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Alone in the dark pits of hell
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i didnt die... yet
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since i was about 6
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Angel Sanctuary X,/1999 Naruto Saiyuki, BlueSeed, DNAngel
To become a Poet/Songwriter
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| luicifers wife
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Friday, April 7, 2006

“Theirs nothing in this world you cant be if you want it enough”
Ello all once again and welcome to my wonderful world (SCRCASUM)
I changed the music on my site … I like it soo yay and got more of my friends buttons up [if you have a button leave a link in a comment or I can make you one ;P]
*Hugs everyone tightly* yall make me soo much better all the time: D they should make a Myo convention or something so I could meet yall! Lol
Yet guess who came over again yesterday? Yes Chris! (That’s my brothers name and eww I was named after him jen and Chris go together as so my mom said >.< that’s why I hate my name soo much)
but anyway he inspired a poem XD and I typed it up since I had no home work soo here it is enjoy
Dangerous Cocktail:
Anger & sadness mixing in my veins
Pounding my head
Can’t concentrate and sleep
Voice hiding away
Fearing the yelling once more
Tears and blood mixing in my cup
Gulp down another shot
Drunken on my troubles
Abandoned by my angels again
The pills rip open my throat as they are swallowed
You and I are a lethal combination
Alone once more
Drunken on your hatred
Friends becoming more like enemies
Demons replacing my angels
One more sip
Might be my ticket to my heaven and your hell
One more pill might bring the new end or an old beginning
Is the cup half full?
Half dead
X marks the spot
For on more shot
Lethal Dosages
You are the most wonderful disaster in my life
And for that I drink the memories
Cheers to you Chris
well im off to bed now I posted early today 12 am!
Your obedient servant,
Comments (7) |
Thursday, April 6, 2006

”colors fade
Temples crumble
Empires fall
But wise words endure”
Ello all sorry again for not commenting yesterday … I was really out of It kinda like me now -.- but im not as sad I don’t think
*Hugs every one* but im glad you all care I never thought that many people cared about me…
The reason I was upset yesterday wasn’t guy problems...
[I don’t have a guy haven’t had one in 2 yrs >.>]
It was my mom and my brother. My brother is just a basterd… why because he makes me feel like im worth nothing (grate brother eh??) and I was getting better, my depression and self hate when he was sent to live with my grandmother, but than he still comes over my house and it was ok for a while but than he started saying things again yesterday -.- and I try to tell my mother and she doesn’t do anything
Ya ill be ok I hope
Hopefully my brother doesn’t come over today and my mom went to work so it should be all good for me *sighs* yet I still feel like something is missing … hope I find it
~Take care sweetheartz~
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006

“Heartbreak is life educating us”
Did you ever just feel like crying? And not have a reason for it?
maybe i di have a reson .. but i dont feel like sharing it with yall...
[sorry if i dont make my rounds today i just dont want to talk sorry -.-]

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Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Bonjour mes Petits anges,
comment tout le monde est-il ?
[yall know im in a good mood if im specking French :D]
Yesterday I did read my poem in front of everyone and it was soo nerve racking! I was shaking literally hopefully I will never have to do that again anytime soon that’s one reason why im in a good mood
but the major reason why im in a good mood is that my father took me to barns and nobles . (I could live in that store!)
He said I only had a half an hr to shop but I think I got what I was looking for
Angel Sanctuary volume 13
Corpse Bride DvD (lil brother wanted me to get it so why not?)
Tokyo Mew Mew 1-4 for my sister (aren’t I nice? :D)
The Vampire Dictionary [big big book on every thing vampires!]
Le Fantôme De l'opéra DVD! It’s hard to believe I didn’t have the dvd already but finally I have it :D soo happy I can hardly contain my self AND my books have been shipped might even get here today (the 3 books I ordered on Friday)
Yes my hyperness now just ran out om sooo sleeeppy x.X but im still happy ... thats always good
~Take care sweetheartz~
Comments (7) |
Monday, April 3, 2006

