myO Still <3's You
Comments (5) | Permalink Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Your Pretty Face IS Going To Hell
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I scare Christians! (lol had to say that ^^;; ppl think im all satanic cuz im my Sn XP)
Bonjor cava?
That = to Ello what’s up in English XD love the French im doing well in that class I completed the project and I know what’s going on in that class ^^;;
Study hall is sooooo boring XD I made yet another poem I ‘m not posting it today cuz I just don’t want to type it XD but ill post it tomorrow the title is Dream Stealer
Im glad every one of yall like my poems if I ever get a book I know yall would buy it ^_^
Lol hmm im going to put up some of my friends favorite poems and mine too so there are 3 pomes in all for this post ^_^
(And if you have a favorite poem of mine can you tell me witch one and why? Thx ^^)
[Dave and Steff’s favorite poem]
Broken dreams
Shattered hearts
Lost hope
That is what you did to me
Memories flooding back
Reopening old wounds
Dried tears
Wilted flowers
Crumbling tombs
Your love made me happy
And lies made me bleed
Oh so many times
Clouded souls
Fallen angels
Demented lies
All that there is to say
All that there is to do
Is forgetting you!
[Kate Katie and Courtney’s favorite poem]
Rip my wings out so I can fly
Tear my eyes out so I never cry
Grab my hand and take it all away
Shred my heart up so I can't feel the pain
Take my voice so there is no silence
Fallow me thru this winding road
You stole my soul so I only have faith in you
You make me feel like never before
I tear my heart out to give you
I rip my wings out so I can
Fly away with you
[And my favorite poem that I don’t think I ever posted…till now! Also my first poem ever ^^]
What You Are To me:
You say this and that
you don’t want to hurt me but you broke me
you’ve turned your back on me
Why are you ignoring me?
Tell me now or ill move on
The way you look at me
And the way you made me feel
It’s burning me up on the inside
I wont be ignored I ‘m stronger than this
I wont cry one more tear for you
You’ve turned your back on me for the last time
You lost it all and now I’m gone
What do you have to say that you cared?
I put my trust in you
And you broke that trust
Now I’m gone out of your life
I’m now and forever an memories of what you
Could never do …
What you never said…
What you never showed…
The way I feel now is your entire fault
And now and forever
You’ll be an expense to me for all the
& Love I spent on you
Was all for what the lies you fed me?
Never again you and me are done
I am now set free
Love is ruined and lost for me but
I know your heart will never work again
You’ll die from the inside out
All you are to me is a memory!
(Long post and still more to go!)
Listing to:Close th the Flame~HIM
Talking to: no one (sorry Steff and Dave my dad pulled the plug yesterday to the modem XD)
Mood: Tired must sleeeep more!
You are Poetry.
You are often the most emotional of the arts. You
are introverted, in that you tend to let people
come to you rather than trying to get their
attention. You get along well with Music and
What form of art are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
What else would I be?
Q: If a student becomes the teacher, is the teacher now a student?
A: the teacher is ether working side by side with the student or the student took over the teacher job (at lest that’s what I think)
Q: How may toes does a mutant mole have?
A: most likely more than a regular mole would have maybe 20?
A: Betty how would I know where your mom is…
Q: Has New Jersey actually gone "Gay-Crazy"?
A: well the governor is gay so maybe
Q: Why am I typing?
A: cuz you are
A: cuz I don’t want to and I haven’t watched the first one ether
Q: Is it too awesome for you?
A: righttt
Q: Am I too awesome for you?
A: o.0 I don’t know are u Betty
Q: Do you know my friend? His names El Diablo.
A: yes I know the devil
Q: Why do you suck at Halo?
A: cuz I do & I don’t have a feel for the game
Q: - Why does Xbox suck?
A: cuz PS2 is better
Q: What is the profound meaning behind hairy balls?
Q: do u plan on divorcing Lucifer anytime soon?
A : hmm its hard to divorce him since he Lucifer and all but you never know ^^;;
~Take Care Sweetheartz~
Comments (9) | Permalink
Monday, September 20, 2004
They say That I must learn to kill before i can feel safe But I I rather kill myself then turn into their slave
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Ello all not so bored anymore
Have to go to skool for a whole week now XD we have been having 2 days than 4 than 3 never a whole week: P o joy…
What else is going on?. I made yet another poem! Are yall getting tired of reading them? [Hope not^^;;] I have 22 or 23 so Far. so when will I have a book?
Set In Stone:
Heart set in stone
Love scorn soul
Shot in the dark
Yet you still took my heart
Showing no fear
Shed a glass tear
Standing here
Could you have survived?
Was I ever alive
Can you make me live?
Rose turned to dust
Hate in to lust
Who in this world can I trust!
Death knows my name
And I know his just the same
I’m the only one to blame
As the flam
Burns away all that came before
Set in stone
Hope you enjoyed that one to ^_^ hmm now I have to top that one…. Are all artists like that? Not likening their work striving to make it perfect?
