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State of Exhaustion
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student philosopher, and general know-it all (except for computer)
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survived first organ lesson with world's creepiest organ teacher
Anime Fan Since
may 2003
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flying with Van!! ~(^_^)~
Playing the piano/organ/singing/writing music and/or books
playing piano and organ, walking encyclopedia on LoTR, and a few things i wont mention in public...
Thursday, September 2, 2004
yeah. hi.
and i'd like to thank any one of ya who actually bothers to read my rather loquitious *slaps self* (big l word="wordy") posts....
i've had several wierd dreams lately i wanted to share.
the first was 2 nights ago. in it i was outside at my grandmother's house. the moon was shininig so bright it was like a flood lamp or stage lights. everything glowed from it. there are a lot of pine trees in the area, and all the needles shimmered. (it was really pretty.) i can't remember why, but i started flying. i often have dreams where i'm flying, but it's always in the same way, and this was soo different. (usually when i can fly, it's always like the same thing. i'm walking along, and then just kick the ground with my foot and i'm off in the air. i kinda go up fast, and then kinda bounce off the ceiling. i'm always inside some building when i can fly; it's never outside but for once when i was really young. recently i realized that the whole flying process is like when you swim to the bottom of the pool, and then kick off with your foot and float back to the surface. just like in my dream, you have to exert effort(swim) to get back under the surface, like i have to try to almost swim/fly back down from the ceiling in my dreams. wierd.) but this dream wasn't like any of that. it was graceful flying, in big arcs, like in Hero and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. i did like a couple of backflips and landed, sitting, on a treebranch. i had like a cape/cloak and fluttery clothes, like they have in Hero (if any of ya'all have seen it). i could do all this acrobatic stuff and i like SOOOOO kicked ass. and then i woke up.....
ok dream #2
i was holding a big party for all these people whom i knew. but i really don't even like these people. then the cops come and say, is there a "_______ [Duck] at your party?" (_____=name of person [Duck]=his nickname, to let those of you who'd know who i'm talking about ) and i try to tell them taht i'm not sure who's all here and they say that he's wanted on murder charges. but the way they said it, it sounds like he's being framed, and so for some reason [Duck not nice to me in real life] i decide to try to help him by saying that i'll go see if he's at the party. i'd find him and warn him to leave, adn then go tell the bad cops that he wasn't there. so i'm runnign all around this huge place looking for him. i open this one door, and fall into this gigantic pipe organ. and i'm wandering through it trying to find my way out. i wonder through the Swell box and out into the unenclosed Great (for those of you who that means anything to). I look down and It’s being played by Matt, this dude who I had a crush on in gradeschool. He was an organist too—infact that’s why I got into organ was because I liked him. ‘course that’s not why I’m still here; he dumped me a long time ago for one of my friends, and then turned into a creepy stalker. *giggles at his insanity* anywhoo... so he's playing the organ. all through gradeschool, i was always playing 2nd fiddle, as it were, to him. he was the one everyone was impressed with and complemented, and it was always like "Here's Matt. he's an excellant organist. oh yeah. and here's [insert my name which you don't know]. she's also an up and comming organist." what really ticked me off was that he was so good because he got the most experience. he accompanied all the choirs. but if he ever got sick, I was expected to fill in for him and got crap since i wasn't as good. of course i wasnt'; he'd been in piano since 3rd grade; i started in 5th! and this makes me sound kinda whiny, but hey, i;m trying to rationalize this dream. so anyway, i'm crawling down this oran while he's plaing it. i'm having to step on these wood slats,and it's making the pipes sound as i step on them. (this is a tracker organ. for those of you who that dosne't mean anything to, let me explain. normally, pushing down on the key sends an electric signal up a wire which removes a stopper from the bottom of teh pipe which causes the pressurized air in the box to flow in and make the pipe sound. in a tracker, pusing a key down moves slats of wood which physically moves the stopper away: like the mechanical action of an upright piano if any of you have ever seen it) so i'm puting extra notes in this piece he's playing. matt is always known for his utterly flawless, perfect playing. you'll never hear a wrong note, even if he's faking it. (but that was one thing i had over him: he played every note perfectly that was on the score, but i could actually play with Experession; i loved what i played, he just played.) anyway, i knew in my dream taht once i got down he'd yell at me for messing up his piece. so i finally was able to crawl and climb down out of the organ and i go over to appoligize for ruining his piece with the extra notes i hit on accident. he just cocks his head to the side adn stares at me. and then he says something to the affect of that there's no way he could yell at me, because he wasn't upset. any note extra that i could possibly think to add was utterly insignificant compared with his masterpiece. it could not mar "the perfectness of my perfect piece" to paraphrase Sauron on One Ring to Rule them All 2 . yeah
then i woke up.
yesterday i ate lunch under a tree and watched this really huge ass spider eat a bug. i thought of shelob.
what do ya'all think of this quote?
"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats." --h.L. Mencken
i think i'ts fricken hilarous.
and kinda like homicidal, but like polite british 1800s style....
peace out.
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