in her room, her skin was normally clear anyway she didn’t need it, her face was slightly round and she had a small pointy chin, her nose was a small normal shaped and her eyes were deep set into her face and gave a threatening aura which was the complete opposite of her personality. Her dark brown hair was thrown back into a pony-tail still damp, but she was too late to care. Toni grabbed her drumsticks and guitar and bolted into the kitchen she glanced at the phone.
”AGH, a taxi would take to long, I’ll jog it”
She turned and darted out the door and down the hill, again having to outrun Puff. Toni’s band was Back Round Noise, they had played at the Stop a few times which was why they were allowed to compete in the battle tonight. Toni was the drummer and lead singer and when needed could play guitar. Also in the band were Charlie and Chris, twins and good fun. If it wasn’t for the difference in hair length you could never tell them apart which was funny because it was boy-girl twins. Both had dark hair Charlie had let his grow long and looked like a surfer, Chris had cut hers short, very short and spiked it with hair gel and looked like a proper punk rocker and both always wore Jeans and hoodies like Toni. Charlie was a singer too and played lead guitar, Chris was the one on the keyboard and sometimes the flute. Next was Raymond who Toni affectionately nicknamed Rave, Rave was black, no one seemed to notice or care, he also seemed to keep with the rest of the band style-wise hoodie and jeans. His hair was in shoulder length dreadlocks which Charlie was envious of. Rave played bass and also he could beat out a tune on the drums. Last was James, James moved from England into the house next to Rave, and Rave’s mum forced him to be nice and meet the strange little English kid and from that they became good friends, James could play the trumpet and was learning guitar and soon got an invite to the band. He had been nicknamed Chippy because he more or less lived in the local chip shop, although he never seemed to gain any weight which confused the two girls. He was more likely to be seen with a track suit bottoms and a heavy jumper on him than anything else.
Three of them were waiting as Toni skidded to a halt outside the Stop, she overshot the group by a few feet thanks to the slick path and had to turn to face them and for the second time today bent to catch her breath, Toni was not the fittest person in the world nor the thinnest, she was slightly overweight.
“’bout time Ton, we’ve been waiting for you” teased Rave in his strangely deep voice. Toni was always early and now that she was late Rave intended to take full teasing rights. Toni, who couldn’t talk forgasping just gave him a trademarked glare she had a reputation for.
The twins laughed as Rave faked a heart attack at the glare. After a certain finger gesture from Toni, Chippy appeared from the side door of the club.
“Oi, over here, Hey Toni”
Toni waved as they moved towards Chippy, He began to tell them the line up, Back Round Noise was up after The Go Lads. As he talked Toni couldn’t help but smile at his English/Irish mixed accent he had picked up after hanging with the band for a while.
Cheering was heard from inside as the first band started up. Maybe her bad luck had ended.
The Go Lads were booed off the stage, they were terrible. Back Round Noise took up their places and set off with a fast paced dance track. They played three songs and left the stage to mixed cheers and boos.
“Well, we aren’t the best ..” started Chris.
“but we’re not the worst”. Finished her brothers statement, they had a habit of finishing each others sentences. Toni, Rave and Chippy had a standing bet of whether they practised it or not, Toni was convinced they did. Toni couldn’t help but feel disappointed they hadn’t won.
“There’s always next time kiddies don’t worry” said Chippy who was in a great mood.
“True” commented Rave “that is if Ton’s Friday the 13th luck doesn’t kill her before we get to the stage” He turned to grin at Toni and was cuffed on the head by her making the rest of the group laugh at him.
After talking in the club for a few hours and cheering and booing the bands they decided to head home. They said their byes to other friends in the club and headed outside. Toni was going to br on her own as her house was in the other direction from the others.
“Sure you don‘t want me to walk up with you?” asked Rave.
“Nah, I’m sure I’ll live I only live up the hill.” Toni replied smiling at him.
“Yeah, he’s always late when he walks you home fishing for a kiss” teased Chippy who danced out of Rave’s reach, who raised his fist threateningly, the twins laughed.
“We haven’t been a couple for months, but seriously I’ll be fine. See you lot tomorrow.” She waved and started up the hill with her guitar case on her back. Toni and Rave had been dating for a while but it wasn’t really working out so they just stayed friends to the relief of the others, their relationship was putting a strain on the band anyway.
“Come Rave, you can walk me home” Chris said jokingly and linked onto his arm and the rest of the band headed off in the opposite direction, Chippy was still poking fun at Rave.
She was heading though the football field when it went eerily quiet, no traffic noise or muffled music from the clubs, the only sound was a distant rumble like thunder, Toni shivered and walked faster. She was now out of the pool of light from the street lights and the wind picked up. Toni stopped halfway across the field and looked up, the half moon was visible along with an army of stars, there where no clouds so the noise couldn‘t be thunder, the wind stopped as quickly as it started and everything was still and quiet.
Suddenly the world seemed to jerk out from under her and she flung out her arms to save herself but the ground didn’t come, she fell for what felt like a long time when she did land she hit the ground hard,
“I didn’t have that much to drink” this was the first thing she thought of in her vodka clouded mind, it was then the pain hit, she felt her head and could see a red stain on her hand and on a stone in the moon light, Toni started to panic and she swung her head around trying to find help.
“Where’s the street lights?” she gasped looking round she tried to stand but the bang on the head made her dizzy and she fell back onto her knees, the lights where indeed gone the only light the moon, but even that faded as Toni’s head wound was pulling her into unconsciousness and the world blackened.
