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Sunday, July 25, 2004

   Bishie time!!!
Kawaii!!I love this pic!!I was trying to find a pic of Shichitani & Inuyasha and this is what I found!!Well, ttul!!Luv,

LuCkYsTaR *~

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Wednesday, July 21, 2004

   Hi 'ya!!
Hey, 'ya!!How is are you?!Pretty bored here!Not, much happened this week!But,my new bishie is Ranma Saotome!!(Boy half!!)What are your guys favorite bishies?!I could post some pics of them!!Well, ttul!!Have a great day!!Laterz!!


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Thursday, July 15, 2004


Wuzzup?!Okay, the beach was fun!!I got a killer tan and some new shoes!!Yay!!But, when I got back I spend all my money that I saved for the beach on manga!!LOL!!So I got Love Hina,Saiyuki,Kill me kiss me,Eerie Queerie,DN Angel and a couple of magazines!!Yup, I'm krazy!!But, that money will come back to me, and it will bring friends!!LOL!So, I'm embrassed to admit it but, while sitting on the beach in my biknin & shorts this guy comes over and starts talking to me, and blah blah blah, so we go into the ocean pretty far when this wave crashes into me & this guy & both my swim suit top unties!!So at waist-deep water I'm trying to tie my top!!I ask the guy to help me(very embrassing!!)So, while he helped me he turns around & says, "Look I found this.... Hahahha!!" So i look down to my horror and a crab is clinging onto my top!!OMG!!

Well, i didn't get to talk to him much after that, but now it seems kinda funny!!And YAY for no restraining order!!Alright!!Talk 2 'ya all laterz!!Bye!!


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Friday, July 2, 2004

   i live in my own little world, but its okay, they know me there!!

Wuzzup?!Right now I'm listening to Riding on a shooting star from FLCL!!The guiter sounds soo awesome!!-sighs-I've got to stop buying manga,...Hahahahah!!!I almost sounded serious!!Today, tou I got volume #1 in Comic Party!!And volume 3 in Fruits Basket!!

So how r 'ya all doing?!Party any at all?!In my last post, I thought about a comment, and figured I'm problemly going to get a restraining order at the beach!!Hahaha!!Well, its nice to talk 2 'ya all again!!I'm here at my sister's and her computer is sooo fast!!It has road runner!!Yay!!Well, got 2 go!!Bye!!


P.S.I'm thinking about getting a nice cheerful avartar, any suggestions?!

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Thursday, July 1, 2004

Hiya all!!

The InuYasha movie comes out Septbmer 14, 2004 here in the states!!To bad my Birthday is in November!!Well, other than that, I'm goin' to the beach all this week!!I can always meet a cute guy there!!j/k!But, surfing is always fun too!!Well,'ya all have a great day!!!Laterz!!Also:

*Have a great Canada Day!!!*



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Sunday, June 27, 2004

   Good news!!!!Free comics!!!!!
Hey 'ya all!!Okay, I just found out great news!!On July 3rd go to any comic book store and you can get a free book!!(Some include Tokyopop!!)And if 'ya don't beleive me go to:

Well, got 2 go!!Have a great day 'ya all!!Laterz!!


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Friday, June 18, 2004

   I wish I had more time!!(and wasn't lazy!!)
Hey 'ya!!

wuzzup?!I wish I could visit all the sites on my buddy list, but I am fallin' asleep here, and last time I fell asleep at the computer I woke up at 11:30 and the net was on and there was droule between the keys!!(and on my face)URGH!But, i bet 'ya all drouled on your computer or library books!!!!Oh, well enough of my muttering, how have 'ya been?Oh, Father's day tomrrow!!!What did 'ya all get your fathers?!I need some ideas quick!!Well,got to grab some z's!!Laterz!!



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Sunday, June 6, 2004

   I'm sorrrrry!!!
Hey!!I'm so sorry for not visiting any of your sites & adding you guys as friend!!(People who just recently signed my GB!)My computer is loaded down with so much junk and it crashed or freezes up!!Aaawww!!Oh, but good news is that I got a Slayers DVD!!Lina is my favorite!What 'bout you guys?

OMG, how could I forget!!If I signed anyones gb with a British slang, that was a annoying neighbor of mine!!I left my computer on and she signed someone's gb, but I never saw who it was!Sorry about that too!!^.^ She was all like,"I was bloody brillant!!"whatever...Well, got to go!!Peoples are buggin' me!!T2YL!!


P.S. Is it weriod that I have a lil' braty british slang neighbor?!er... I guess it is?!

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Tuesday, June 1, 2004

hey 'ya all!*sighs*

I'm so bored...Oh, how do 'ya all like my new avatar?I'm pretty sure its Kaiba (wolf's rain), but then again I could be wrong!Um, can someone help me out, I need to get a good background. Like an InuYasha or Wolf's Rain, ect. That would help so much!!Thx!

Have any of 'ya all had a artist block and you really want to draw something but when you do it looks really bad, well I'm stuck now!!!I want to post some recent pics, but sadly there not that great.What do you do when you have one?If 'ya could tell me that would be a BIG help to me!!!!!!!Well, g2g now, so you have a great day!!Laterz!!



From Go-Quiz.com

~*~Lucky star~*~

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Sunday, May 30, 2004

   Is it sad when people are paying me to read?
Hey 'ya all!!

What's poppin my homie G's?!Okay, guess what, *pause* I get $60 if I read the Harry Potter books!!Yes, I am that lazy!But, getting $60 to read some books, easy!See my mom think I should read books instead of magazines & manga...my summer goal!!(whatever..)What are 'ya all doing for vactions or trips?!

Well, I have to go and take care of my sister's puppy!!The cutest puppy ever!!Hope 2 talk to 'ya all laterz!!Bye!!

~*~Lucky star~*~

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