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Alone in the dark pits of hell
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i didnt die... yet
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since i was about 6
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Angel Sanctuary X,/1999 Naruto Saiyuki, BlueSeed, DNAngel
To become a Poet/Songwriter
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| luicifers wife
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Monday, April 17, 2006
Ello everyone
Today is my last day of spring brake* cries* I hate skool soo much damn teacher and work but ya ill get over it because summer is coming soooon!!
Yesterday was Easter it was ok considering that it was a religious holiday ( but i still didnt like it xD)
Changed my site around! (kinda was doing that yesterday) but its finished now with the header and everything it looks pretty don’t you think? [Yes I have gone mad its all pink lol] I like Sakura blossoms they remind me of death (yes im a morbid lil girl look who im marred to!) anyway the flowers are supposed to be white but they bury dead solders under the trees witch makes them turn pink from the blood
And new music
Sail Away by The Rasmus (lyrics in scrolly thing!)
Once upon a time we had a lot to fight for
We had a dream, we had a plan
Sparks in the air we spread a lot of envy
Didn't have to care once upon a time
Remember when I swore
My love was never ending
And you and I would never die
Remember when I swore
We had it all
We had it all
Sail away, it's time to leave
Rainy days, are yours to keep
Fade away, the night is calling my name
You will stay, I'll sail away
Once upon a time we used to burn candles
We had a place to call a home
The dream that we lived
was better than divine
Everyday was like a gift
Once upon a time
Remember when you swore
Your love was never ending
That you and I will never die
Remember when you swore
We had it all
We'd never fall
Sail away, it's time to leave
Rainy days, are yours to keep
Fade away, twilight's calling my name
You will stay, I'll sail away
No reason to lie
No need to pretend
I'm grateful to die
To live once again
I'm fearless to fly
And reach for the end
And reach for the end
Sail away
Sail away, it's time to leave
Rainy days, are yours to keep
Fade away, the night is calling my name
You will stay, I'll sail away
Sail away
The night is calling my name
Sail away

Icon Of The Day:

Quote Of The Day:
"A kiss should make you laugh and cry at the same time”
~Take Care Sweetheartz~
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
Comments (12) |
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Ello all sorry for not comment yesterday I was playing PS2 for 12 straight hrs!!! Yes you know when I play video games I want to get my mind off of something and yay it work! I was a mindless zombie! Wooot at lest I bet a couple of levels and I didn’t brake it!! (I usually get soo mad I stop playing >.>)
I have nothing to post and I didn’t get around to your sites *bows* soo im going to comment on what everyone said yesterday in my comment … EnJoy! ( might have to read why you said yesterday to understand this o.0 or maybe im crazy…)
kitabug69: yes the joy of the quote :D and ill email the story Sunday
Reno The Turk: how did you know I will have a grate week end? >.> lol kidding happy Easter to you too
blu moon:yes boys are VARY hard to comprehend
Niiki!: yes my bro is evil xD get the shoves! … How would spying help with the guy problem? Dollar store??
jujitsuhoney: father sons a bullets?? Ok than :D
darkeangel: not all guys are evil… only the ones in the US :D
Ada Pallas: fun in dysfunctional? If that’s possible…
Pain XIX: you have a good weekend too!
Shippou123: sephiroth is my favorite! Shinny sliver hair!!
WisdomTree: damn you jamessss DAMN YOU!! … that all I have to say to you :D
hinaru : I should just ignore him but eh ill take your advice you’re a guy you know what your doin ne? :D
ya don’t ask I DON’T KNOW ANYMORE *falls alseep*

Icon Of The Day:

Quote Of The Day:
“ Each human in this world is connected to each other through groups. The groups may serve as a ladder to climb up to the glories or as a chain to be dragged to hell. They all want to be at the top while watching others being tortured at the bottom. One person takes advantage of the other. And the other will avenge by doing the same thing. The beginning is the end, the end is the beginning. The process will continue until humans die out.”-???
Your obedient servant,
Comments (6) |
Friday, April 14, 2006
Ello all
Yesterday was bad o.0 the anger and everything but im ok now
Got to love my dysfunctional family ne? ya it seems I don’t like them but I just really don’t like my brother and my moms just ya >.>
I get along fine with my lil sister and my father
I don’t know why I hate my brother soo much … wait yes I do!! But that would be another BIG rant and I realllly don’t feel like getting all emotional right now old scars never heal
Soo how is everyone? Stupid thing to ask since ill be coming around to all of your sites and commenting ne?
How am I? That’s a good question im confused if that’s anything new xP lol
Im just confused about a guy … I like him but I don’t know if he likes me but he seems to like me o.0 yet he act that way with EVERY ONE
See why im confused?? I think I confused yall in the process
Im done now sooo off we go! …where are we going again

