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myOtaku.com: Lucky Star

Thursday, July 15, 2004


Wuzzup?!Okay, the beach was fun!!I got a killer tan and some new shoes!!Yay!!But, when I got back I spend all my money that I saved for the beach on manga!!LOL!!So I got Love Hina,Saiyuki,Kill me kiss me,Eerie Queerie,DN Angel and a couple of magazines!!Yup, I'm krazy!!But, that money will come back to me, and it will bring friends!!LOL!So, I'm embrassed to admit it but, while sitting on the beach in my biknin & shorts this guy comes over and starts talking to me, and blah blah blah, so we go into the ocean pretty far when this wave crashes into me & this guy & both my swim suit top unties!!So at waist-deep water I'm trying to tie my top!!I ask the guy to help me(very embrassing!!)So, while he helped me he turns around & says, "Look I found this.... Hahahha!!" So i look down to my horror and a crab is clinging onto my top!!OMG!!

Well, i didn't get to talk to him much after that, but now it seems kinda funny!!And YAY for no restraining order!!Alright!!Talk 2 'ya all laterz!!Bye!!


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