Listing to: City Of The Dead ~ the Rasmus
Talking to: no one (sorry to everyone I was talking to last night XD my dad pulled the plug on the modem that why I signed off so suddenly)
Mood:listing to music / chillin
You are a dark writer. A fierce and loyal follower
of Poe and the other gothic authors, you LOVE
to instill a sense of revulsion and somewhat
fear in your readers. You love to poke their
brains with logic dealing with the darker side
of the human mind and character. Truly
surprising and a true individual, you'll do
ANYTHING to create a scene. :)
What's YOUR Writing Style?
brought to you by Quizilla
Qestions: new part i adopted from my friend Dave [VileFantom](you can go to his site too and bug him with your ?s) go ahead ask me anything at all ill anwser in it in my next post ^^
~Take Care Sweetheartz~
Comments (8) | Permalink
Sunday, September 19, 2004
I held you close as we both shook for the last time take a good hard look!
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What is up?
Sooo bored nothing to do … o ya home worked I got half it don’t just need to type up one more thing and print 2 things out but im not motivated to do it XDD
So bored I chaged the site again and did this:
Created by papayarain and taken 286 times on bzoink!
+ THE GENERAL INFORMATIONAL JUMBLE + Full name [last names can be left out]: jennifer barany (now im going to get stalked) Nicknames: jen jenny poo XD (damn u dave)jenny Date of birth: march 29 1990 Place of birth: dunnelon NJ Current location [as in your home]: edison Other places [general areas] you've lived in: NJ Parent names and ages: brenda/johnny Sibling names and ages: brianna 7 / dale 5 / kris (evil) 15 Zodiac sign: Aries Chinese animal sign: Hores Birth stone: he blue one ^^ Birth flower: Xd i dono Birth colour: blue Birth number [add mon+day+yr until you arrive at a single digit:] 8 + KNOWING ONE'S FAVORITES + Type of food: MEXICON Specific food dish: TACO Colour: sliver Weather: snow Country: FINLAND City: dont know Store: hot topic Random object: pc Television show: any anime Movie: X/1999 Thing to say: WEEE Moment in history: civil war Holiday or event: b day Memory: none? + SIMPLE WORD ASSOCIATIONS + hate //...dream...// wish ...fake... snow //...monkey...// Betty taco // DAMN IT ...California... LP //...New York...// dave (cuz u live thare XP) long //...Dell...// MY PC ...hug... yay // .. more skool mom and dad //...alcohol...// whare? + ANSWERING QUESTIONS + [What is your definition of love?] when you can trust some one with youe heart [Are you fearful of being loved or loving someone? Why or why not?] yes cuz of the pian... [What is your general outlook on life?] "in the end it doent evin matter [What do you think about politics?] Xd dumbb [If you were president, what would you do?] not be like bush stop war [What did you want to be when you were 5-years old?] a chef [How about at 15-years old?] (im only 14 but) poet [What about now?] poet [Why has it, or hasn't it, changed?] cuz it has [What sort of people annoy you?] my brother [What sort of things do people do that give you hope?] my friends [What do you think of America right now?] its really scwed up [How about France?] DAMN THEm [How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?] 10000000 Still need a Halloween Costume?
Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!
listing to: I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance
talking to: steff kate and dave
mood:Bored (no bored puffs)
What Kind of Virgin Are You?
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ya that’s me XDD
~Take Care Sweetheartz~
Comments (10) | Permalink
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Ain't it fun when you know that you're gonna die young It's such fun
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Ello im so sorry if I dint get to your sites yesterday I was thinking (yes I can think) about almost everything u can imagine but mostly why.. Like why Sh*&%T happens…
My brother is going home!! Yay (back to my grandmother that’s where he lives)
He can’t live with me.. and I just don’t understand why he doesn’t like me and tried to kill me [ya he pushed me in front of a bus] I wonder what I ever did to him! I would love to know and fix it… am I that irritating some one would want to kill me? He gets almost every thing he wants because he the oldest child and my parents think its just a ‘phases’ they do every thing for him to make him feel happy so he wound do that again but when there not looking he dose it again! XD but he was like this since I was 4 pushing me in to walls hitting me but than when I trued 14 he pushes me in fount of a bus…. Lovely hu? I just don’t understand him what did I dooo too him is he jealous? But of what??? Sooo confused right now ill talk to yall later
Listing to:Since I Dont Have You by Guns N Roses
Talking to: steff and court
One Step Closer
IM A BOUT TO BREAK are the words that ring in your
head. They've pushed you to your breaking point
and you gonna let it all out right now. Scream
finally be heard this time.
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sooo true!
~Take Care Sweetheartz~
Comments (6) | Permalink
Friday, September 17, 2004
You love the way I look at you While taking pleasure in the awful things you put me through
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Ello all
What’s up with youz?
Nothing going on here so bored!
I was to lazzy to make a poem [I cant be creative all the time!]
I was left home again today and they say I can’t go anywhere (I would walk around aimlessly) but no I have to stay inside my big silent house that’s why I stay by my pc so I can talk to people
What else…….
I redid my quiz I have on qwizzila that’s about it
[It’s my shortest post ever!!!]
