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myOtaku.com: lozchan

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Guestbook Entries:

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stararnold (02/19/08)

just visiting.

ice nija dragon (09/29/07)

Hey, I lake your site so I'm gonna add you as a friend. If it ok?

gigglemaster (07/23/07)

u hav a nice site & some great work. congrats on becoming a senior otaku. i just joined... i still feel so alone. :( word of advice: if u ever feel alone and in a dark corner, get up and eat cookies! ...don't ask me how that's supposed to help ur loneliness, i just kno it'll help ur hunger. DON'T GO ANAREXIC, IT'S NOT THE ANSWER!!! *tackle* oh, um, yeah... bye! ...NO I DON'T HAV MENTAL ISSUES!!! *fumbles w/ straightjacket*

Ikyuu-Nyuu-Kon (02/02/07)

I must say, I love your wallpapers. I hope to see that you make more GetBackers ones in the future!


Magnus Lensherr (12/12/06)


Its great to meet another person from England! None of the peopeli meet seem to be anywhere near why i live though! Its strange ~ Laugsh ~ I heard Kents meant to be nice though!

I hoep you are enjoying your time on here even if this place is just so you can put your wallpapers } Hugs ~ Fromw hat i have seen they look good so keep it up!

Take care and i wish you luck with everything and maybe one day you will use this site to talka bout yourself as well!

Take care and have fun ill see you around!

Only Darkness Will Live On For Eternity

Shippou123 (10/30/06)

I love the wallpaper. Thats all I have to say, right?

I might go look at some of your wallpapers...not now, because of the horrors of homework, yes this late at night, but later.

*puppy eyes* If you signed my guestbook then I'd have an easy link to your site to see the wallpapers...but you don't have to if you don't want to...don't feel pressured...*stalker stare*

I'm kidding. xD

kakeru500 (10/24/06)

Hi there=) Nice site, my site isn�t really that good but feel free to visit if you have the time. Well see yah around ^_^


autumn fairy (10/09/06)

Heya!! Thanks for your comment on my wallpaper!! ^^ Love the site and your wallpapers you've got goin! Keep up the great work! XD

HeavenSent (09/29/06)

Hiya ^^

i love your wallpapers good job ^^ i took your advice you left on one of my wallpapers and i made a wallpaper on the non-armoured Alphonse from FMA ^^ and it looks pretty good , thanks for the advise^^

Wow your fron kent ^^ im from London , its pretty hard finding people from england on here ^^

ill add you as a friend, hope you do the same ^^ pm me anytime ^^


Kaiz Dark Angel05 (09/17/06)

yo wud up dawg! MADISON COUNTY REPRESENT!! i seen your wallpapers and e-cards around here =3 i really like them. ^_____^ i didn't notice you before you started making the wallpapers, which is kinda sad, but i thought you were new or something. now i see you've been on here almost a year. i guess you haven't been using your site until now. but anyway...i like your site ^^ the colors really popped up at me. *nods* well i'll add you as a friend. i hope you come visit me, and i'm sorry about not noticing you before. ._.;;;

WeSt SiDe!!

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