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State of Exhaustion
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student philosopher, and general know-it all (except for computer)
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available on request...personal request... ok, never mind, not then either
survived first organ lesson with world's creepiest organ teacher
Anime Fan Since
may 2003
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flying with Van!! ~(^_^)~
Playing the piano/organ/singing/writing music and/or books
playing piano and organ, walking encyclopedia on LoTR, and a few things i wont mention in public...
Monday, August 30, 2004
subject? ya mean i have to have a subject?
so on friday (and yes i know i'm not cool because i don't post everyday) i stay up at school and practice the organ for 2 hours straight. a human being should never be alone in a room with an instrument for that long solid. i ended up talking to myself and making jokes about the names of the organ stops (stop=name of type of pipe). i look over and flip one, reading its name. "ah Hautbois 8'" (pronounced "hot boys") "a lady organist's favorite stop!" yeah. even i wanted to slap myself for that.
so then i think i'm gonna be all cool and go get something to eat with the university's money. (i got this huge ass scholarship, and so the university set up something where the extra money is accessable from this card-thingy so i can go buy books. anywhoo, i wanna go buy a lunch inthe cafeteria. but they won't take the money, so i have to pay for this crapy burito myself, which is ok. and i sit down to eat it, i look up and see this guy 2 tables over. he's skinny and dorky, wearing a blue shirt. his hair is black, and in an attempt to look more manly he's growing sideburns. and then i see him do that characteristic shoulder roll and twitch. i gasp because i realize who it is! it's the creepy stalker violinist from my school! he's legendary in my book of life experieinces for drawing naked pictures of the english teacher, asking my friend to have his baby and stalking her and leaving presents at her locker on holidays, and for being a very good friend of my ex boyfriend. yeah. my ex insisted that he was a good person and that anything bad i heard about him was just a rumor and wasn't true. so i'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt, and i ask you, the reader, to do so too. let's just assume he's a kinda creepy dork, and not a future serial killer, ok? i'll call this fellow Mr. X, because that's how he once asked to be addressed. yeah. anyway, so i realize it's Mr. X and so i decide to cut my losses, pick up my stuff, and run. frotunately for me he hadn't seen me, or else i knew he was gonna ask me to come sit with him. i grab my stuff and my crappy burito, and speed walk to the other side of the cafeteria. i think i'm home free, and have only about 1 in. of my burito left when guess who comes and sits with me? Mr. X!!!!! he tells me how he lost his wallet in his girlfriend's car. (yes folks, he is fairly lucky in the dating world because of a crucial flaw among women: we're compassionate. seeing his squirreliness makes women/girls who don't know him feel sorry for him because he's such an nincompoop and it's awfully apparent he'll never find a girlfriend as long as he lives, so they feel sorry for him, and being desperate themselves, decide to date him. *gags on own vomitt*) yeah. i pulled the classic pull-out-your-watch-and-regardless-of-the-time-say-"OMG!-I-gotta-go!" trick. it was the first time i'd ever done so, and i must say i pulled it off excellantly.
then i went shoe shopping. men, what do you do when you're profoundly depressed and can't feel better by shoe shopping because it's culturaly inacceptable?i broke the promise i had made to myself long ago to never buy another pair of sneakers after i was emancipated from them when i got out of the younger grade's dress-codes. but they were so cute and on sale too!
today, that's sunday, i went up to church and practiced from 5:30 to 8:00. i felt sorry for the workmen who were there installing the new organ who had to hear the incesant finger drills that my evil organ teacher assigned *shakes fist at organ teacher* someday! *cackles evilly* someday i'll snap and then just you watch yourself! i'll be in every shadow, pacing your pudgy-old-man steps!
*laughs at self* listening to myself threaten someone is like watching a kitten try to knock a table over with its head. and just as sadistically amusing. i'll never stand up for myself; it's against my nature. did i just type that out-loud?......
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