myOtaku.com: lovemeimyours
Friday, May 18, 2007
stupid roller coasters!!!!!
so life is strange. I have every reason to be insecure about things, but I'm actually alright. My trust and faith in her makes things good. so anyhoo. I'm gonna be doing alot of work from home, and I think im not gonna be going to Akon for my penguin.
I saw a new anime called Suzuke. Its not even out yet, but i saw a primeir at a con. it was great. its suchs shojo.
I stoped eating so much. like one meal a day. and maybe a snack. but yeah... lots of water.
i have been sleepinh to much lately. it would be great if i didnt have to work on things.
...so in closing...
things are looking up from my insecurities, and I love my peguin more and more each day. and I need to start feeling more healthy. TTFN, ta ta for now!!
(10 kool point to tell me wher that came from)
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