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Georgia, USA
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
I've got nothing mych to say right now.

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Friday, January 28, 2005
My poor Grandpa might die.
Bad day everyone.
First I overslept. My moms woke me up in time to take a quick shower and rush out. I didn't think today was a good day for classes at all.
I accidentaly left one of my binders home and it had all my Law and Archeaology papers in it. Oh man, my professors gave me the long dissapointment speech.
So, I try to ignore that along with the pounding headache I had all day and my rumbly tummy. I finally get out of classes and got a ride home with a friend. I rush into the house and is ready to go get some shut eye when my mom comes into the room.
*I call my grandpa 'daddy'*
Mom sit's on my bed and says, "I have bad news."
So i'm like what?
She goes, "Daddy had a stroke this morning, they found him on the floor with his eyes rolled back into his head. He doesn't know anyone and I think his brain is going. He has a twenty percent chance of living. I'm sorry boo."
Tears streaked my face and I just couldn't believe it. It's cannot be happening....but it was and it is. I thought I dreamt it all and began pounding the wall desperately hoping to wake up....but I didn't.
Things are hectic right now and I don't know what the hell to do.
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Saturday, January 22, 2005 cousin came to visit me today and had me take him all over town to have a good time. I ended up doing it even tho I was tired. My mother and I went out to eat and almost choked when these really big guys came over and asked us if we were the models Shana and Katrice. I don't really think we looked that much like them. think those guys wanted to abduct us....oh....well. Otherwise.....things went pretty well......
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
I'M BACK!!!!!!!
I've been gone for a really long time and i'm sorry toeveryone that's been sending me messages. I'm back now and I promise to try and update this more often.
I am in a new international, educational program. College would be way too hard for me. I have five nieces and three nephews. My hair is way too long. I'm dating the greatest guy ever. Everything's been going good.
That is apart from the scandals my sisters and I have been caught in, the naked man that was dancing on my lawn every evening, the nosy reporter across the street, almost getting killed by some guys I refused to date and the death of one of my pet snakes.
I have grown stronger, I hate needles with a passion, I have matured a little and I have decided to be a bit more helpful in my community. That's what has been taking up most of my time. I have a bit more free time now and I don't believe i've mntioned how much in LOVE i am.
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 You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
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 You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and creativity, and usually are highly intelligent. Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.
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