myOtaku.com: lovemeimyours
Monday, May 21, 2007
Judgment day

all i have to say is... WTF... they've used this story line b4...
i dont think anyone will know what im talking about... but yeah
and omg...CENA made KAli tap...wtf, who cant he beat... Cena's great and all, but not unbeatable... additionaly HBK beat him in a fair match on Raw...nontitled...grr
-i saw someone else did this on their profile, so i just had to... wrestling is like my 2nd fan obsessed thing im into.-
I know "you" dont like edge, but im glad he beat batista, Batista hasnt done nealy near as much as Edge has to get where he is. As much as his storyline makes him the bad guy, he deserves it more.
...i dont like MVP, but Benoit is an inch away from WASHEDUP
... eh hardyz
Why oh why does the WWE want to make all the n00bs champions, i uderstand the whole, in with the new...but really, lashley...why give the walking ROID the ECW title....omg...i know hes not the champ now, but u know he will be again... and they should never give him a mic, its a depressing as seeing mike tyson talk for the first time.
ECW, theres plenty of wrestlers in ECW atm, why is there only one title. what happend to the TV title, and the other belts they use to have. not to mention the ECW title is being defended against superstars in the other branches... I heart ECW... and the whole damn show needs his shot again.E C Fing W, lol
i love ranting
and for TNA...turn down the suck!! great u have Sting, and Angel...one is already washed up and just sux, and the other is hella injured cry baby. oh and they have christian... who coulnt get a title shot on WWE even if he tried. oh wait, they have Jeff Jeret... F*** him. and who mkaes they're ring 6 sided for regular matched. -_-
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