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• 1991-03-12
• San Bernadino, California
Member Since
• 2006-04-11
• High School Student
Real Name
• Andrea
• Too many to count one more beating DOA 4 in two hours
Anime Fan Since
• 1996
Favorite Anime
• Sailor Moon, Inuyasha,flcl,naruto,spiral
• Go to Law School
• Playing video games, reading, writing
• screenplay writing, gymnastics,speaking french,japanese,and spanish
| loveriku4life
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, July 17, 2006
Well today im in San Bernadino. Well here in San Bernadino there are thunderstorms, then my dad took away my laptop, And I haven't seen it all day, sadly.Well I haven't been able to get on due to my sister using the computer down here for hours at time, but im soo tired since ppl are calling my phone asking for jackie even though there's no jackie here. Well cya ppl!
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
So tired
Well lately I have been working soo hard with practice and when I came home I practically collaspsed. Then last night my aunt's sister in law came over, she's like 13, I wasn't there but my sister was begging for me to stay on the phone with her because she didn't want to entertain for her. Then she said my family changed their whole attitude because she was there. So of course, what every adult does, talk about embareassing moments. Hmm, then I tried to talk to my sister this morning and she wasn't there. Im still soo tired.
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
Yesterday was fun
Well yesterday was fun, despite my sister saying I broke her headphones, which I didn't, she is soo silly. Yesterday I watched one of the sadest Degrassi episodes, " shout". Then I watched beyond the break when Lacey gets beat up, and winds up in the hospital sadly. Then I watched the Final Fantasy movie with my sister, then I had softball practice. Then I went home to listen to music. Overall it was fun for a day at home. cya ppl!
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Friday, July 14, 2006
At least today's Friday
Well I feel soo much better than yesterday, funny thing, about 2 hours after she said that, she got jumped by several of my friends. They said she needed to be put back in her place. Well at least today is Friday, I have practice, but at least I get to go home and watch beyond the break and Degrassi. I can't wait for tonight. Maybe i'll help my sister with her AMV or sit down and watch a movie. cya ppl!
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Thursday, July 13, 2006
Today...okay I guess can I say beside the fact an enemy called me to say she's glad im moving and how i'll probably have no friends in High school, then the b**** said she will call her " friends" who believe anything about her and they are willing to help her make my life a living hell. Then she makes fun of my friend Emily saying she is soo weird because she has an account on here, it took all of my self not to cuss her out, or better yet beat her. I mean how mean can ppl possibly be? well that's it ppl. bye!
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
today again
Still no openings for summer school. Sadly I woke up late because my alarm clock didn't go off and my dad discovered all of my KH pics of riku on my laptop. He didn't mind he just asked who it was. I was soo embarassed, but i'm okay. still I need to find a new hobby or something because im soo bored. well cya!
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Today was pretty fun, yesterday my dad's friends came over, it was fun I guess. Well no new news for summer school if some people dropped out. Well I'm sorry if I couldn't get back to you guys sooner, my internet stopped working for the whole morning. Tonight I have practice at least that's fun. Well see ya!
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Monday, July 10, 2006
Summer School
Well once again, im bored. And i'm thinking about going to summer school. So it can give me something to do. Well at least I can choose my course that I take, it will probably be PE. Well at least practice is today. How fun. cya!
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Sunday, July 9, 2006
The movies
Hello ppl, I finally went to go see pirates. It was soo awesome! Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom looked so hot in the movie and they're coming out with another movie to it. It was soo cool I dont know where to begin. First we didn't have to stand in line because we ordered our tickets, I was soo happy for not standing out there in the sun.Overall it was soo cool. cya!
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So sad
When we went to the movie theater pirates was sold out! I was soo dissapointed, then we went to the second theater and it was sold out too. Well my mom said we can just go see it tomorrow. Still I'm soo sad. cya!
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