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A student
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the frist tim sailor moon was on
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FMA,Fooly Cooly, One piece, .hack// to name a few
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Sunday, April 8, 2007
FU TV GUIDE!!! warning this post has exteme fangirlness, anger, and crazynees you've been warned. oh and hair
Sorry again 4 the random tittle but series i hate the tv gudie channel beaucse i always miss the channel ri want to check on! Also i just my hair very shot.... I HATE THAT HAIRLADY!!! You see i got some pictures with girls that ha gaaras hair stlye right. Well the thhing is she kiap on cuting it untill it was around my chin and didn't give me the sipkey lair i wanted!!! RAWAR!!! So now i look lik an emo verision of rock lee, and i can get my hair to look like sai's (PENIS LOL Sorry i just had 2 do that). But when i was in the shower i played with my hair i got it to look like the following pplz: Hidan, Hianta, Naruto, and Kiba. Well when it gets down back to my necki'll tell my mom and she'll do it right. OMG now if i think about it if i starghten my hair it'll look like sasori's 0-o sweet! Aslo don't worry i'll get pics up for sure this time. Oh and i watched the new english epi in naruto and guess what? Itachi showed up!!! YATA *drools why watching epi.* and they didn't make his voice sound like crap actullay its even hotter than the japanese one not kindding!!! and please looks at my fan art.
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Friday, April 6, 2007
Sorry for the random tille i just felt like writing that lol. well i surieved yesterday with my sis. It wsn't that bad we watch like 5 epis. of bleach on my laptop. Also my mom comes home and guess what no money! Insade i get sushi don't get me wrong i lov sushi but it wasn't my favorite kind. (its eel and shrimp by the way) I wish it was ramen. My mom won't let me have it untill i get my own place. But good thin my friends alay sneak some in for me. Also yesterdy i was thinking of naruto crack fandoms. I came up with a few: hidan times anyone is crack like, Hidan X Sakura, Hidan X Hinata , and Hidan X TenTen. The only person i think would go with hidan my be temari but thats crack 2.
Lastly sience every one is doing qustions today I'm going to do them 2.
1. On waht # from 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, would you rate jiryas prevness?
2. Are you going to check out my fan art on myotaku?
3. Chocolate or hard candy??
My anwers
1. 8 Also just to say this jirya is the soruce of all prevness in naruto.
2. YES!
3. Dark chocolate all the way!
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
Man its before 9:30 and my day is already falling apart!!!! my mom wakes me up at 7:30 and I'm NOT a morning person. Then my mom makes me get my lil' sis ready to go to day-care,which sucked. She wouldn't eat all he food and he cries every time me mom or stepdad isn't carring her. OK and finally she leaves then i start unloading the dishwash right? Then my mom calls me and says "I'm going to drop off your sister with you, beacuse the day care pplz don't want her their beacuse she had a fever yesterday, (it really wasn't a fever by the way) i'll get you some babysitting money Ok?" my 1st thought, F***CK!!! then my 2nd thought What do you me money like money that medent for my b-day gifts!!!. So now i'm suck with her untill 5 in the afternoon. Man there gotta be a lot of damn money in it for me beacuse i swear I'm about to kill this kid.
OK, now on a better note I FINALLY GOT OUT OF THE FILLERS IN BLEACH!!!! I was so happy i start dancing in my room. The new story line is so good man im addicted. I ha a dream last night about bleach 2. It was about that hikdo guy or whatever his name is the skinny guy with kind of long hair and i was in a comic shop with him and we were just talking and i think he liked me or something. Tell ya the trueth i freaked outed when i woke up. Also thanks for th 200 hits!!! w00t and 30 GB signings!!! But i think i'm going to make a new banner though.
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Fear my icons!!!
Hi everyone sup? Man, i got up early for once this week. Ysterday me and my mom went shopping. she got me some really $$$ pants and then shes says "You know thi is part of your b-day gifts, right?" I got shocked i wanted to say "NANI!!?? I don't want pants i want anime and manga! RAWAR!" i was pissed. Well i've got nothing else to say so here are some funny icons!
I was on the floor laighing at this one!!!

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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Yata!!! I finally got some manga!!! I got the 18th volume of Bleach which was really good and Millennium Snow which is by one of my favorite mangakas Bisco Hatori. I syill have to read that one. Also to make this clear I'M NOT A YAOI FAN!!! (at least i don't think so O-O..) Also i woke up at 12 this morning which i have no idea why. Also i just took a personality test which though was kind of fun to do.