Hee hee its long but a good read. skip read it over for me and she loves it what do you think?
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
The 2nd draft
Well its took a while (a long while) but i have re read, rewriten and will now start reposting, yay. currently im very close to finishing the story completely (well the first part at least) so here it is the beginning of....
The Demon Dragon
“The dragons were the first. That’s the only thing everyone is sure of; they are the first creatures to form any intelligent thoughts and rules. It was the dragons who taught the elves the art of writing and magic, the elves in turn taught the men and dwarfs. The dragons were the eldest and wisest of all the creatures upon the land of Yeratod. However not even the wise dragons are immune to the pull of the darkness within their hearts and the lure of evil.”
“After the accidental death of his mother, Donoth, by an elfish spear Diminoth went mad he vowed revenge on the hunter who murdered his mother, however there was no hunter. Diminoth’s mother died when a forgotten weapon from the last Great War between the factions of plains men, poked through the dirt, Donoth was forced from the air by a fierce wind and hit the ground hard, the ever-sharp elfish spear pierced Donoth’s softer belly scales and she soon died though no fault of her own or any hunter. Diminoth refused to believe his mother would die in such a way so vowed to find and kill the hunter to avenge his mother.Diminoth was chasing a ghost and soon he attacked every man of the plains, elf of the woods and sea and the dwarfs deep under the earth that he ever came across, all those capable of lifting a spear would be slain and soon even those who were not. His murderous rampage began, he slew many and destroyed towns and cities before the other dragons could finally subdue him and he was brought before the elder dragon and the council for punishment. Diminoth’s heart was long ago lost to the darkness, his quest for avenging his mother’s death fell into insignificance, and he killed now for the pleasure and feeling of power he got from each kill. The other dragons who loved the men and elves where sickened and passed judgement quickly.
Diminoth the black hearted dragon was driven from Yeratod for the unspeakable evil he bestowed upon the peoples of the world. He was burned black with the fire of several dozen dragons except for a patch of his underbelly which stayed a noble golden colour. He was forced into the vast expanse of desert to the far east of what would become the capital and stronghold of men, Ter Bonin. The elder dragons would never allow Diminoth to return to their number as his acts where unforgivable and if he ever strayed near the border of Yeratod he would not be again spared the elder dragon’s wraith”
“Diminoth grows stronger now and waits in the far eastern desert for a chance to exact his revenge, but it would no longer be directed towards the small antlike peoples of Yeratod, they were not worth his strength, but on the dragons. With the elder dragon removed the other dragons that opposed him would be lost in a confusion to pose any resistance. He could rule the land by invoking the ancient laws of old when the dragons where ruled by the strongest of their number, and when he killed the elder dragon that would be him. He could force the people and dragons that once tried to kill him, to be his slaves and the world would be his to control.”
The old story teller smiled when his last slow sentence got the desired reaction from the children of the village, they were all gathered around a huge bonfire in the village market place, The sun had just set and the village was in near darkness and the cold crept in from the surrounding desert.
“That my children, happened over two centuries ago, it’s more likely the black dragon is long dead now, for not even the noble dragons could survive the harsh heat of the Jerlot desert”
The sigh of relief from the children nearly made the old storyteller laugh out loud. The story was a legend and it was retold to scare the children of the village, for this was the closest settlement to the vast Jerlot desert. With a mischievous tinkle in his eye the storyteller continued,
“However, Diminoth was no ordinary dragon,” this drew gasps from the children and a small yelp from one of the younger ones, “they say that during his rampage that Diminoth gained a terrible power from an evil warlock and learned to use dark magic that was one of the reasons they couldn’t catch him for many years.”
Suddenly, a loud, ear-splitting roar ripped though the village, the old storyteller, now on his feet, relaxed, and smiled.
“Peace children, peace” he said to clam the young ones, “it was only a dragon roar”.
The children relaxed but still looked fearful, the dragons were well liked and respected among men although they no longer played a significant role in the lives of men. But the grin faded from the storytellers face once the children returned home. “This doesn’t make sense the nearest dragon hold is over 50 miles to the northwes…”
The colour drained from the old man’s face, it was a dragon roar and a big one at that. And it came from the east!
hope u enjoyed, leave a comment
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Sunday, January 14, 2007
Weekend in the office
I got stuck in the office on Sat, AGGHHHHH!!
i had thought that i would have nothing to do, i was so very wrong..... i was given 3 pages of numbers and referance numbers, i had to phone all these people and tell them there was an error on our systems so they wont get updates on theyre moblies phones. so three pages or rought 35 on each, it took me hours and on the last one i got an earful from this woman who was f***ed off cuz she didn't know the date when her engineer was to go out. a five mintue call turned into an hour and a half conferance call.
Two very interestin names i found where Floyd Loyd (i laughed for a few mintues before i could make the call) and Loveday Oakly (Loveday? where her mum and dad hippies).
Well anyway that messed up my weekend and my hours on sat and for the rest of the week are 11:30am to 8:00pm, the whole day.
And just for Angel heres a paint pick of LMD/Tora whoohoo this took me about 3 and a half hours but it was worth it and beside her is the Keepers symbol. well ok a prototype im not sure about it.
Here ya go

heehee enjoy
final re-reads are in progress with The Demon Dragon and chapters will be posted next week.
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