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The garden of England (kent)
Member Since
Sixth Form
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Meh? Making a comic book of my very own! (for tech) Can't belive I only got a B...*mutters darkly*
Anime Fan Since
Goodness knows. Since I dicovered Pokémon. So for about six or seven years. (When I was in Yr6)
Favorite Anime
Cardcaptors, Pokémon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Shaman King, Dirty Pair Flash, Fruits Basket, Prétear, Animatrix, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Akira, Yu Yu Hakusho, Eerie Queerie, Clamp School Detectives, Final Fantasy Unlimited (see above for rest)
Be a graphic designer. Or write manga. ^-^
Drawing, reading and writing fanfictions (Yu-Gi-Oh!) (my account on is S. Chensu and Luff)
*snorts* None. Drawing I suppose. And being a critic.
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
Test thingy
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Hello again!!
Well, after wading through everyone's sites today I thought it was about time I updated mine. ^-^ Hmm, what to say...oh yeah, there's a mahoosive mosquito in the bathroom...great... -.- Heh...
Well me and Pugi went job hunting today. ^-^; That was...interesting. I tried to apply for Waterstones (cheap manga!!! ^-^), but they didn't have any jobs going. ;_; I tried Ottakers as well but it was the same for them. I can't work in Silverscreen (cheap DVDs!!!) cos you have to be 18, and I can't work in Game (CHEAP GAMES!!! ;_;) for the same reason. So that sucks. But... I might work in thorntons...if someone else hasn't got the job already. Ahh, oh well. We'll see.
Hmmm...I'm thinking about neatening up my profile and changing my avatar. But I dunno. And I can't hear the midis on otaku anymore!! It's so annoying! Ever since I downloaded quicktime...does anyone know how I could stop that from happening? Quicktime tries to play every single music file I try to load, but it won't play midis. ;_; So I want to stop it from doing that so I can listen to them, but I don't know how...
Oh, I watched a new trailer for the fourth Harry Potter film. It's gonna ROCK!!! If any of you want to watch it here it is (I think you need windows media player to watch it...):
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Trailor
Oh yeah, I also downloaded a trial version of Macromedia Flash 8. If any of you can give me some tips on using it I would very much appreciate it!! ^-^; It's a bit confusing...
OMG it's a Coelacanth!
Heh sorry. I love Animal Crossing, but I haven't been able to get on it much recently. That game can eat up a whole day. 0_0 Hmm...anyways, not much else to say so see yas!!
Luff XxX
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
Quick note
Just to tell you I just re-named my zafara picture so it is not currently up. However it will be soon. ^-^
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I now have 85 guestbook entries and 610 visits to my site! Thank you all!! *bows*
Anyways after realising the mistake I made yesterday, I suddenly remembered (well I found out) that the dog I want on Nintendogs is not a maniature dachshund as I have been saying for ages but a Beagle. ^-^; Oops...

Lol...anyways...not a lot else to say really. 0_0 Oh wait yes my new picture!!! Please go lookey! It's my Zafara picture, but it's been coloured in and stuffy. Here is a link:
Christmas Zafara
PLEASE comment this time!! ;_; I'm going to submit it to neopets...when I can be bothered... ^-^;
Luff XxX
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
...hi...heh...well, thanks for all you people who commented on my saiyuki picture. ^-^ I am also going to put up a new one...but you'll have to wait and see for it. I'll tell you when it goes up. ^-^
Well not a lot else is going on really...I'm going horse riding tomorrow with Pugi and Mai, which should be fun. ^-^ And they came around today too. We spent about 2 hours playing on Kingdom Hearts and the rest of the time on Tales of Symphonia. ^-^ Heh...ooh, I tell you what though...I CAN'T WAIT FOR NINTENDOGS TO COME OUT FRIDAY!!! ^_________________^ IT'S GONNA BE SO AWESOME! They have a playable version in our local Game store, and it looks sooooo awesome....can't wait...must have it... 0_0;
I'm gonna put some cutey li'l pictures up now.