Icon Of The Day:

Quote Of The Day:
“Humans are the most selfish species in nature. Animals may lack the talent and the intelligence, but they do have true faithfulness as well as loyalty. Humans, in many ways, don’t. Loyalty, love, commitment—these are only illusions that exist in the minds. In the end, every human will choose to best for him or herself in the end.”-???
Your obedient servant,
Comments (10) |
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Ello all yet again (I seem to say this every day no?)
Right now im just eating cough drops like there is no tomorrow because my throat hurts like hell and it feels like im going to cough up a lung!!
Didn’t go anywhere yesterday even though I was gong to damn mom. Seems to be all her fault I cant does anything. She yells at me when im doing nothing yet doesn’t let me go out. Odd ne?
And she wanted me to stay so I could meet my brother girlfriend …
But all the time she was here I was in my room with my headphones on reading my new manga! Soo why did I have to stay home? Why would I want to meet his girlfriend??? Ya I bet she’s nice and all but damn she must be DUMB to date my brother and she’s 19 he’s 16 … why date lower on the food chain? But Chris is as dumb as a brick also soo I don’t care Im just angry he has a girlfriend… new people might not understand why I hate him soo much but ya he’s just and ass for lack of better words, and im vary mad at him right now because he was bad mouthing my Grandmother today! Wtf she’s been through a lot don’t talk about her like that saying she’s old bitch, yes she is forget full and you shouldn’t be bringing your girlfriend over her house its her house!! (He lives with her soo we don’t live together me might kill each other Sibling rivalry at its worst)
No one in this family likes him!!! Well my dad tolerates him my mom ardors him but me my aunt and grandmother really don’t like him or his “im right and higher than everyone” attitude …. Damn sexest racscited basterd!!!! …..
Damn no that I think about it she must be stupid how did she get into collage?
Collage student and high skool drop out (he keeps on saying he will drop out SO DO SOO ALREADY!) it’s a match mad in heaven
I need my brother like I need a hole in the head… hmm hole in the head doesn’t seem soo bad as of now
Soo sorry for the rant today I just wanted to get this out with out yelling at someone witch was really hard because I was just sitting there after they left with a can of soda in my rocking chair looking extremely mad … and my mom asked if I was OK I hate that question im Never OK

Icon Of The Day:

Quote Of The Day:
"Simple words can be reduced to obscenities by my tongue, can they not? Wife... husband... love?" - Erik
Your obedient servant,
Comments (10) |
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Ello all once again Soo sorry if I didn’t make it to your sites I was out all day yesterday
I did walk over kates (after walking out on my mom) and just hung out with nikki (Arduous) James (WisdomTree) Chloe (obnoxious) Kate and Ryan.
First when I got there it was mass confusion but once that was settled we played DDR and I got C! …. Ya im proud first time playing but at lest im not addicted to it like nikki xD
Than we all decided (or Chloe) dragged us out side to go walk so we basically went in a square came back to nikkis house (Kate and nikki are sister same house) and watched TV wile I was a human pillow for James
Than Kate and rayn showed up they where out somewhere and we played (or watched someone play KH2) and than again I was a pillow! Damn you James you confuse me like no one before!
Well I forgot what I was going to post now! Brain fart o.0
Yes today I have to clean my room and most likely go over Kates again for today is her b day!! And hang out and celebrate and all that good stuff!!

