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My inner happy place
Member Since
professional keeper of fun and joy
Real Name
Victoria/ Vicki
voted most artistc, highest GPA in both art and TV Video production, won the 9th grade year book cover.
Anime Fan Since
Sailor Moon...?
Favorite Anime
D.Gray-Man, Blood+, and Bleach
*evil smile*
Drawing, Reading, Reading Manga, Watching Anime, wasting mine and everyone elses time (its fun XD)
Being evil, poking people, stealing hats, fighting with my male cousins, talking really fast, and are these even talents?
| lovinmanga4eva
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Drama Club!
Heyy peoples,
the drama club play went great! once again i was the march hare and brenna was the mad hatter (Alice in wonderland)! The weather was lovely this moring! Dark skies with a chance of rain! And i'm out of things to talk about, other than i finished my book last night! I can't wait to get my paws on the second book! i hate to be contuines! Byez!

What Darker Naruto Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.

What Ninja Class Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
~A boy and girl were speeding down the rode on a motorcycle. girl: "Slow down, I'm scared." boy: "No, this is fun." girl: "Please slow down." boy: "Only if you give me a hug." She hugged him. girl: "Ok, now slow down." boy: "Only if you put my helmet on." She put it on. boy: "Now say you love me." girl: "I love you, slow down!" The next day on the news a boy and girl got in a motorcycle accident and the girl servived. The truth is the brakes had broken half way down the street and he knew they would crash, so he asked her to hug him and say she loved him one last time, and saved her life instead of his own by making her put on his helmet~
{srry this one is a lil long 2}
~orochimarus daughter
Me: (Bust out of the house very mad) JIROBO! Those are Salt ‘n’ Vinegar chips, my favorite, and you know that! And now you also know whats going to happen!
Jirobo: I do?!
Me: ‘The pandas are coming, so hide under the bed! The pandas are coming they’ll rip you all to shreads! [Satome’s summoning song]
Satome: (Satome comes running and stops next to me) ROAR!
Jirobo: O.o *gasp* (Turns around and starts running away as fast as possible)
Me: Hmmm… 3-2-1 Go get him Satome!
SAtome: (Chases after Jirobo)
Tayuya: Haha, Fat A**!
Sasuke: (Hiding behind Kidomaru) I should be safe here.
Kidomaru: YUM! O look a fly! Mmmmm! It’s a fat one too! (Chases after fly)
Me: -_-‘ umm…ok?! OH! HIIII SASUKE!
Sasuke: O_O’ *kidomaru I really HATE you right now…*
{By this point it’s dark outside}
Me: Hey Sasuke…
Sasuke: W-what?!
Me: I want to play a game. {If you have ever seen the movie SAW you know something evil is going to be coming soon}
Sasuke: Oh no! I’ve seen this movie! It’s the one where the killer chases the blonde girl into a dark alley when her heel breaks of her shoe and she falls, as the killer slowly inches near, and--- Mommy turn it off it’s scaring me!!!!!
Orochimaru: Umm, Sasuke Itachi killed your Mommy remember! He told me at the Akatsuki Slumber party, you know when I was in it and all ^-^!
Sasuke: (on the ground in feel position, sucking his thumb) Then who’s going to turn it off?!
Me: (Well by this point I was bored out of my mind and took a flashlight out of the cabinet in the kitchen, where Kabuto lie, being a drama queen I might as well add. I went back down to where the others were stand watching Sasuke being a baby) OMG! Ukon, Sakon! Look a fairy! (Turns on flashlight and shines it on the ground)
Ukon: OMG---
Sakon: Where?!
Me: (Moves light in circles on the ground) There! Get it!
Ukon: Where I---
Sakon: Can’t catch it!
Ukon: It’s to---
Sakon: Fast!
Ukon & Sakon: (jump on top of the light) GOT IT!
Me: (turns the light off)
Ukon: Where---
Sakon: Is it?!
Me: Good job Bakas you killed it!
Ukon & Sakon: (Start crying)
Me: I’m bored of this! I’m going to my room and watching Anime I suggest you don’t annoy me! (goes to room and starts watching Bobobo-bo-bobobo ^-^!
{What will happen next?! The world my never know…or will they?! *gasp*}
(^-^ <3)
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