Aren't they adorable?? I'm gonna have a wee siberian husky. I'm going to name it Faolán, which is little wolf in Irish. ^-^ I'm also going to have a miniature dachshund called Naira (which means big eyes) and a golden retriever named kriekje (dutch for little cherry, pronunced 'krick-yeh'). Kriekje is named after our old dog who passed away about five years ago. ^-^ She was so sweet and dopey! Here's a pic:

Lol, cute. ^-^ Well anyways I think I've ranted bye byes! Have fun everyone!
Luff XxX
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
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Hello again!
Guess who?? Lol...first thing's first, I have a new fanart picture! Well ok it's not new, it's my chibi Saiyuki one I have up on my profile. But anyway could you go comment please?!
Chibi Saiyuki
Aaaanyway, what else...well we have open evening at our school tomorrow. And all the sixth formers have to attend. So I'm gonna be standing outside in the freezing cold for about three hours! That's not fair!! ;_; Oh well.
Hmm...oh once again I have lots of stuff to do. I have to peel and boil some potatos, go up to the shops, do my homework, get the washing like you're interested. ^-^; Oh well, gotta get doing it now I suppose. See yas!!
Oh before I go, we need pictures! Today we have Fruits Basket! Yaay!

Sorry there's not a lot of pictures today, google decided it wouldn't load any more pictures for me. -_-
Luff XxX
I do not own any of the Fruits Basket characters, or these pictures, who belong to their respective owners.
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Sunday, September 25, 2005
Hi again
HI! ^-^ Wow, what a weekend I've had. I got up at quartre to five yesterday morning, went all the way up to Wales, dropped me sister off at Uni, and didn't get back home until ten past midnight. -.- So yeah I'm pretty exhausted. But my big sister's gone! ;_; Bye bye Chenny! *waves* Not that she'll read this but oh well. ^-^;
Hmmmm...oh yeah, homework sucks. BIG time. I swear I have homework to do for biology, but I don't remember what! Maybe it's just me but...if we did have homework and I didn't do it, i'm buggered! ;_; Miss Picard is strict about that. And I have to do a 7 minute long presentation for thursday, which is even more crap. I don't wanna!! ¬_¬
I would also like to say a very Happy 14th Birthday to my dear friend Mai Valkov!! She got lots of things from what Pugi told me a favour and go to Mai's page for me and sign her guestbook? Her name's in my friendslist. ^-^
Well, Pugi's asked me whether I'm gonna continue doing the pictures...and I think I shall! (I will also sort out the problem of my background not coming up on any page apart from my main site)
Anyways, today we shall have Dirty Pair Flash! This is a very funny and largely overlooked anime (probably because of the title lol). It's wonderful, and only 3 DVDs long so you won't be overspending by buying it. ^-^ Well anyways there ya now I shall put pictures up!

Heh. ^_~ Enjoy...I guess...
Luff XxX
I do not own the characters Kei and Yuri, and I do not own any of these pictures. They belong to their rightful owners.
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Friday, September 23, 2005
Hello there...I'm all bunged up. 0_0' I think Pugi gave me her cold...or it could have been Mai...or Lia...or one of the other many people at my school who have colds at the moment...I swear about half the school has one! It's so weird. ^-^;
Urgh, today was so BORING. We did this stupid forensics/psychology day thing, and we did this case study on the about the murder of Ambrose Garrett...I don't even know if it's a real case or not. 0_0 Heh oh well. It sucked.
Ah, what else...not a lot really. 0_0 I guess I better be going then...bye byes!
Luff XxX
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Friday, September 16, 2005
Hey, thanks for all your comments yesterday. ^^ I'm feeling better now though. I just had to figure some stuff out... ^-^; *big hugs for everyone*
Lol...well let's see...nice picture to post...oh do you like my new background? I thought the other one was getting boring... ^^;

Hmm hmm hmm...picture...sorry I know I said I was gonna post pictures of every anime in my list...I will get around to doing that...

Lol...just so nice! =^-^=
Well anyways, see ya around!
Luff XxX
(I don't own any of the above pictures, the ninja emote is (c) gaiaonline)
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