Icon Of The Day:

Quote Of The Day:
None of us can choose where we will love." - Erik
Your obedient servant,
Comments (10) |
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Ello all again
Why in the world am I up now? (Its about midnight and im wide awake) might as well work on the fan fic now since I have the time some ideas and a big MR Good Bar! (Peanuts and chocolate)
Yes that’s what I plan to do until I fall asleep and go around to your sites of course than wake up and hopefully have enough energy to walk to kates house to chill since I have nothing to do and I didn’t to anything yesterday even though I said I was going to xD
I have nothing to sayyyy …. So I end the post

Icon Of The Day:

Quote Of The Day:
"I am like everyone else! Inside I am just like everyone else! Why can't people understand that?" -Erik
Your obedient servant,
Comments (8) |
Monday, April 10, 2006
Comments (10) |
Sunday, April 9, 2006
Ello all nothing yet again going on here soo ill post My about me here first than tomarrow it will be in my intro xD
Status;Single (yet married figure that out)
Height; 5’8
Eyes: Gray & Yellow[ they are vary odd]
Hair: Long/Brown(for now)
Likes: The rain, The moon, darkness, firends
Hates: Brother, pink, to many shoes
Zodiac Sign:Aries
Hobbies: Sleeping, Reading, Writing, Playing Video Games
Fav Color Purple
Fav music: all music is awesome :D
Fav Aime/Manga: Angel Sanctuary X,/1999 Naruto,Saiyuki, BlueSeed, DNAngel
Fav Moives:Dracula 2000, The Crow, Tank Girl, Phantom of the opera!, Lost Boys, Saw
Fav Books:The Phantom Of the Opera, Angles and Demons, The Davinci Code, Count of Monte Cristo,Hunchback of Notre Dame
I have a polll for you all to take … im going to dye my hair some time this week and I want to know what color :D
Your obedient servant,
Comments (9) |
Saturday, April 8, 2006

Im bored and I didn’t know what to post spring brake started Friday and I have 10 days off skool wooot! And now a vary random quiz like thing
Die Your Hair Black? I did once
Do you wear black eyeliner?: some times
Do you own any black clothing?: yes (almost all >.>)
Do you think about death often?: ya
Do you want to die? Surprisingly not any more
Are you a social outcast?: nope!
Are you pale?: not really but im not tan
Do you like Hot Topic?: no
Total YES: 4
--Skater Punk--
Can you skateboard?: I tried and failed miserably so no
How often do you wear Vans?: never
Do you do stupid stuff with your friends?: Hell ya
How much do you get in trouble?: a lot
Do you listen to music: of course its my life
Do you have any piercings?: not really
Total YES: 3
How often do you cry?: not a lot but sometimes..
Do you have an ex?: yes
Do you have an acoustic guitar?: nope
Are you emotional?: sometimes
Do you like soft music: not really
Do people understand you?: I don’t think they do unless they are crazy ^_^
Do u write ur own songs?: yes
Is your hair dyed dark?: nope its naturally brown now ;D
Do you cut?: nope
Total YES:4
How often do you say the word "like": never
Do you shop at Abercrombie and Fitch?: hell no
Are the A&F models hot?: noo
Rock music is bad, right?: wtf? Rock music kicks ass
Do you want to be in a sorority/fraternity?: no!
Into jocks/popular guys/girls?: most are asses
Are/were you a cheerleader?: no
Total YES: 0
Is your hair long?: vary long and silky
Are you a vegetarian?: nope
Do you own a tye dye shirt?: yes (that’s the only color in my wardrobe)
Do you want peace?: sure
Do you want to save the animals: yea
What do you think about war?: its bad but peace cant last
total YES: 4
Are you from the ghetto?: no
Do you own "bling bling"?: no
What do you think about do-rags?: I think it’s a stocking for there heads XD
How about hip-hop?: its ok I guess
Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world?: I don’t know im a rocker
who he is. or shee: i dont know
What do you think about afros?: puffy
Have you ever said 'fo shizzle'?: once
Total YES: 1
Do you play any sports?: i don’t think throwing a ball to your siblings is a sport
How important are they to you?: o.0?
Do you pick on the geeky kids?: no
What do you think about football?: Go 49ers!
were you considered a bully by anyone?: I don’t think so I hate seeing people hurt
Total YES: 1
Do you have glasses?: yes
Do you get good grades?: yes
Are you smart?: I don’t think I am but other say yes
Do you use an inhaler?: no
Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets: yes if I have a pocket
Does your mom buy your clothes?: hell no I wont let her
How often are you on the computer?: ever day
Do you ever get picked on?: yes
Total YES: 6
Your obedient servant,
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