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The garden of England (kent)
Member Since
Sixth Form
Real Name
Meh? Making a comic book of my very own! (for tech) Can't belive I only got a B...*mutters darkly*
Anime Fan Since
Goodness knows. Since I dicovered Pokémon. So for about six or seven years. (When I was in Yr6)
Favorite Anime
Cardcaptors, Pokémon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Shaman King, Dirty Pair Flash, Fruits Basket, Prétear, Animatrix, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Akira, Yu Yu Hakusho, Eerie Queerie, Clamp School Detectives, Final Fantasy Unlimited (see above for rest)
Be a graphic designer. Or write manga. ^-^
Drawing, reading and writing fanfictions (Yu-Gi-Oh!) (my account on is S. Chensu and Luff)
*snorts* None. Drawing I suppose. And being a critic.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
Ah, I hope you like my new layout. ^^ I know some of you have already commented on it. For those who don't know, the image behind my posts is Chi from Chobits...^-^ She's so cute. And I'm gonna put up some piccies of her here:

Heh, hope you like. ^_~
Luff XxX
Comments (9) |
Saturday, August 27, 2005
I just want to say thank you guys for all of your comments! ^^ Heh, i'm feeling very happy at the moment. We went on a shopping spree yesterday and bought lots of clothes! ^^ I'm very happy with what I've got. But that's completely random. O_O
Oh, sorry about the profile at the top, I don't know why it's decided to shove itself halfway across the page...I'll try and fix that. I might even get rid of that bit altogether. Heh lol...I'm still loving my current song too. ^^ It's great! I'm at the thunder planes at the moment on FFX...I can't belive that bastard Seymour proposed to Yuna! (Soz if I'm spoiling this for any of you...) Ew...gross!
Well anyway...can't think of anything else to say right now. Hmmmmm...oh well. See ya laters.
Luff XxX
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Friday, August 26, 2005
Yay! I got good results! Here they are:
Maths- C
Science- B
Citizenship- C
Art- B
Graphics- B
French- C
English- A (w00t!)
(I don't know if there are any people who don't understand the grading, I'll make a short explanation: (from best to worst)
Pass grades: A*, A, B, C, D, E
Fail grades: F, U (ungraded)
That was short. ^^)
Yes...and I'm going to take Art, Photography, ICT and Psycology. Psycology is completey random by the way. O_O Heh...well everyone got good results, so I'm happy. ^^ Bye bye for now then...
Luff XxX
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Well I'm getting my GCSE results tomorrow! Argh! O_O I hope I do ok...wish me luck! Please?
And for those of you who weren't around yesterday, please listen to my midi and tell me what you think! It's from Final Fantasy X, and called 'I would tell you everything' (I think...)...I love that song, it makes me wanna cry...anyways it's only 1:40 long, so please listen! Lol...ok I'm going see yas!
Luff XxX
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Hey people, I added a midi to my site!! What do you think of it? I absolutely love the song. It's from the beginning of FFX. ;_; It makes me cry!
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Friday, August 19, 2005
I keep forgetting to say, we've ordered five volumes of manga off the internet! We bought two volumes of Saiyuki (volume 9 and volume 1 of Saiyuki: reload), and three volumes of Yu-Gi-Oh! (volumes 4, 5 and 6 of the Duellist arc). We have lots of manga. There is no more room on my shelf. O_O Oh actually suggested making a new shelf for me. ^-^;;; Heh...
Anyways, still working on what to do with those Barry the Cat pictures, but I'll work something out. ^^ Anyways, catch you all later...
Luff XxX
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Hello people...I must say I'm feeling rather exhausted this perhaps the sleepy smillie would be more appropriate at the moment...well anyways...
Oh, I found my Barry the Cat bookmark yesterday. After frantically trying to find it, I discovered it sitting in the 8th volume of saiyuki...d'oh! *o* Silly me...

Lol...well anyways I'd best be going...byes!
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
New layout
Hello! I'm thinking of putting a new layout on my page...based around these pictures (all ©Clives Cats):

What do you think? Please comment!
Comments (2) |
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
New art
Hello people! I have posted up two new fan arts, one of Pikachu and Pichu and one of Moltres. Go there now!!
Pikachu and Pichu
PLEASE comment!! Thankies!
Luff XxX
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Monday, August 15, 2005
I have a new picture I'm drawing at the moment! Inspired by my Articuno picture, I thought I'd draw the other two legendary birds! This time it's moltres. ^^ Here is a piccy of it so far:

So waddaya think of it so far? I would submit it as a fanart but I can't be bothered. By the time it actually goes up I will have finished colouring it in. ^^ Actually I might even draw all of the legendary pokemon... O_O Hmm, that's going to take a while. But I'm halfway there aren't I? ^^
^^ I was lucky though, cos my bottle of body lotion spilt ALL OVER my sketch book!! ;_; Luckily none of my pictures were damaged though. ^^ All the pictures I have on here were drawn in that sketch book... *stokes it fondly* Err ok. ^^; I'm being weird now...
Well I don't know whether I said I would show you or not, but here is a pic of our 'adopted' cat:

Isn't she cute? Well anyway I can't think of much else to write right bye byes!
Luff XxX
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