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myOtaku.com: lovinmanga4eva

Thursday, July 6, 2006

Heyy peoples,
About the title this kid at camp is skipping the 3rd grade cuz hes like some kind of guiness kid right and he was calling me and brenna like idiots (sort of -_-') Psygirl21 SHUDDUP!!!! So me and brenna have 2 prove him wrong so we gave him some 'problems' brenna's was: If 2 train leave the station at the same time when to they hit? He said that he needed the times the trains left right?! So brenna gives him the answer...'at the same time' My question was...: The bear climbed over the mountain what did he see? So he just stands there looking dub. So i gave him the answere of...' The other side duh...!' LOL it was so fun it showed him not 2 mess with us ^.^!YAY! Well the C.I.T.s went 2 the movies today as i allready said yesturday...it was...uhhh...okay i guess...I think i'll read the book...Psygirl21 dont look so shocked >.<"! O the C.I.T.s have another trip on monday to the trenton thunder game -_-' and im not really sure what that is to tell the truth heh heh heh -_-' im pathic...Psygirl21 SHUDDUP!!!...again...well thats it so umm...c yas later...

(Sasuke dont fear the reaper...)

(^.^!!!!I luv that song!!!!)

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