Listing to: Points Of Authority by LinkinPark
Talking to: Dave
Mood:bored (that’s the only bored looking one XDD)
You live for your friends you know they need you as
much as you need them ^-^ you care about them
and will always be thare for them
What Do You Live For ? (Up DaTed)
brought to you by Quizilla
Yay its my quiz ^_^!!!
~Take Care Sweetheartz~
Comments (9) | Permalink
Thursday, September 16, 2004
But i'm not ever going to know if i'm right or wrong 'cause we're all going in the same direction
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Ello all! Yay 4 day week endddddnesss for the Jewish holidays ( sorry if I didn’t get to your sites yesterday XD hw )
My mom was talking to me again >.<
She said I should get a Bf and not be so lonely … but im not that lonely ya im lonely when they leave me home alone duh.
She wants me to have an “older man” * gives mom blank stare at this point*
Than she says “ ya like 16 or 17 that’s a good age ^^” (me o.0) I want to know why she really wants me to have a bf
Its not like I don’t want one… but what’s up with her? Wired wired mom
Maybe I should get one to shut her up… but one I like SOOO CONFUSEING!! Damn mom
~ ~ ~
I made yet another poem ^^;; if I make one every day ( looks like I might but that’s cuz I have nothing to do in study hall) I will have a book soon YAY 180 days sooo ya a good amount of poems ^_^ happiness here is my latest one-
In Joy & Sorrow:
Is happiness nothing at all?
Beauty slain
Nothing to regain
Miss fortune and fame
With no regrets at all
Sacrificing every thing
To walk on
Soulless eyes
Looking out on the world
So dead and gone
Iv seen more than I should have
With no regrets
I move on
My own
Yet another I made in study hall… my be I should call my self a poet yall think I am ^^;; maybe this could be my career could youz see me as a poet for a perfusion?
Listing to:From The Inside By LP!!
Talking to: no one (sooory every one I was talking to on aim last night I fell asleep ^^;;)
Mood:confused (about the whole bf thingy)
~~~~-^ OPPOSITE LOVE^-~~~~
Your love is wierd. You suddenly fell inlove or
have a cruch on an enemy or someone you though
you never date. You seem shy,silent,and nicer
to that person. tip,so you like an
enemy,oppisite always attrake.
LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.UPDATED
brought to you by Quizilla
~Take Care Sweetheartz~
Comments (6) | Permalink
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Amidst all tears there's a smile
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Last day of school till we get a four day week end YAY
I made another poem today
At this rate ill have a book by the end of freshmen year ^^;;
Here it is I think is more of my happier ones …. Lol
Dust of futures past:
Stop living in the past
Move on
Be strong
Stop living a lie
Live your dream
Live now
Come on
Still going strong
Nothing will go wrong
No one can hold you back
Nothing to hide
There are no more lies
Sift thru the dust
Make it the future
And forget the past
Was that good? I randomly made that in study hall
Listing to: In Joy And Sorrow by HIM
Talking to: my self
Innocence. you still enjoy childish games and you
like to act immature. It's not what you do,
it's the way you are, you're sometimes shy but
hey! Sometimes you're dumb and stubborn, but
it's what makes you cute.
What Spirit Do You Represent?(Anime Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
~Take Care Sweetheartz~
Comments (6) | Permalink
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Pages (91): [ First ][ Previous ] 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 [ Next ] [ Last ]with souls to be saved and faith regained all our tears wipe away
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Joy to the world my brother knows when to back down XD
He was yelling at me today (seem to be like a pattern for him) and I just snapped and yelled right back at him. He dint know what was going on I am usually vary quite and reserve so no one really knows my emotions. The look on his face was priceless ^^ I think he was scared… I never really yell ether so whooo hooo I sacred him.. Maybe now he will stop doing shit to me ^^ im just happy I haven’t been happy in a long time like a year that I have been happy happy lol and me being happy is scaring my mom lol she thinks im all psycho or something but nopppeee
And I hugged my dad I think that gave him a heart attack lol I haven’t hugged some one in sooo long ether XD
[maybe im to happpy.... is that posible?^^;;]
~ ~ ~
My Statistics:
Total Visits: 1711
Popularity Ranking: # 138
(239) Guest book entries
Artist Rating: 71% [63 votes]
Number of Pictures: 4
Last updated: 08/06/04
Listing to: Nemo by Nightwish
Talking to:NO one
Mood:Happy! Lol yay
Time:6:06 am
You're a "Green Angel". You're one person
who is extremely protective of people around
you (especially your friends) and you'd end up
as a gaudian angel. You're stronger than most
and aren't ashamed to show it. People know how
tough you are and don't dare to mess with you
when you get mad. You're real close with your
friends and couldn't live wihout them so even
in heaven, you want to help them. You know
they'd want you as a gaudian angel and you'd
love to be able to ensure safety of your
friends for yourself because you're on of those
"If you want something done right, do it
yourself" kind of person. (please forgive
me if you cannot see the pics. I'm having some
difficulty with them. If you'd like to see your
result picture, email me @ and tell me ur
What Color Angel Are You? (PICS)
brought to you by Quizilla
~Take Care Sweetheartz~
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