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Sunday, September 21, 2003

   Sorry, i haven't been on lately?!!

wuzup?!Something got on my computer and messed it up?! So, i'm now on my friend's computer...Ok, here it is the question of the week:

*Who do you think has the coolest(
I know, coolest is not the greatest word to use!! Well, as for the question, i would have to say i like Misao's fighting outfit!!(From Wandering Kenshin) I don't really know why but, it looks cool!! Well, tell me what outfit 'ya like and why!!!Well, got 2 go!!Later/Bye!!!! ****

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Monday, September 8, 2003

   WOW!!Over a hundred visit!!*does happy dance*

wuzup?!THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!Over a hundred visit is pretty cool, right?!!Well,i kinda changed my idea about SD Gudam?!They are kinda funny?!!But, they made them sound like girls!!(Hey, i thought they were guys?!)

I just thought of a cool question for this week!!It is:

*It you were suck in any of the anime,manga/comic, and ect. serious, which one would you choose and why?!*

I like that question myself!!^.^I would choose Yu Yu Haskusho or .hack//SIGN because of the comedy in Yu Yu Haskusho and the cool spirit attacks!!.hack//SIGN because your in a computer were you can ride those cute lil' donkeys!!(< I foregot what they're called!!)^.^LOL!! Well, add your comment and I'll read them and then post the best one on my site!!(What an honor!!)LoL!!^.^ Well, talk to 'ya all later!!^.^ Bye!!

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Saturday, September 6, 2003

   Sorry, I foregot to put this in the last post!!!

wuzup?! I saw SD Gudam and i was mad!! The last ones where much better!Well, that's what i think!!!And they look so freaky !!Well, do you:

A. Agree, they're really freaky!!

B. Both, its okay......

C. Disagree, they ROCK!!

D. I don't care!! What's your point?!

E. Hey, as long as there's fighting

Well, comment on which one you think you like the best!!And if you want you can make up your our go ahead!!!(I need a good laugh!)

P.S. Oh, i foregot to thank the people that answered my last question!!So,THANKS EVERYONE!!! ****

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   Wow!! There are now more than 4,000 members!!!!

wuzup,'ya all?!! Well, I know its a little early for a new question, but i want to know from other poeple:

*What do you think of the new show Immortal Grand Prix (IGPX)?!!

Please tell me what you think!!
**Its coming on September 15, at 6:30 on Cartoon Network!!**

I think its going to be pretty good!! Well, talk to 'ya all later!!!Bye!!! ****

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Thursday, September 4, 2003

   If 'ya all didn't notice I changed my pic!!

wuzup?!What do you all think of my new picture?!!Well, I like to do something different in my post, I'll have a weekly question every week up!!(Like I have anything else to do!) This week's question is:

*If you where an Anime character which one would you be?! (I got this one from Havick!)

Well, hope lots of you answer my questions even if you think its dumb!!If you don't then just...umh... Have a good time at my site!!Well, later, I'm out!!Bye!! ****

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Tuesday, September 2, 2003

   Man!!Some peoples talk and talk and oh!!(Sorry!)

wuzup?!I been to some of these peoples sites and I don't want to make anyone mad, but a half a page a of post is a lot!!Does anyone else notice that!! I hope I don't talk to much, 'ya think? And if I do just tell me to shut it!! Well, got 2 stop talking so I don't talk to much!!!Later/Bye!!!

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Friday, August 29, 2003

   I'm blonde and slow!!What a match?!

wuzup!?Is anyone else out there blonde too, I don't want to be the only one?!!Well, I still can't get this art format!!Its the computer!It doesn't like me!!Or I don't like it?!*confused*

Well, I'm now in the CPE!! For all you poeples that don't know what CPE stands for,it stands for 'Crazy poeple empire'!!Go to Gemmie site to sign up!!Then everyone will be crazy!!!Yeah!!Crazy, crazy, crazy!!

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Wednesday, August 27, 2003

   Hey, thanks a lot Gemmei!!!!!
Well, I just figured out how to put up my art!!(I know I'm slow!)So now I going to put up a lot of pretty pics!! Hope 'ya all like them!!La,la,la,la,!!! ****

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Tuesday, August 26, 2003

   Still no go with the fan art.....
Well, I still can't figure out some things, but oh well...(I guess that is why I'm blonde!) I have lots of drawing and no place to put they!!So, I guess I'll just keep trying....Later!!!La,la,la!!!

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Monday, August 25, 2003

   I need a little help!!
Well, I been trying to put some pics up,but there to big or not in the right format!! I confused! See, I'll not a computer person! Well, I try later!!And I'll just draw in between this and school! Talk to 'ya all Later!! BYE!!!

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