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Thursday, September 4, 2003
Well, I just got finished updating my friends list....I still have more to add, but I don't feel like it right now.
I worked 3 HOURS last night....weeeee....thats actually a lot for me. My check coming in tomorrow will be a whole 60 dollars....and thats a big check compared to normal standards....
Well, off to research my military career
Later Ya'll
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Wednesday, September 3, 2003
heh...fits me, I suppose
But this one....oook

I am Nicholas D. Wolfwood, travelling priest.
I take my trade on the road to raise money for the orphanage I
support. I also happen to be an excellent shot.
Which Trigun character are you?
Find out!
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Tuesday, September 2, 2003
ow ow ow ow
Well, I'm currently bike-less, which really blows chunks. The reason is simple....I'll list it out for you all:
3 Scrapes/Cuts on my right knee
1 Cut on my Knee
1 Really big scrape on my right elbow
Teeth marks up my right calf from my front gear
And a Partridge in a pear tree
OK, so that last one is false, although I'm bugged by Partridges (especially the 60's show....ugh). Anyhoo...My rear wheel is shot to hell, my front wheel has some damage, although it isn't anything to write home about, and my front gear probably has some chunks of skin on it. Sorry to get so graphic, but it's my way of showing I care...
Luckily, I was with a friend of mine, and a lady offered some First Aid when she saw me...
Before I go on, I relize it's bad for me, but it helped calm me down a little bit.
I pulled out a smoke and lit it up. It calmed me down a whole hell of a lot, and let me get my mind straight. I check my bike, which is in working order for the most part, and my shorts, because I only have one pair other than my work shorts (I've lost a whole hell of a lot of weight since I went clothes shopping...get bent). Then I checked on myself and proceeded to get to the house for some First Aid.
When I got home and told my dad, he didn't help. He started jumping my ass about how he doesn't have a job and I can't be covered by medical insurance.
Then get a damn job.
Anyhow, that concludes my ranting and raving for the moment. I'll post somthing again tomorrow before I go to work.
Later Ya'll,
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Well, I finally figured out how to set this up without wiping out everything I had done. So my story begins....
As many of you know, I was offered a position in Weather for the US Air Force this morning. I was excited because it was what I originally wanted to do, I would be able to leave sooner, and I could have a chance at coming home for Christmas. However, I didn't take it, for the simple matter that about this time (1403 CST) I'd be sitting at the processing station, waiting for my plane to take me to San Antonio for Basic TONIGHT. Thats right, folks, I could have been wiped off the map in a simple 2 seconds. I could have said yes, and been gone without anyones knowledge of where in Sam Hill I was. Thats part of the reason. I have many friends (and many beautiful girls) throwing themselves at me before I leave in December. Maybe it is the uniform. Oh well, I'll take advatage of that between now and December 16th, when I leave to join our Nations great Air Force. Ugh, I hate sounding like a recruitment poster. Oh well, Will Ryan signing off for now
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