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The garden of England (kent)
Member Since
Sixth Form
Real Name
Meh? Making a comic book of my very own! (for tech) Can't belive I only got a B...*mutters darkly*
Anime Fan Since
Goodness knows. Since I dicovered Pokémon. So for about six or seven years. (When I was in Yr6)
Favorite Anime
Cardcaptors, Pokémon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Shaman King, Dirty Pair Flash, Fruits Basket, Prétear, Animatrix, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Akira, Yu Yu Hakusho, Eerie Queerie, Clamp School Detectives, Final Fantasy Unlimited (see above for rest)
Be a graphic designer. Or write manga. ^-^
Drawing, reading and writing fanfictions (Yu-Gi-Oh!) (my account on is S. Chensu and Luff)
*snorts* None. Drawing I suppose. And being a critic.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, December 23, 2005
...dont' kill me!
Um...umm...ummm...well, what can I say? ^-^; I haven't been on here for ages. I'm so sorry. I'm a naughty girl lol...
Um, well the good news is I got a proper version of photoshop!! Woohoo!! ^_^ So I've been doing a lot of mucking around in it. But I shouldn't really cos I have exams in january... -_- I'm supposed to be revising. Oh well, I'll do that AFTER christmas. ^_^ Great idea.
Eh...I honestly don't know what else to say. Sorry...
Luff XxX
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Hello...I guess it's kinda rude of me to make a blog and not visit any of your sites, but here I am, doing exactly that. I just wanted to tell you all I've put up a new piece of fanart, well it's the chibi Sanzo one only it's been coloured on yeah please vote, and comment if you have the time...I would really appreciate it!! I'm finding myself with less and less time these days, so...yeah. I will visit your sites more often in the furture though! Please forgive me! Here is a link to the picture:
Sanzo pic
^^ Well...there ya go...thanks. o_o
Luff XxX
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
I'm back!! ...from what? 0_0

Well, I'm here at last!! I'm sorry for not posting on here for like, yonks. 0_0 Heh heh. I was gonna post yesterday to say a very big Happy halloween, but I guess I'm a bit late huh? So instead I shall do this:
HAPPY BELATED HALLOWEEN!! yeah. There ya go. ^^
Well, now for my life. My new job is really good. Heh my manager's a nutcase (and gay). He keeps showing me his pen with naked men on it. -_- Nice. Well I ain't gonna bore ya all with that, so yeah...
I bought some new manga today. ^^ I got Ai Yori Aoshi. Good so far...I haven't finished it yet though. And I still haven't finished my library books...oops...they were supposed to go back today but I forgot to renew them. So I gotta go to the library tomorrow and pay a fee. W00t.
Well, I can't think of anything more to I guess I'll be off. Bye!
Luff XxX
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Friday, October 21, 2005

Nya...can't believe it...I'm starting work tomorrow!!! Waaah!! T_T Feh...oh well...
Not a lot to report on really... Lol. Just posting because I haven't done in ages. If I think of anything else I'll be sure to tell you...oh if any of you know anything about limewire (ie how useful it is) then please tell me...
Luff XxX
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Monday, October 17, 2005

Ah well an...interesting day today to say the least. ^-^ I've just found out I left my ruler at school, which is a bit annoying really...and after spending about 2 days looking for it, I found my timetable scrunched up at the bottom of my bag. -_- That was annoying.
Anyways, me and Pugi went into town during our free period today, and they did the most dreaded thing you could possibly ever do in October....
PLAY CHRISTMAS SONGS!!!! >_< OMG I ALMOST DIED!! Well in a manner of speaking lol...that was awful. Christmas is meant for Christmas! Halloween hasn't even gone yet!! ;_; Heh but oh well...guess what we had today that we haven't had for ages? PANDA POPS!!! ^_^ So full of sugar it's almost disgusting! ALMOST!! They banned the blue raspberryade ones in our school cos it has a food colouring in it that makes you go hyper...heh...nice thing to drink before ICT. ^____^
Aaaanyway...what else? FOUR MORE DAYS UNTIL HALF TERM!!! WOOT!!! And according to Pugi we have friday off because we have nothing to do then...cos it's a focus it's three days really...but I haven't heard anything from the teachers yet. Let's just hope and pray then. ^-^
Well I think that'll do for see ya when I next post! Bye!!

(Oh come on!! Who doesn't love the muppets?!?!)
Hope you enjoy the pics! (I don't own any of them!!! ^-^;)
Luff XxX
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Saturday, October 15, 2005

Hello again! Sorry I don't come on here very often and comment on your sites...I know I should... ^-^ But oh well.
I bought volume 5 of Chobits and volume 4 of Gravitation on thursday! *cheers* But I still haven't read them...oops. Perhaps I should at some point.
Well, what else can I say? I still need to post pictures. Hmm. Meh. ^-^;
I'm still playing Nintendogs...hehe Pugi bought me a husky when she came round on Friday. And she tried to call it shigure. -_- Hehehe.

Oh, come one! You know you like it really. =^-^=
Well, that's about it from me! Bye!
Luff XxX
(I don't own any of the pictures!!!)
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Friday, October 14, 2005

Hello there! What do you think of my adorable smiley? Ok not mine but oh well...sorry for not editing that post yesterday (was it yesterday?)...I couldn't be bothered. And sorry about not visiting sites and all that. I will get around to it tomorrow, promise!! ^-^
Luff XxX
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Damn it
Ok I'll edit this post later...stupid computer. >_<
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Monday, October 10, 2005
Well, I managed to get round to everyone's sites today!! Now my brain hurts! n_n Heh...if I didn't go to your site then I'm verra sorry.
Ohh, so many bad things happening! The earthquake...and southend pier burning....and all of the wallace and grommit sets etc. being brunt down too! So horrible!! 0_0 Ok random but there you go...
Ahh what else...oh yeah, I now have 720 visits to my site and 92 guestbook entries!! w00t! Quite an improvement on last time I think. ^-^
I think I shall put some new art work up soon...not sure what though. Well I have a load of pictures for the STREKS gang (a joint fanfic me and my sister wrote, sonic the hedgehog/nintendo), but I still need to draw Shadow. Jeez, I was supposed to have them done last new year's eve. Oops. ¬_¬; I better get it done!!
Oh yes, I got nintendogs. ^-^ It's awesome!! I have my li'l golden retriever, Kriekje, and she is so clever and well-behaved!! I'm so proud!! ^-^ I dunno how to get any pics though... T_T I could use a camera but I don't think it would come out very well.
Well I'll get going now...I'm sooooooo exhausted...sorry I haven't been putting any pictures up lately, but I just can't be bothered. Heh. I will though. Prétear...hmm better get myself some decent pics then!! ^-^
Luff XxX
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
...don't ask...

These are just a couple of things I made using macromedia flash 8...I don't own the sparkly dragon!!
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