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snow monkey
somewhere next to the big shiny thing in the sky!
Member Since
student & not so hungry artist
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would you really like to know?(My nickname is Sakura!)
I need some time to think about that.....Oh, i found the remote!!!
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
YuYuHaskusho ,Kenshin, Gudam Wing, Inyuasha, Trigun,Evangelion, Cowboy Behop,Chobits,.hack//SIGN and lots more!!!
Become famous & stay sane,but its kinda late for that!
Drawing, sports, watching movies, hanging out with peeps, and playing Kingdom Hearts!
Drawing, sports, walking & talking, and other amazing things!!
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Wednesday, March 3, 2004
More new music!!!
wuzup?!Nothing much here!!Oh, I put up new music!!I should just put a different song up each week!!This week it is a new band (I think?) Yellowcard, with Ocean Avenue.I think next week is sum 41, or Freckles (Rurouni Kenshin) What do you guys think?!Oh, today the power in our school was out til 10:30 and I kept running into lockers, because it was pitch black in the hallways and everyone was running into things!!And at lunch they had the worst cheeseburger!!The cheese was liquid!!Hello?!What can't they at least serve chips or other junk food?!
Does any of your guy's school have "good" food?!And I have one more question, does anyone know how old Kikyo is from Inuyasha?!(Minus the 50 years!)^.^ Okay, talk 2 'ya all laterz!!Bye!!
~*~Lucky stars~*~
P.S. My otaku board name is snow monkey!!^.^ Oh, I got over a 1,080 visits to my site!!Yay!!Thanks a lot people!!
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Sunday, February 22, 2004
New music!!
wuzup?!I put some new music up for now, but will change it pretty soon!(I think...) Oh, its Outkast "Hey ya" Its on the radio a lot!!Tell me what 'ya think!!And I hope to post some of my better art up soon!!But, they are really big....Well, talk 2 'ya all laterz!!Bye!!
~*~Lucky stars~*~
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Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Happy Valentines Day!!!

wuzup?!Okay, okay!I know Valentine's Day is coming up & for that I think, I should start a little contest thing!!Who is teh best anime couple!!So, come on poeple and place your votes!!^.^ (I chose Inuyasha & Kagome!!) Well, tell me your favorite couple!!Talk2 'ya all later!!Bye!!^.^

~*~Lucky Lor~*~

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Sunday, February 1, 2004
Now playing: Maroon 5
wuzup?!What do you think about the new music?!Its called this love, by Maroon 5!But, what do 'ya all think about it?!Keep it or change it?!And if I change it, what to, or what do 'ya all like?!Well, talk 2 'ya laterz!!Bye!!
~*~Lucky stars~*~
P.S. I finally got the rest of my Death by Skis (to the tune of "Jingle Bells")
-Dashing through the snow
On a broken pair of skis
O'er the hills we go
Crashing into trees
The snow is turning red
And I am nearly dead
I'm going to the hospital
To get stichese in my head
(Chorus was done by a friend of mine!!^.^)
On, death by skis
Death by skis
Stupid broken skis
My head is bleeding
'Cause I've been a-smashing
Into trees
Death by skis
Death by skis
Stupid freaking skis
I'm gonna die becasue...
Of these stupid, freaking SKIS!!!!
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Sunday, January 25, 2004
Is anyone out there???!!
wuzup?!Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I was & still pretty sick!!Here is a link to a page of the Inuyasha manga that I thought was worth posting:
It's a direct link so 'ya all don't have to go through the website!!But, good news is I'm going to a camp in Virgina that teaches how to draw anime/manga, paint, pen & brush, & all these only cool things!!n_n In other news, I just finished lots of water color drawing & hope to put them up by tomrrow!!Oh, I have a question, have any of you played Gulity Gear for PS2?! Its a okay game, but the graphics & extra movies that are great!!The animation is sooo cool!!You should see for yourself!!Well, that's all, talk 2 'ya all laterz!!
Which Final Fantasy X-2 character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
~Lucky :p
P.S. I won 1st in a art contest last weekend!!I guess my forest theme was good!!
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Monday, January 12, 2004
Inuyasha manga!!!!
wuzup?!Finally, I got the complete set of 1-6 & 15 of the Inuyasha manga!!Now all I need are 7-14!!lol!!Would any of you like me to post or link a page of Inuyasha?!Some of them are pretty funny!!n__n Well, tell me what 'ya all think!!Got 2 go!!Talk 2 'ya all laterz!!Bye!!
 Guys just love...what a klutz you can be!
What Do Guys Love About You? (with pics :3) brought to you by Quizilla
~Lucky :p
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Saturday, January 10, 2004
If you could have.....Jen the amazing here!!!
Lucky's question:
If you had a chance to have 1 band come to your house and have a concert, what band would it be?
Jenny's question:
Okay, if 'ya all wondering I'm Jen hacking Lucky's site!!n__n I don't have a site so this will do!!Ha, ha, ha!!She is going to kill me for doing this but:
*On a rating of 1-10 (1 being lame and 10 being the cool!)What would you rate Lucky's site!!n__n I give it a.....8!!Because, she can be way more fun with her site!!'Cause she was sooo mean about what she said about my new boots!!I think leather is great!!Cows are boring any ways!!I think I'm going to have some fun with it now!!Check it out!!n__n
Got 2 jet!!~Jen

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Tuesday, January 6, 2004
My saying today:
-I don't have issues I have tissues
But, here's a tissue for your issues
And a towel for you butt!!!n__n
My friends & I made that up?!What do you think?!But, the last part wasn't my idea!!n_n
**Hey, 'ya all before you go, stop my DaeHY site!!I guess it accidently got deleted & has to start all over again!!So, stop by!!Okay, talk 2 'ya laterz!!
 ...loosing grip
Who Are You From Within? (Anime Images used) brought to you by Quizilla
~LUcky :p
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Monday, December 29, 2003
WOW!!!!!Over 700 visits!!!
wuzup?!Wow!!Over 700 visits!!And I got excited for over 200!!Well, in honor of this event (
-First take a quiz you would like!!(you can go to for those)
-After you got your results, highlight the code at the bottom and go to edit, cut
-Then go to your site and put it any where you like!!(In your post or intro) To do that just go to edit paste!!
Easy, right?!For animations, blogs, & back-grounds go 2 either or!!(There are many more but, those should do!!)Okay, now for something that I saw on adultswim:
-I wonder where Inuyasha gets his hair done?
He has great hair!
You think you uses products?
We bet he does!!
With all that hair & not a single slip-end!!
Now, that's his real power!!
Lol!!I just thought that would be something fun to post!!Well, talk 2 'ya laterz!!!Bye!!
 Kawaii neko! You're not a sexy catgirl, but not a cat either. You're something too cute for words! You're a *gasp* chibi catgirl!
How Catlike Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
~Lucky n___n
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Sunday, December 28, 2003
Holiday presents!!!!!!!
wuzup?!I got a bunch of cool stuff for Christmas!!Well, actually I bought most of the stuff I wanted or returned it and got something else!!But, that is how it always is, right?!n_n So, I got a bunch of manga books and some anime DVDs!!I'm really happy with what I got!!n_n Oh, question:
**What did you get and wasn't what you wanted and what did you get instead?!**
For example, I got a movie from my dad, that he got me for my birthday!!The exact same one!!But, no worries!!I got to return it for a Inuyasha movie!!n__n Well, got to go!!Talk 2 'ya laterz!!Bye!!
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