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Friday, October 3, 2003
Slam, Crunch, BANG!
That would be the song of my head slamming into the keyboard. Oh Yeah....
I hate Papa John's now.
Thinking that I would have yesterday off, I visited a friend of mine on the other side of town (Plano isn't too terribly huge....). Well, my dad calls my friends Cell and asks if I'm there
Me: Hello?
Scott(Step-dad): Custer-McDermott called asking for help
M:Hold on
At this point I covered the phone and screamed obscenities to the top of my lungs
M:OK, sure. When did they call?
S:About an hour ago
M:Why didn't you call then
S:I didn't know where you where
M:OK, Whatever. I'm on my way home
It sucked, to say the least. I covered Till, Phones and posting, normally a 3 person job (1 on till, 1 on phones, another on phones and posting). The manager knew less than I did. Go figure.
Anyhow, I'm going to whittle away the rest of my Friday.
Later Ya'll,
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Wednesday, October 1, 2003
AHA! Quiz time.....
 What Evanescence Song Are You?
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Tuesday, September 30, 2003
Yeah.... I like that emot....
I doubt that'll show up as a link...I need LazeChibis help...where'd the HTML help go?Anyhow, that's the area I have to door hang tomorrow afternoon (see Door Ninja). I get to put up 500 flyers in this area before I actually start work tomorrow at 5:30 pm.
Privilege my ass.
Anyhow, I look at the bright side. I should have somewhere between 7 and 9 hours on the clock tomorrow, which is a shot in the arse for my check. Hello 120 dollars.....
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Sunday, September 28, 2003
Everything is breaking today...
OK, so todays my parents anniversary.....but everything is breaking on me. The left arm on my glasses snapped off, and is now on thanks to JB Weld, Soldering and Shrink tubing....doesn't look too bad. Then my friend Alex gave me two Dr. Peppers for the road....and one dropped on the ground as I was walking away.....yes, I know, I'm a kultz.
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Friday, September 26, 2003
A quiet day in the life of Will Ryan
OK, so LC took the HTML help off her page....crap. I'll learn it from somewhere else....
I'm having an interesting Debate on another board I'm on about the 9/11 attacks....everyone was surprised I was going in the military...O_o
I think I'll hold my own judging of myOtaku sites.....just for those that couldn't enter LC's contest. Spread the word! I'll have categories up soon....
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Thursday, September 18, 2003
ohhhh am I pissed
Well, about this time, I should be on my way to the Rangers game in Arlington. Instead, I sit here because I have no ride. It not my ride's fault...he called the Recruiter Station and let the recruiter know that he couldn't make it. He also asked the recruiter to call me and let me know either A)He found a ride for me and they'll be there ASAP or B)There was no way to get a ride. I got neither. I was totally screwed. I'm so pissed right now words don't explain it....I'll post later
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Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Fun Stuff
Well, I worked last night...just not at the store I was supposed to work at. Good News is that I'm going to a Rangers Game tomorrow afternoon. Bad news...you get what you pay for...and I got the tix for free....

Yup....the players will look like ants..through binoculars....heh, It's supposed to be Air Force Appreciation day....yeah, real appreticiative, give us the cheap seats...
I'll post tomorrow....
Later Ya'll,
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Tuesday, September 16, 2003
Well. This is interesting....
The power at my store (Papa John's, Store 1782, Plano, Texas) was gone last night. Somone forgot to pay the bills, so the power company went ghetto on our store and cut the power.
Good Job Rashid.
I ended up working at a store about 5 miles down the road. They bowed down at my feet...being the multi-utility tool I am, I did everything but make pizzas. They asked me to come back today at 4 pm, since I desperately needed the hours and they could really use my help at that store.
I got there around 3 and was told by the General Manager that I wasn't needed tonight. It was a pain in the ass. I biked probably 4 miles to get there and...yeah. I can barely type because I'm so tired. On top of that, I have to bike to the recruiters for my meeting tomorrow, which is probably about 14 miles round trip.
Go Me.
Yeah, anyhow, I'm going to work on getting this place a little tidy and neater...so I'll post later.
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Friday, September 12, 2003
Everything burn burn burn
OK, thats an odd twist on that old song....I forget what the exact title of it is....meh.
Well, I found out that (bear with me) my parents friends dad (whew) died this morning. A call came apparently around 730 CST...I don't remember hearing the phone, although it's 2 feet from my head. God, too much death today. Johnny Cash is dead, John Ritter is dead (I like his show on ABC, shut up) and then that one.
Maybe that's why I'm in a pyro state of mind...I tend to be really wierd around stuff like this. I bought fluid for my (friends) Zippo (that I borrowed) and am using that to burn stuff....thats not normal I know.
I work in about 2 hours...ugh. I forgot my shorts on Wednesday and they sent me home, seeing as I'd have to walk home and pick them up...which would take about 30 minutes. Meh. Well, back to cruising OB....
Later Ya'll,
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Thursday, September 11, 2003
Well, here I sit yet again. I spent the night up in Denton the night before last at the University of North Texas.....WHY AM I NOT IN COLLEGE? Everyone is soooo free.....oh well. I don't remember part of the night....gotta love parties, and ended up staying up for about 36 hours before passing out at my house. I slept 12 hours...thats not really a record for me, but still....
I have a burn mark that looks like a battleship on my right forearm....I'm a living liability suit, I know...I should try out for Jackass, maybe they'll take me.
Well, off to swim in the wreckage known as my forums...look in my sig for a link...don't feel like posting it now....
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