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Your Hopeless Romantic Otaku...and i mean hopeless
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just im me (msn im:
Realize people aren't always how they seem. but also that some people's kindness can save your life.....thanks Ume-kun.....
Anime Fan Since
For a long while. Probably will always be an otaku.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha,RK,Generator Gawl,Fruits Basket,And well to make it short almost all anime out there.
To finally find my other half, to be loved by somebody i love.....(i finally found him!!!! i love you Dani!!!!!)
Drawing,reading, writing songs and poems and such. being an otaku
Playing both Bass and Drums, Drawing pretty damn well(fanart are bad examples), loyal
| Lovehasfailedme
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
well like the tittle states....everything has gone to shit family lost our home because of the stupid laws about your lawn up here and because we were late on rent a few times... so now we are basiclly homeless...i have to stay here at brandy's untill we find out what it oging to happen. it's wasn't just a pay and it'll be fine thing was a get the fuck out NOW thing....but that, not finding a job, friends moving, losing Ryan, not being able to talk to Dani and Nitz much and my friend almost killing himself for the i don't knwo how many times.....i just cracked today....i was all depressed and still sorta am...everything is just going to shit and i'm sick of it....i had a lot of friends to talk to but what i really need now is to have a big hug from a good friend...and a kiss from the one i love...nither i can i just have to be patient and hold on....i just have to be strong for a little longer....
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Damn job hunting.
LOL! but yeah me and brandy went and applied at burger king, buckel, and hogi yogi so i'll tell if something happenes. see ya
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Monday, July 18, 2005
well there is finally some good news about! I found out that burger king and hoggie yoggie are hireing and me and brandy are going to apply. i feel safe finally about all of it so i can't finally suck it up and get payed. lol but yeah other than that things have been fucking awsome!!! like for enstance i went to my first concert yesterday! i went to fucking Warped Tour!!!! and the very first band i saw was the marvilous My Chamical Romance!!!! it was so awsome! i got a bad bruse from it but i don't care! lol! i also got to see fall out boy but not mest, billy idol, or hawthorne hights...that sadened me. but i only didn't get to see them cause my friend cammy was bitching about how tired she was..... it pissed me off.... but oh well i got a signed poster by hawthorne hights. i sorta met them! i chatted a little with each member. it was so awsome. i'm a very happy kitty now! lol. then oly thing really going bad right now is that i haven' heard from either Dani nor Nitz but it seems Nitz is at least alive sence he posted earlier. ok well till next time.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
stuff that's just going on......
Hey all! well not much is really going on at all....i haven't beeen home for about 3 days cuase sucks there. i've been staying at my friend Brandy's sence here is basiclly my only little escape since i have no money. i REALLY need to get a job soon cause i found out that i owe my school $175 for fee wavers and stuff and my mom won't pay for it. i'm not to happy about how much ass i have to kick for school work when school starts again. i know that it'll be REALLY hard sence you know, it's my junior year. i haven't fouind any really reliable job oferings sence i really don't want to start working at a food joint sence the last time that happened. i don't remember if i told you all but on my first day(well....more like training day) at my first and only job sence then i was sexually harrassd by my boss, and that has scared me to death and i have grown deathly afraid of working at a mall and food joint. but i have no choice so i think i might apply at the movie theatre in the mall. as long as it pays like most jobs here( around $5 an hour) then i should be able to save enough for school then save enough up for plane tickets to go see some friends ( yup that's you Nitz and Fallen Angel) but yeah i really can't wait untill i'm 18 so that i can get the hell out of here.... i really hate it here....i mean the local bands fucking rock and all but that's about the only good thing. my friends are really awsome but i know that sooner or later most of them will forget about me or we will keep in touch and most likely move in together. but yeah anyways. My mom is on my ass about geting a job and helping her out around the house but like everything else she does tell chirs or the bros to lift a finger. and she's too damn lazy to get off her ass to look for a job aswell. i mean i kinda understand how hard it is to find a job here in utah but she can still go work at a food joint or grocery store or something.or she would do really good to start working at home depot sence last time she did that she had almost a grand for every paycheck but what can a girl do ya know? but yeah sorry for putting you through my rediculous ranting but i just wanted to get that of my chest lol. but yeah......who knows what i'll friend richard wanted to hangout with me although i'm forget that i AM disgusted by him sence well yeah you don't want to her about that. but maybe i'll do play a few games of DDR to relax. yall have fun now ya here? lol till next time....