Ello all its now Monday, Mondays are evil!!
And im still freaking out about reading the poem in front of everyone xD
Thank you all for reading and critiquing it *hugs* yall are soo helpful
*calms down* ill be ok .. I hope
Moving on…
Watched ‘Tomb Rader the cradle of life’ yesterday I was just flipping through and on the TV was Gerard Butler so I just had to watch the movie ^__^
If you don’t know who Gerard Butler is he’s on my site right now as The Phantom and he also played Dracula (damn I sound like a lil fan girl o.0)
One more thing

thank you all for the 5000 hitz :D *glomps everyone*
yes only I would have found a phantom of the opera anime picture xD lol
~Take care sweetheartz~
Comments (11) |
Sunday, April 2, 2006

Ello all
glad to see yall like my new theme :D because you know I like it
I did get the poem for the English project done and I would like you all to read it now please tell me what you think because I don’t want to sounds idiotic in front of my class reading it o.0 there are some big words in the poem , it’s a vocabulary poem xD [using words from my vocabulary unit] enjoy
Path of corruption :
The world has become dispassionate
Desecrate the minds of the innocent
Life and Death becoming inconsequential
Turn your cheek to the horrors
Odium running wild
Maybe its just me but
I can reprove almost everything in this society
The problems aren’t evanescent
I am acrimonious
Should I let the avarice of the government control my destiny
I might be ambiguous
But at least I wont be pretentious to win people over
Than disavow my promises
Now take a look at your leaders
Do you see what I see?
Other than totally freaking about my poem this weekend I read some of the book Kate gave me called ‘Shadowmancer’
played soccer with my dad and lil siblings braking part of the deck in the process ^^;
nothing else….
~Take care sweetheartz~
Comments (10) |
Saturday, April 1, 2006

Bonjour Mes Anges,
vous sont comment?
(yes im in a French mood :D)
I have fixed my site and I have a new theme up! Lovely is it not?? I worked on it all yesterday since I couldn’t come out of my room (fights with everyone in my family all at the same time)
Soo sorry I haven’t been getting around to every one *bows*
I order some books from Barns & Nobles [on the intenet im lazzzy]
Angel of Music: Tales of the Phantom of the Opera
Those are the tittles of the books I will be getting all under 50$ too :D
Other news I have a English mini project and I have to make a poem (by Monday) and im freaking out I want you all to read over it and critique it for me ill post it tomorrow (its not done yet ^^;;)
Hmm what else … ill try to get some friends buttons up today also and hopefully ill get to your sites ^^;;
~Take care sweetheartz~
Comments (10) |
Thursday, March 30, 2006

GRRR!!!!! i almosted deleated mysite! damn it!!!!1 .... ya sorry half my page isnt thatre!!! god damn it im to F*&^kn mad to think right now and i have to redo my site!! might as well delate it....
*trys to clam down* ill talk to yall later when i fell
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Comments (5) |
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Ello all
Seems yall like my welcome banner :D lol
Yesterday was Monday nothing special happened just went to skool than walked to Kate’s house and chilled for a bit
Well other than that I typed up my newer poem I uploaded it to my FanFictionPress site and ill post it up here because 1 nothing to post and 2 yall like my poetry :D and 3 got to get your opinions soo here it is
-Ecstasy Refined-
You seem happier
No, you’re just a better actor
The ones closest to you no longer see thought
You got it down to a science
Yet the cracks go deeper
The faults get bigger
Can the heart see thought where the eye can’t?
Or are they both clouded by self-indulgences
Happiness is unguarded smiles
Happiness is unbreakable able trust
Living in the darkness
Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel
But never being able to reach it
Happiness is friends to confided in
Happiness is lovers pulling you close
You seem happy on the surface
Have you found your purpose?
Do you wish to live another day?
Try to push back your tears
As the flood gates open
The cycle starts again
Are you but a servant to your inner demons?
Write out your sorrows as the new scriptures
Than some one will pull you in to the light
Happiness is an embrace
Happiness is dancing in the rain
Brake down the walls you put around your self
Smash that mask you made
You can never find happiness
Happiness is never being alone
Soo what did yall think of that? I still think I need to get better if I want to makes this a career but im my worst critic also ^^;;
Ecard of the day:

~Take Care Sweetheartz~