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
well as some of you may know. i practiclly LIVE on gaia now. lol but i have been wanting a fow tail forever now and i finally have one! yay!!! Dani(Fallen Angel aka my sweetheart) gave it to me as a present along with a heart shaped box of chocolates and a silver locket with matching braclet. my charactor is so cute now! plus sence i got my hair cut i look just like her! lol well yeah i'm glad SOMEONE still cheeks up on my site everyonce in a while lol. but yeah i'll talk to you guys later1 love ya!
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Sunday, July 3, 2005
Hello my wonderfull people!!!! and how are you today? now i know that not many of you guys come by here anymore but to let you guys know i might be on a lot more often. i might even enter some new art! of course stictly pencil and paper lol. So yeah i was in texas for the past month and i just got back this morning. it was soooooo boring though! plus i couldn't get to sleep on the the plane cause i was so uncomfertable. but yeah everything is dandy. i'm still confused about some things and about my feelings for some people but other than that all is well. well that's all for now but i'll check in tomorrow!
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
hehe i thought it was him!

Who's Your Sohma Guy?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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sorry that i'm really not on here much but if you wanna talk to me you ahve to leave a pm or comment. if you can't then i'm going to A-con in dallas for the saturday and sunday parts. pm if you wish to meet me!^-^
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Hey everybody!! sorry i haven't updated in a whilw i don't really have much time. i have a myspace account now if anybody else does. i'm Sango. lol well i hope everybody had a great valentine's day! Mine was ok but i found out that alot of my guy friend are going to give me a return gift on white day!(March 14) well ill check in with you guys later i have a lot of work to do. talk to you guys soon!!
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
Ok i take it that hardly any of you know what's going on in my life so here's the update. I gained a crush on someone named Kurt and realized i'd never have a chance in the world. i gave up on him and now we are great friends. i now have a bigger crush on a friends named Nate. He's wonderful but i know this will never go anywere either. I just found out that the love of my life, my first love, Ryan, thinks of me here is our e-mail to eachother so far:
Me-Hi Ryan....
>Um... Im glad that we've been talking more lately.......ive been
>of something lately and i really need to talk to you about it. A long
>ago you sent me an e-mail telling me that youll always love me no
>what well i just need to know if thats still true. I mean i belived
that to
>this day but my belief as sortof faded lately and i just need to
>myself that the one person i truly do love is still in love with
>sorry if this seems akward to you but ive been thinking about it for a
>while now and contemplating it with myself and i just had to let you
>know....I still love you more that anything in the world but it hurts
>sometimes cause i think that im just fooling myself that youd still
>me. i don't deserve your love but just that gift alone would make me
>happenest woman or girl in the world! it may seem like im being a
>dramatic but its true. i love you so much and i need to knoe how you
>about me. i need to know this so that i
> know im not just fooling myself again. if...if you dont love me
>than at least i can know that theres is no chance of haveing your love
>and that i just really need to move on. you were and still are my
>true love. Other might think its stupid because of our age but love
has no
> least thats what i believe in. just please. e-mail me back
>telling me how you feel so that i can finally be free from this
>that has been clawing at my mind for the longest time now. Thank you
>I love you....
Ryan-i still love u, im not sure in what way, but i will love u forever i
think u
should move on though despite how i feel. all i have ever brought u is
Me-That's not true....the confusion of everything that's going on in my life brings me missery. sure you've made me sad a few times but not really seriously hurt me untill you broke up with me. i will try to move on though and i might call you later today. love you
And thats it so far. i need help with this. i know i must move on and i told him i'd try but i love him so much. I can try to make things work out with Nate but i doubt a higher realationship is even possible. I'd like to come to all my friends here on myotaku to help me on this. I relized that you've all never really known me personally, the real me, besides a few of you like Nitz, Chris, Emily, and Richard. i know that i have to open up more often to make our friendships worthwhile and i would love for you all to do the same. thanks for evenrything and please send comments or PMs to help out with thins. Thank you...all of you.
Till net time, farewell.
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